Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 521: Entrance & Reason

Chapter 521: Entrance & Reason

The instructions were clear, and simple actually, the Young Masters and Young Misses inside the cages would fight together to determine the strongest of the cage, without killing each other.

This was a part of the game, but also a great opportunity for each and every one of them to show their strength to the public.

In their minds, this was a perfectly justified publicity that Tianlong Yun was helping them to perform, and they couldn't have asked for better.

They were all just about to get on with the games when the crowd started opening once again, as Tianlong Yue and Lu Bing joined the venue.

After these 2 days with their husband, they looked like they had completely changed. From those weak, and destroyed corpses they had returned to the fresh flowers they were before.

Their presence and appearance made a lot of people in the crowd exclaim, and even dream for a moment, but the moment they were remembered of the two ladies' position, they killed those dreams.

Tianlong Yun had gone against the whole Earth Faction for the two of them, so each and every one of them was nothing more than a dust particle on his way.

There was no way for them to even dream about the two of them, let alone have them by their side.

But while most of the crowd was feeling like that and lowered their heads when the two of them walked towards Tianlong Yun, there were people who didn't share those thoughts.

All the Young Masters inside the cages seemed to have forgotten what brought them where they were in the first place, as their desires, and looks were obvious to everyone in the crowd.

Each and every one of them seemed to be wanting to eat the two ladies, just like the dogs they were, and not even leave out her bones.

The Young Misses on the other side had the same intensity fire in their eyes, the only problem was that they had the fire of jealousy, besides one though, she truly seemed to want Tianlong Yun's wives.

Noticing this, the whole crowd turned their eyes towards Tianlong Yun, worried and expectant of his reaction.

Tianlong Yun didn't seem as angry as they thought though, in fact he seemed to be even calmer, and colder at this moment, which kind of creeped out everyone in the crowd.

There was no way that was a good sign now, was it!?

But not everyone seemed to notice that sign, and even if they did they had decided to ignore it. After all, what could Tianlong Yun do to them?

He had gone so far as to create this stupid little game just to let them leave easily, and without having to pay a thing.

With their background behind them, Tianlong Yun wouldn't dare to even pluck a hair from their body, if he dared he would have already done so.

So, they couldn't help but create some illusions for the future. For example, if they showed their skills, and abilities in front of them, and defeated Tianlong Yun at the end, then perhaps they might change mind.

There were even those who were prepared to challenge Tianlong Yun to a fight with them at the stake, he would surely be unable to refuse them.

As they were thinking like that, they couldn't help but have a dirty grin on their face, as they had finally met the opportunity they were seeking.

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun was looking at the faces of his two wives, at first, they had been scared, and frightened, but the moment they looked at him they completely changed.

It was like suddenly they had received some high-quality drug that made their courage soar through the sky, and he was happy with that.

The looks of those motherfu*ckers in the cages were certainly getting on his nerves, and he couldn't wait to start torturing them, but he had to be patient.

If only they knew what expected them

Tianlong Yue and Lu Bing were walking slowly and hesitantly through the crowd at first, as their wounds were still opened.

They could still remember all the pain, suffering, and torture they had gone through, and they became even more conscious about it the moment they felt the eyes upon them.

Especially the eyes of those monsters in the cages, they were like vultures looking at them from afar.

But then a warm and cozy sense covered them, and they raised their heads a bit, to see their husband looking at them with a worried face.

That face it was all it took, as all their fear, their pain, their suffering, their nightmares, and every other negative feeling completely disappear.

He was the sun in their dark world, and he didn't seem to have any idea of ever leaving their side, or abandoning them.

If it was for his sake, then every pain, suffering, and torture they suffered was worth it. He was their Earth, and Heaven, he was their man.

With these new thoughts, they raised their heads high and started walking towards him, without caring a bit about the looks of other people on them.

They were focused totally on one person, the rest could go on and disintegrate for as much as they cared.

In fact, a thought of pity graced their minds for those monsters in the cages, as apparently, they had yet to understand what awaited them, and who had they infuriated.

If someone just thought of doing something bad to them, Tianlong Yun would make sure his life was a living hell, then what about someone who had put them through so much suffering?

As if that wasn't enough, these guys still had the audacity to look at two of them with those eyes in their presence, they were truly ignorant and pitiful.

It was at that moment, that the two ladies suddenly took a look at each other, and it looked like that was enough to understand what the other was thinking, as they both let out a chuckle.

They didn't really know what Tianlong Yun had prepared for these guys, but surely it would make their pain, suffering, and torture feel like a breeze, they were sure of that.

The crowd wasn't able to understand the quick change of mood from the ladies, as it looked more like they had lost it.

It wouldn't be a big surprise after all that might have happened, but it didn't seem like it was quite the case.

Those monsters in the cages were even less able to understand, as fury was built inside them, intense rage, and fury!

How could it not!? After all, everything they had done seemed to have been useless, and painful even, while now these two could laugh cutely, and sweetly like that.

They were jealous of Tianlong Yun, they wanted to eat his body, and drink his blood, but at the same time, they were furious at these two women.

These two bi*tches dared to reject them all and be beside a man such as the trash in front of them. How could their 'Macho' personality accept something like that?

Now they were even more fired up for whatever was to come! As they didn't bother to hide their killing intent and their mood from Tianlong Yun or anyone else.

The guy himself seemed to be unbothered by that, as he just waited for his wives to reach his place, and then made a sign,


The moment he said that every monster inside the cage immediately moved from his position as they tried to take the initiative.

Everyone knew that the best offense is the best defense, furthermore, an initial sneak attack increased their chances of taking out their competition.

They didn't know each other well, but they could guess their opponent's strength, as everyone would go against the one they felt was the most dangerous to them.

But that wasn't the only strategy that was applicable to these cage fights, and these guys weren't truly stupid either.

After all, they were all Young Masters and Young Misses from big organizations, so they knew that strength wasn't all there was to it.

Right after the first chaotic attacks on their targets, without looking at the success or failure of their attack, they passed to the second strategy.

The weaker joined forces to attack the strong, the ladies used their charms, and promises to get help, while the strong would start mocking and break the spirits of the weak.

Tianlong Yun was still standing above the fountain with Tianlong Yue, and Lu Bing by his side, as Jiang Bo was on the back.

Jiang Bo was looking at the scene in front of him with a cold and stoic look, but there was a cloud of confusion on his face.

The monsters in the cages were strong, after all, each and every one of them was in the early stages of Nascent Soul Realm.

They were no challenge to his Master, and himself, but they were arguably strong, they were above average, but still, this didn't make much sense to him.

Noticing his confusion, and face, Tianlong Yun who was looking carefully at the battles below him, asked in a calm, and low voice,

"What is that you don't understand Jiang Bo?"

Jiang Bo was a bit startled that his name had been called like that, but he decided to be direct, he knew that his Master liked to be direct, and concise as he said,

"Forgive me for my rudeness Master, but why are you doing all this? Wouldn't it be easier if we just tortured them directly?"

Tianlong Yun seemed to have expected something like that, as he answered in the same calm and low voice,

"Well let me answer your question with another question Jiang Bo, why do people feed a sheep well, even though they will kill it for its meat in a short time!?"

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