Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 519: Freedom Games

Chapter 519: Freedom Games

Now that he had taken care of his two beautiful wives, and had removed any negative thoughts of their minds, it was time for him to take out a portion of his anger.

Those motherfu*ckers had dared to touch his wives, and even plot, harm, torture, and make them suffer all this time.

There was no way in hell he was ever going to forgive those scum for what they had done, and their pain would start from now on.

In this few days that he had arrived in Fortress Rock City, and once again raised the barrier, he had already taken control of the place using his guard army, and his powerhouses.

None of the people that were inside the Rock Fortress City the moment he restored the barrier dared to oppose him, or his take over.

They already felt lucky that they weren't being killed as matters stood, so how could they ever think of walking towards their own death.

Even though it still looked like a nightmare, Tianlong Yun had gone against the Earth Faction and had also restored the barrier of Rock Fortress City.

No matter how much those guys on the outside tried to go against the barrier, it seemed like they weren't even able to cause a ripple to it.

For that reason, Rock Fortress City became a special place, and they had no other choice but to accept Tianlong Yun's, and his army rule.

As he had been busy with his ladies Tianlong Yun didn't have much of an idea what was going around the city, as he had left all the matters into Jiang Bo's hands.

It was truly hard to believe the journey of Jiang Bo, as from the stupid delinquent he was before he met with Tianlong Yun he had turned into such a loyal, and capable butler for Tianlong Yun.

At the moment Tianlong Yun was living in the City Lord Mansion, and all his guard army and people were concentrated there and in the surroundings.

They were accommodated there as a show of strength and power so that those free idiots didn't try anything funny.

Tianlong Yun knew that really soon he would have to represent them with a choice, but right now he had much more important things to do, it was time to put on a show for the public.

With that thought, he got out of his chambers, where he left his two beauties rest in the peace of their sleep and was met with Jiang Bo at the door.

Without stopping even for a second, Tianlong Yun continued walking towards the exit being followed by Jiang Bo, as he only said,

"Is everything ready!?"

Jiang Bo knew that his Master was truly angry at this point, so he didn't dare to tarry with his words, as he immediately answered,

"Yes Master, everything is ready!"

"Very well!"

This was everything that Tianlong Yun said, as he got out of the City Lord Mansion, and continued walking towards the Rock Fortress City center.

The center was a big and wide plaza, filled with empty vending stalls, and a non-working big fountain in the middle of the plaza.

Normally it would be empty as all the cultivators in the city would be trying their luck in the buildings of the city, either for resources, techniques, or anything of the sort.

Even though this place had been swept clean, there were still quite a few that were trying to look for crumbles.

That was also the reason why there were still so many people in the Fortress Rock City, as their numbers were a clear 6.000 at least.

People of any race, color, belief, standing, and strength were roaming this place, considering it a treasure vault, even though an already cleaned one.

If there was one thing that Earth had in big numbers that was human beings, and a certainly lot of them had decided to get in this place.

Just from the entrance from where Tianlong Yun and his people entered this place, more than a few tenths of thousands entered this place, and there were at least 12 other entrances.

Not to mention the locals, who might very well be infiltrating these places in order to get information on the Earth Faction.

Everything was possible in this place, as the situation was just becoming heavier and heavier, but right now Tianlong Yun didn't care about that.

That was a concern for later, right now there was something much, much more important for him to do, and that was to punish those damn motherfu*ckers.

It was precisely for that reason that the normally empty plaza was today full of people chitchatting, and showing weird complexions and faces.

Around the fountain of the plaza, there were set 4 big stages, each of them having a big cage on top of it, containing the captured Young Masters of the other day.

They seemed to be angry and enraged for being set up like this, and the fact that these people were just watching them like they were some kind of animals in the zoo, but that was all.

They didn't seem to be afraid of what was expecting them, to them this was most probably the worst they could suffer, as Tianlong Yun shouldn't have the balls to do something more.

After all, even though they were in such a place, and captured, they were still people of influence and had frightening backgrounds behind them.

There was no way that Tianlong Yun would be able to stay with his life if he did something to them, not that he would be able to with how the situation had evolved anyway.

But they failed to understand one thing, Tianlong Yun had already gone against the Earth Faction, and he had done so with full clarity.

Perhaps they held some value as negotiation chips, but they seemed to have forgotten why this all thing happened in the first place, and why they were captured.

As they seemed to be resting in their cages, the crowd suddenly got noisy again, as they started opening a way from the outskirts towards the cages.

The whole crowd was moving uniformly, like the sea waves at the shore, opening the path for Tianlong Yun and Jiang Bo to pass through.

Above the transparent barrier, all the experts and powerhouses suddenly stopped their attacks, as they were looking towards Tianlong Yun with scary and raged eyes like they were about to drink his blood.

Quite the irony, as Tianlong Yun had turned into a monster that would usually suck other's blood, but that was completely unrelated.

No matter who was present at the plaza, they all thought that Tianlong Yun had come there in order to have a talk with those outsides, and perhaps even try to negotiate.

After all the Young Masters he had managed to capture weren't small figures. They were all leaders or vice leaders of their own organizations here in Soul Land.

Those idiots inside the cages seemed to be thinking the same thing, as they all looked with a bored look towards Tianlong Yun, as one of them said in a haughty tone,

"You have the galls to make us wait this long!? Don't you know who this father is? How dare you make me wait? Now tell us your conditions, and price, how much do you want to let us leave?"

Tianlong Yun was walking towards another cage when he heard this guy say those words, as he halted his steps, looked at him with a weird look, and then continued walking towards his destination.

After making a round walk around the fountain, and looking at the faces of each and every one of the Young Masters in there, he finally flew over the fountain as he started saying,

"Ladies and gentlemen inside the barrier, but even for those of you outside, in a short time we will start the 'Freedom Games'!

This is a special program that we have designed for your entertainment, but even in the hope of reaping some good 'karma'.

Taking into consideration the immense 'gratitude', and 'respect', I have for the big Earth Faction, their Young Master's towards the treatment they gave to my clan, and especially my wives.

I decided to give them this Golden opportunity to all of them, an opportunity to leave this place without the need to even pay a goodbye or thank you to us!"

His words clearly surprised the whole crowd, as no one expected something like that. It was completely out of their imagination.

They had thought that Tianlong Yun would start threatening those experts and powerhouses to retreat or try to negotiate with them over the price of these Young Masters.

But instead, he had just announced a stupid game!? There was one thing that everyone seemed to be o skipping through at this moment though.

The words with each Tianlong Yun were directed to those Young Masters in cages. They were clear sarcasm!

But he had said those words with such a calm, and natural tone, and such eloquence that no one seemed able to have understood what he had said.

It was like he had just said the truth, and that he truly felt like that towards the Earth Faction and their Young Masters.

In fact, even those idiots inside the cages didn't seem to have paid real attention to his words, as one of those pricks jumped in front of the others, and said,

"And why should this daddy of yours here play this game of yours? Who the fu*ck do you think you are!?"

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