Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 513: Negotiations of Surrender

Chapter 513: Negotiations of Surrender

To say everyone was shocked would be a lie, as there were people who seemed to have expected something like this.

In fact, there were more people who were seeing this as normal, than those who were shocked by the way the events turned out.

All those felt like it was only logical, and that was something that they would try to do too. It was the only way for them to get out of there alive.

This was precisely one of the reasons why these guys were just cannon fodder and were despised almost everywhere.

They had no loyalty, nor morals, nor a bottom line. They would do whatever they could in order to survive, even if it meant selling their friends and family.

But they weren't the only ones who seemed to welcomed such an action from those powerhouses, as the Young Masters appreciated it too.

Like this, they wouldn't have to tire themselves or their forces out, and could just deal with Tianlong Yun and his wives later.

As a matter of fact, this was even better, because right now they had a chance to humiliate, and torture Tianlong Yun as much as they wanted.

Most probably those two bitches would do everything they could to save him from pain, even if it meant telling them the secret they knew about the barrier formation.

The more they thought like this, the happier they became, as it looked like this was going to be their luckiest day ever.

Still, they were raised in powerful organizations, so they knew pretty well how to haggle and negotiate for conditions.

There was no way they would look anxious and rash about this deal, as one of them took the front and said,

"What about those ladies by his side?"

He was most certainly referring to Tianlong Yue, Lu Bing, and Tianlong Yun's four maids. Tianlong Yue and Lu Bing were beauties of their own category and level, but those maids weren't bad either.

From the moment that the 3rd level Boundary Ascension Powerhouse had captured, and blocked Tianlong Yun, the two ladies were trying to recollect their selves as much as they could to help him out.

They didn't know just who these masked guys were, and they didn't care how powerful they truly were, they only wanted to help their husband, even if it meant that they would suffer hell to do it.

It was clearly painful for them to even move a finger, and even less to try and recollect themselves, and their strength.

But they weren't allowed to do that, as the moment the first one had moved, immediately the other three were thrown into action, as they had blocked Tianlong Yue, Lu Bing, and the maids too.

It was clear that this was a group decision, and none of them seemed to be left out. They all wanted to leave this place alive.

They didn't care about the ashen, and murderous faces of Tianlong Yue, and Lu Bing, as the one doing the negotiating said,

"We will be returning Young Masters properties to them in full! Certainly, these ladies already belong to Young Masters, we have no weird idea of keeping them!"

It was clear why everyone had accepted this guy to do the negotiations, he had a truly sharp mouth and choose his words carefully.

Furthermore, there seemed no hesitation whatsoever in his words, as he just handed Tianlong Yun's wives and maids to those Young Masters.

There was most certainly going to be no way for Tianlong Yun to calmly accept this situation, as he seemed to get angrier by the second.

It looked like every cell on his body was becoming enraged by what he was hearing and living through, and it was being overpowered.

But the shackles upon him weren't ordinary either, they were shackles placed upon him by a Boundary Ascension powerhouse, and no matter how much extra power he used he couldn't escape from it.

The crowd had to say that they were extremely satisfied with the show. There had been a twist in almost every step, so they were getting a bit sad that it was getting over.

Seeing that their conditions were accepted easily, it didn't make much of a wonder for the Young Masters, as this was only expected after looking at their strength, and numbers.

Certainly, if they fought they would lose a part of their experts most probably but still in the end their win was assured, so this betrayal and surrendering were to be expected.

With those thoughts in mind, they all seemed to have come to the same conclusion as another one of them said in a clear voice,

"Very well we accept your smart, and kind decisions, and would like to thank you for giving us a way to solve this matter without much blood spilled.

As a matter of fact, my EITS organization would like to express to you gentlemen our gratitude, and invite you to our quarters to show you our hospitality and appreciation!"

Now, this was a startling fact, as not only seemed like those powerhouses would survive but they were also being offered a place in one of the big organizations.

It was nothing short of being a great opportunity disguised as a disaster for them, but not only for them.

Everyone in the crowd could understand the simple logic, each and every one of those four guys was a level 3 Boundary Ascension powerhouse.

While their number wasn't limited to the number of fingers on both hands, they were still rare to be found, and they formed the big house on top of every foundation.

The one who had just spoken now seemed to understand that faster, and better as anyone, as he got the advantage in the talks, but certainly, the other Young Masters wouldn't be left behind.

As he was immediately followed,

"Our Masons organization would like to do the same as well!"

"Our Famiglia organization would like to do the same as well!"

All of a sudden, all the Young Masters in there were fighting over them, but they still hadn't forgotten about Tianlong Yun, his wives, and his maids.

At this point, the negotiator showed his skills one more time, as he said,

"We brothers are honored to receive such high estimation, and value from the Young Masters, and we will certainly choose our next 'home' wisely.

But now, I would like you to relieve us from the burden of shackling him, as it is really taxing for me, after the battle we just took part in!"

It was only now that the Young Masters and their respective powers noticed that there were more than a few powerhouses missing from the United Settlement line-up, and they got a little bit angry.

Anger that was immediately gone the next instant as they thought about the possibility of having their killers under their orders.

This was the world of cultivation, one was cared, and given importance only as long as he held strong, and value.

Once he lost these two, then he was nothing more than one of the many that did so. So, these Young Master didn't truly feel pain or sadness upon losing them.

They were only enthusiastic as they thought for the future. They were looking forward to the time when they would return to Earth and then take their rightful places, at the head of their organizations.

Each and every one of them was thinking far into the future, as the present was in their hands and they could easily take control of it.

With the strength, numbers, and power that they had in their disposition in this place, it was impossible for each and every one of them to not create his own ideas.

But there was one big problem that needed to be solved right now! Who was going to take control of Tianlong Yun, his wives, and his maids' shackles?

Or to be more exact, to whom would that masked guy hand over the control to? This was going to be a tricky issue to be solved no matter how one looked at it.

But that guy didn't seem to worry much about it, as he immediately took some strange cuffs from his space ring, and then cuffed Tianlong Yun with them.

No one seemed to understand how that would solve the problem, but he did the same thing with the ladies as well, as he finally took out several keys, and said,

"Young Masters this old man is dull and useless, so he decided to cuff this 'monster' and your possessions with some special cuffs.

These cuffs are called, the 'Infinite Key Cuffs', and would produce as many keys as one wants, but their specialty doesn't end here, as the true specialty is that it requires all the keys to be opened.

I would like to offer, and hand over a key to each one of you, like that this old and dull old man can finally close this deal in peace!"

Everyone understood, like this, he was showing that he sided with no one, and also handed over Tianlong Yun, his wives, and his maids to all of them.

They could find no fault with him, or his words. But did there truly exist such a wonderful object? It seemed like it was too good to be true.

But before anyone could say any word of disbelief, he said,

"This old dull man is willing to testify my words with my head!"

That put the lid in this whole ordeal, no one dared to doubt him when even that traitor had placed his head as a stake.

When everything was said and done, he extended a key to each renowned and important Young Master in there.

There were a few old fogies who still didn't seem to trust him, as they took out the keys for control, but after finding nothing wrong with them, they handed the keys to their Young Masters.

When every key reached its owner, everyone heard a light laugh starting to course through the place

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