Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 512: Betrayed & Trapped

Chapter 512: Betrayed & Trapped

The situation seemed to have totally changed for Tianlong Yun and his army, they had come here to cause damage but now they were trying to escape with their lives.

All his bravery and courage of fighting to the end, and making the United Settlement pay for what they had done seemed to have disappeared right now.

Certainly, the death of two Boundary Ascension powerhouses, and of all those cannon fodder would hurt a bit, but was that what he meant by making them pay?

Wasn't that just a bit too shallow? But inside they couldn't quite blame him either, as who would have ever expected for the Earth Faction to make a move so quickly.

With the power he had against the United Settlement he could easily put up a fight, and most probably would win, seeing that he had already killed two levels 3 Boundary Ascension powerhouses.

But things had certainly surpassed his expectations, as right now he had been entrapped, and most probably would be caught or killed.

For a member of the young generation he had done quite good, but he had come at the end of his way, his story would be closed today, in this place.

It was a shame as he looked like a promising figure for the future, but he had just been too rash in making his decision to come against the Earth Faction at such a time.

He should have waited a little bit more, when he was strong enough, or when he had enough power to go against them. This was most certainly not that moment.

While some of the spectators felt a bit remorseful for such a character disappearing, some were just looking forward to the show.

No one dared to take this lightly it was going to be a great battle, it was the battle between a trapped mouse and its mortal enemy.

The mouse would do whatever it took to escape from the set-up trap, while its enemy would try to capture or kill him without suffering many losses.

At this moment even those 4 Boundary Ascension powerhouses that were holding the fort against the United Settlement guys left the barrier and made a run on the other side.

It was like they had understood that their castle had fallen, their chances were grim, so they immediately decided to run away and escape with their lives.

This was going to be a great hit for Tianlong Yun as not only had he lost those four Boundary Ascension powerhouses, but a big number of angered enemies would join the battle against him.

No matter how one looked at it, his already grim chances had become even grimmer as it felt like the battle would be useless.

Just as everyone expected, the moment that Tianlong Yun noticed their betrayal, he started screaming and cursing at them for being some damn cowards.

Not only that, he was cursing them with whatever was coming to his mind, it seemed like he had totally lost it at that moment.

Even their plan of making a breakthrough and escape through the west had become nothing more than a joke at the moment, as they were truly entrapped at that moment.

The enemies were clearly far away, but all their sides had been blocked, even if they used every single dreg left of their Qi, and energy they would still die.

From now on it seemed like it would be a matter of honor and dignity, would Tianlong Yun die trying to escape? Or would he surrender and keep his life?

The expression on his eyes was clearly that of a madman, of someone who had been betrayed at his direst straits, and that he would do everything to take revenge.

He seemed like a beast on the berserk mode that didn't look who was around him anymore and just wanted to kill as many as it could.

The faces of those around him weren't good either, they were all panicky, and seemed scared of what was to come.

It seemed like none of them wanted to die here and now. Nobody seemed ready to enter reincarnation so soon.

They had followed him up to here thinking that they were going to win, but now none of them wanted to go down with the ship.

Even though they couldn't see the faces of those four Boundary Ascension powerhouses, the people in the crowd could easily imagine their faces.

They must surely be having some really solemn, cold, and thinking faces right now. Should they stay loyal to Tianlong Yun and fight? Or should they escape like those guys from earlier did?

Each and every one of them would have its own decision to make, but after living for so long and reaching such a level of cultivation, and strength they shouldn't even think of dying.

Even the faces of Tianlong Yun's maids had become ashen at this point. They were looking really worried at their situation, and their Master's state.

He truly looked like he had lost it, but that wasn't even the worst about their current situation, as in a short time they would end up in their enemies' hands.

Even the two tortured beauties Tianlong Yue, and Lu Bing, that had passed out a while ago were awake now, as they were still trying to understand what was going on.

This whole thing had blown way out of proportions, and it was their fault, for being captured, and still being alive.

If it weren't for them Tianlong Yun wouldn't have appeared here today, and he wouldn't have been surrounded as he was.

They couldn't believe their eyes as their calm, and composed man had lost it so much, as he seemed like some kind of animal at this moment.

Even though they were really pale and looked to be on the verge of death more than he did, they still were able to mumble with their weak voice,

"We are sorry husband, it's all our fault! If it weren't for us you wouldn't be here, but don't worry we will follow you to death and beyond!"

What man's heart wouldn't melt at those words, one could profess their love millions of times, but it would never compare to such an act.

But their words seemed to have the opposite effect of what they wished, as Tianlong Yun got even more crazy hearing those words, as he started roaring like someone had touched his reverse scale.

In the meantime, the Young Master's of the Earth Faction had finally secured the entrapment, and after making sure that there was no way of their mice escaping were watching from a distance.

Even though Tianlong Yun seemed to have lost it, and gone crazy they didn't dare to approach him, even more as he looked in that state.

There was no telling what he might have planned, or do in that condition. After all, even the best of them was only at the Nascent Soul Realm, and they had surpassed their 60-ies.

Tianlong Yun was around half their age, and yet had already surpassed them in terms of cultivation, in fact, he was on par with those damn bastards they hated so much back on Earth.

Those guys who had taken their place, position, and spotlight in their respective organizations. Which made them truly considerate of his strength.

So, they decided to let him go a little a bit crazier than he was, tire him out with some of their cannon fodder, and then go there and catch him themselves.

Their plan was really good, and as they didn't want to lose their own people, they were waiting for the United Settlement guys to come.

After what had happened, these guys should be raring to go against Tianlong Yun and try to take his head.

A part of these people was from their organizations, but they were still replaceable cannon fodder, their foundations, and heart of their forces were always around them.

The United Settlement was just a show to prove that they were united against Soul Land people, and nothing more than that.

But that didn't matter right now, what it mattered was that they were enjoying the show they were watching, as Tianlong Yun was completely losing it.

As if to make them even happier, at that moment the beauties that they were vying for woke up and saw that state of his.

This made a smile bloom on their faces, which was gone the moment they saw the reaction of the two ladies.

Just what the fu*ck was wrong with those two, how could they be behaving like that even at a point, and moment like this.

They were truly unable to understand, they had all, money, power, strength, position, background, and they were yet rejected by those two.

Tianlong Yun had none of that and was behaving like a beast, and yet it had their affection. This made them enraged, as they were about to scream to attack when suddenly they saw something surprising.

One of the level 3 Boundary Ascension powerhouses beside Tianlong Yun seemed to have made his choice, and immediately restrained him, and put a knife to his throat.

Tianlong Yun was shocked by the most recent betrayal, as he looked like he couldn't believe what was going on.

Everything seemed to be some kind of nightmare or some bad dream. There was no way this was going on.

But unfortunately, it was true, as everyone heard that powerhouse speak in a loud voice,

"We do not want to die in this place! As long as you secure our lives, we will hand over this one to you, and leave our way!

It is pointless for people like us to fight in skirmishes like these! Just like they say, every debt has its debtor!

So, what do you say!?"

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