Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 76: Ambiguous Emotions

Chapter 76: Ambiguous Emotions

Since it has already reached this stage, Rosie couldnt care anymore, she only promised to help Lin Xiao protect the double chant secret, she never promised to do anything else.

Furthermore, she was complimenting him, and establishing Lin Xiao in a good light in the princesss mind. If Lin Xiao knew, not only will he not blame her, he should thank her!

If if by any chance Shen DaiYing falls in love with Lin Xiao because of this, and they get married, she still has to ask Lin Xiao for a matchmaking fee!

Princess, actually Caesar only got the S level evaluation in name! Hes just a hoodlum, and doesnt have much ability! The one who should have got the S level evaluation was Lin Xiao! Lin Xiao is the real hero!

Rosie revealed everything in a single breath.

Is what youre saying true? Shen DaiYing asked.

100% Rosie responded with clenched teeth.

It all depends on this! Princess, believe it!

Oh, so its like that. No wonder that day in the practice range Finally, Shen DaiYing was no longer skeptical, nodded her head and muttered something.

No wonder what? Rosie couldnt hear what she said after that.

What was going on? Shen DaiYing actually believed her?

Even Rosie felt that her lies were ridiculous, but she didnt expect her to actually believe it, it turns out the princess was a gullible airhead!

Rosie was delighted. Now, Shen DaiYings impression for Lin Xiao must be bursting and her impression of Caesar should be plummeting, her plan succeeded!

Yet, when she was immersing in the delight of her her plan succeeding, she was suddenly stunned.

She noticed two beautiful swords hanging from Shen DaiYings waist. The scabbards were pitch-black with beautiful flowers engraved on them. One was a long tachi and the other was short like a dagger, it was perfectly covered by the jacket and only an unremarkable scabbard was visible.

Strange, Shen DaiYing was transferring into the magic department, why did she bring swords?

Princess t-the swords on your waist are so beautiful! Rosie put on a fake smile and said.

Are they? After a while, Shen DaiYing gently ran her hand over the flower engravings on the scabbards staring with the long sword, and finally resting her hand on the short one.

This long one is called Snow, its my favorite. The short one is called Soul Slayer, it as she was speaking, Shen DaiYing was still slightly smiling, but a tinge of sadness flashed by in her eyes.

Being observant was one of Rosies greatest strengths, although she often does unreliable things, but when talking about observing other people, being from a merchant family definitely meant she had some skill.

She caught that momentary sadness.

Why? Why was Shen DaiYing so happy when she mentioned Snow, yet so sad when she mentioned Soul Slayer?

Dont tell me that the princess was thinking about the souls that died by that sword?

Could it be that she has killed before?

Rosie shivered.

How could that be possible? This charming princess actually killed some one? No way, right?

That princess, l-lets hurry to class! Seeing the situation change for the worse, Rosie hurriedly changed the topic.

Un, lets go.

Lin Xiaos at class, Ill bring you to meet him!

Thats great, thank you little sis Rosie.

Shen DaiYing put away the melancholy in her eyes, and that charming smile once appeared on her face, and she continued her act as the graceful princess.

Loran Academy

Magic Department Classroom

Because it was the first day of school, the courses werent that important. In the morning, the teachers mainly talked about the Eileen Academy Tournament.

Only the strongest students could represent Loran Academy to participate, compete with the strong from the other academies to attain glory for themselves and their schools.

So, before the competition, Loran academy will hold a Intramural Selection Competition. Theyll find the two strongest students in a 1v1 format, and only those two can represent Loran Academy in the Eileen Academy Tournament.

As for what the teachers talked about, Lin Xiao didnt hear a single thing. He was sprawled out on the desk sleeping for the entire class, even after class he was still snoring.

Strange, where did Rosie go? Have you guys seen Rosie?

After class, the students began whispering to each other.

I havent but Caesar is still here, so where could she have gone!

Here! Who cares about that miss Ive heard that theres a transfer student coming today!

Yeah, Ive also heard that, its a princess from the Great Qin Empire!

That last sentence made Lin Xiaos eyes twitch, the unconscious movement of her line of sight betrayed his eagerness.

Different to Lin Xiao, Elena didnt care about that princess at all, she was more worried about something else.

Lin Xiao always has a nonchalant foolish appearance, like nothing ever happened, but she kept thinking about every single detail of when they were en route to school.

In order to avoid the gaze and harassment of pedestrians, she was cuddled up in Lin Xiaos arms like a mistress. She didnt know how Lin Xiao felt towards that version of her, but she hated herself for acting like that.

Shes the Demon King! A high-level demon, the leader of the red-eyed black cats! How could that pampered delicate like mistress be her!

No, absolutely no way! From now on, shell never do anything as humiliating as that ever again!

Elena warned herself.

If she continued to do that, wouldnt she really become Lin Xiaos maid? If this goes on, she might slowly began to acknowledge something as absurd as Lin Xiao is the master!

What kind of skills has the Demon King learned over the past while, washing clothes, wiping tables, sweeping, mopping with the passage of time, maybe shell skillfully grasp all of a maids skills and degenerate into Lin Xiaos favorite obedient maid that can clean and warm his bed!

Just thinking about it made Elenas hair stand on end.

Lin Xiaos philosophy for life was to laze around, by following him, her lifestyle would naturally become like so as well.

Even if she was a king, she would still be corrupted by that mediocre lifestyle and become a maid with no ambition, what about the future of the demon race?

Losing the position of King? Who cares! What can make one feel at ease more than being a maid?

No! I cant be like this anymore!

Elena secretly bit her lips, and planned to clearly distinguish a boundary between her and Lin Xiao from now on, but can she do it?

Lately, Lin Xiaos attitude towards her has made her worry.

Elena wasnt some pure and innocent girl who didnt understand anything, although shes never had a relationship or fallen in love with a male, or done anything that males and females do, the smart Elena wasnt oblivious to emotions.

Lin Xiao has mentioned before that he wants to find a beautiful and gentle girl to be his girlfriend, and Elena wasnt gentle and had a bad temper, and was a damned Demon King, so Elena didnt match his requirements at all.

Originally, Elena also firmly believed that, but lately it feels like she got the opposite, it seems like this fellow Lin Xiao has fallen in love with her!

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