Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 514: Situation Reversed

Chapter 514: Situation Reversed

It was a peal of weird and hysterical laughter, it looked like the laughter of a mental person of sorts. So, everyone turned their head and look towards the source of that laughter.

The person laughing was no one but the star of the show they had been watching until now, it was Tianlong Yun.

The moment everyone understood that they all thought that he had just been pushed over the edge and had gone crazy.

But they didn't have time to think like that, as the next moment something even more unbelievable happened!

A barrier formation started rising from the ground and was seemed like it would envelop all of them in there, but it didn't.

The barrier got bigger and bigger but it didn't envelop all of them inside or push all of them outside, it seemed like the barrier was selecting the people who could easily pass through it, and those that couldn't.

Those that were chosen by the barrier wouldn't need to move from their place, as the barrier would pass like nothing but air.

As those who weren't chosen would be pushed, and forced to stay outside the barrier formation, unable to breakthrough.

Everyone was shocked and stunned by this happening, they didn't understand how and when it happened, it was really sudden.

Before the Young Masters, and those powerhouses beside them could react, the barrier had already enveloped Tianlong Yun, his army, his wives, and his maids.

But it didn't stop there either as it was getting bigger and bigger, and was slowly reaching the altitude where those Young Masters and their armies were.

Seeing this happen, their bodyguards and security got in front of them, facing the barrier, but before they could take position the barrier was there, pushing them away. 

If they were able to enter then their Young Master would be fine to enter as well, but if they failed they had to take their Young Masters away from there.

They did what they did with these thoughts on their mind, but the push from the barrier had been so strong that broke their balance and formation.

Seeing this happen the Young Masters followed their instincts and immediately tried to escape, but the barrier formation seemed to be faster than most of them, as more than a few were let through inside.

In less than a few seconds the situation completely changed and reversed, now it wasn't Tianlong Yun who was in a bad position anymore, but these poor Young Masters.

It was only now that everyone understood why Tianlong Yun was laughing a moment ago, and they finally understood where they were staying upon.

They had been so attracted by everything that was happening, that none of them had understood that they were standing over the area of Rock Fortress City.

Everyone was shocked for a few moments, none of them could even make sense of what was going on.

Not long ago they had been mocking Tianlong Yun, and thinking that everything was right in their hands, and now the situation had totally reversed.

It was the armies and entourage of the Young Master that got trapped inside the first to recollect their selves and start hitting the barrier with everything they had, in order to destroy it, and enter inside.

At this point, they had turned into some kind of berserk animals only hitting the barrier with every dreg of power in their body, but the barrier didn't seem to care, in fact, it seemed like it was getting stronger.

In the meantime, those Young Masters stuck inside were trying to do whatever they could to get out, but it was impossible, they were trapped in there.

To say the audience was dumbfounded would be an understatement, after all, not only had Tianlong Yun just escaped his downfall, but he had totally reversed the situation and had captured a few hostages.

This whole thing seemed too crazy, everything seemed impossible, but the look on Tianlong Yun's face said that he had planned it all.

One small mistake in his plan, and he might have ended up dead, or even worse, yet right now he was looking at his trapped flies with a happy look.

When he prepared everything for the plan he had most certainly expected for a few flies to fall for the honey trap but he didn't expect to be so many of them.

There were exactly 15 Young Masters who had fallen for the honey trap and had been unable to escape the barrier.

He had thought that those old fogies by their side would spoil his plans by holding on to the keys to his 'special cuffs' but fortunately, they hadn't.

Those keys had his soul mark, and were like special keys to enter the barrier, but not escape from it, one could think of them as one use if Tianlong Yun so wished.

How did everything culminate to this!?

The moment that Tianlong Yun got outside of the Heaven's Rage Abyss, the first thing he did was look for the trio in charge of the barrier, Jiang Bo, Yang Xiu, and the beautiful tigress.

From what he had heard they had not been captured and should know everything that had happened.

At first, he was mad at them for not protecting Tianlong Yue, and Lu Bing, but knowing about what had happened, it did calm him down.

The situation within the Rock Fortress City had changed really suddenly, as some idiot Young Master had decided to trap his wives.

With the support of his background, and a few promises he had managed to get the rest of the crowd in his side, as his wives were declared guilty and forced to be the vanguard.

The vanguard of a side that had no intention whatsoever to fight, in few words they were sent there to die.

Looking at the situation the two women had decided to take the Shadow Clan disciples and escape the place, but that douchebag seemed to have been waiting for this, as he was trying to corner them.

He had decided to corner them against the barrier, and deal the heavy blow there and then, like that he would have much more evidence of their supposed 'betrayal'.

But everything changed when he saw the barrier open for them, and they leave the place. He had gone crazy at that point and forgot just what kind of secret he had just seen.

So, he had thrown a tantrum when he reached his tent once again, making everyone hear about the secret, and since his underlings had a loose tongue the whole camp learned about it.

The moment when he was finally able to recollect himself and get wind of what he had just done it was already too late, as he had turned into the target of the whole Rock Fortress City.

It was needless to say that he had a truly bad end, but was still left alive! Not long after someone finally noticed that the Nightmare Forest started to disappear, and this cause another ruckus in the place.

Unexpectedly, one day those damn beast locals finally appeared with different intentions as they said they wanted peace, as long as they send some people to investigate what was happening.

It was clear that it was a suicide mission, but it was the lives of the few, for the whole Earth Faction, so they agreed to a deal almost immediately.

Furthermore, it was time to show these animals why they shouldn't mess up with people from Earth, as they started their side work, and side business.

With the involvement of those guys the situation had taken a turn for the worse, as the moment Jiang Bo understood this he decided to leave the barrier and join the masses.

If they were found by those guys then it would over for them, and they would also become a target for the Earth Faction and Soul Land people.

Tianlong Yun wasn't there to instruct them, but he knew that he couldn't allow those guys to find out about them, so he decided to do whatever the enemy couldn't think of.

They started wandering with the Earth Faction as free cultivators in order to try and mislead their tracks of their fellow clansmen.

They had managed to do this more than a few times, but in the end, the Earth Faction had sent a few Boundary Ascension powerhouses, and their fellow clansmen were caught without them being able to help.

After that, all this time they had been trying to find a way to help them escape but the security was too tight, and they couldn't do anything about it.

So, they decided to wait for Tianlong Yun in there no matter how much it took. Of course, hearing the rumors going around had made them angry, and they were planning a hit on one of those pricks.

But their strength was truly lacking, so they couldn't do anything about it, besides, endure. If Tianlong Yun hadn't appeared in time, they would have gone and attacked the place even if it meant death.

Tianlong Yun knew that they were telling the truth and that Jiang Bo had done a wise call, but he still couldn't help but get angry.

The more he approached the United Settlement, the more rumors he heard about his wives' sufferings and the angrier he got.

He was enraged but there was nothing he could do about it, and if he went there rashly he would just be walking towards his death.

So he had to make a plan in order to help them escape from there, and at the same time to give a big blow to those motherfu*ckers

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