Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 75: Wanton Willfullness

Chapter 75: Wanton Willfullness

One hour later.

Outside Loran Academys Main entrance.

It was currently during class, there were few pedestrians that passed by the main entrance, even Lin Xiao, who comes late was already in class.

Strangely, a beautiful slender young girl was standing at the main entrance looking all around, her pink ponytail gently swaying, like she was waiting for someone.

Why arent they here yet? Rosie grumbled impatiently.

According to Afus report, that legendary princess Shen DaiYing will arrive at Loran academy after the first class, thats why she was standing foolishly at the main entrance. But she still hasnt seen her after waiting for so long.

Damn I dont care, Im going to wait until she comes! Rosie took out her vigor for not willing to concede, and stubbornly planned to wait indefinitely.

Why can Shen DaiYing get engaged with Caesar, but she cant? Was it because Shen DaiYing was a princess and she was just a noble that wasnt worth mentioning?

Thinking about that, Rosie was infuriated.

Hmph, so what if shes a princess? Maybe she has crooked eyes, a rotten nose, and is ugly! Maybe her personality is vile, condescending, and even more annoying than Lin Xiao and his maid Elena!

When she gets here, Ill let her know how inferior she is and how outstanding I am!

As it turns out, Miss Rosie wasnt here to welcome the princess, but to block the main entrance and cause her trouble.

Rosie clenched her fist and talked out loud to herself emotionally, because she was too focused to the point where she didnt even notice a carriage pass by her.

The carriage stopped at the main entrance and out came a tall beautiful girl with slender legs.

As soon as she got off, this beauty first saw Rosie grumbling to her self by the entrance. She wasnt too far so she heard Rosie say a couple of words.

Princess, inferior, I, outstanding

Eh? Shes. due to her curiosity, she walked step by step towards Rosie. Although she was wearing high heels, and made tapping sounds, the strange thing was that Rosie completely didnt notice her approaching, and was still grumbling to herself as if she was alone.

Sorry to bother you. She gently tapped Rosies shoulder, Are you a student from Loran Academy?

W-who, who? Rosie was completely taken by surprise.

She was only concerned with bad mouthing and didnt notice that there was someone standing behind her! When she came back to her senses she noticed that it was a beauty she has never seen before.

Yes, Im a student from Loran Academy. Rosie replied instinctively, and subconsciously replied, And you are?

Hehe, didnt you mention a princess earlier? she asked.

Ah? Rosie nodded.

Im guessing that Im the princess you were talking about. She gently smiled, and her affectionate eyes made her seem delicate and charming, Nice to meet you, Im Shen DaiYing.

Shen DaiYing, a familiar name

W-what? Your the Great Qins princess!? Rosie was flabbergasted, all kinds of complex emotions rushed into her head, and she instantly shut down.

Her initial emotion was surprise, she thought that Shen DaiYing would be ugly, but after seeing for herself, she was amazed at her beauty.

Leg long leg skinny and long legs with the help of her red high heels, Shen DaiYings legs appeared even more long and slender. She was a whole head taller than Rosie, if she just looked down slightly, she could clearly see her exquisite legs that were tightly bounded by black stockings.

She really wanted to reach out and feel it, that silky smoothness must feel so good Rosies head was suddenly filled with perverse thoughts that even she herself felt ashamed.

Thats right her second emotion was shame. Bad mouthing someone behind their back and getting caught red handed, she really wanted to find a hole to crawl into!

Inferior? Outstanding?

Right now, was the gently smiling princess more outstanding? Or was the smack talking Rosie more inferior?

It was an obvious judgement.

Noticing the other partys embarrassment, Shen DaiYing chuckled, and was not in the least bothered by what Rosie said earlier, she raised her hand and gently caressed Rosies small head.

Little girl, why arent you speaking? Hehe, you should be from the Childe family, right?

Eh? R-right Rosie blankly nodded.

As expected, I knew immediately after seeing your pink hair. Whats your name?


Oh. Shen DaiYing tapped her lips with her index fingers, an expression like she was seriously pondering about something, after a while she had her answer, The great merchant, McCarthy Childes youngest daughter, the Childe familys most pampered little girl, Rosie?

You know me? Rosie responded incredulously.

Ive met your father. Shen DaiYing gently smiled and said, So, did you come specially to welcome me?

Welcome you? Rosie blanked out for a bit, she just remembered that she came looking for trouble! But now that it has come to this, she quickly changed tunes, Yes, yes, yes, I came to welcome you!

Hehe, then thank you, little miss Rosie. Shen DaiYing touched Rosies small head again, demonstrating a big sisters tenderness.

Little miss? Hearing her be called that, Rosie was in turmoil.

Shen DaiYings gentle manner of speaking was very sweet and tender, and made one feel warm.

She doesnt know if its her habit or not, but Shen DaiYings eyes were half open and closed, with the corner of her eyes drooping down and with a mole at the bottom of her right eye, its like her eyes were speaking words of love.

Its frightening, too frightening!

Rosie unconsciously shivered.

This woman was a floozy! A seducer! A temptress! Rosie, a woman was almost thrown into turmoil because of her, if it was a man, his soul would be taken!

If Caesar saw her slender legs, Caesar wont be able to control himself! He might even go crazy for her! Suddenly, the crisis sense woke her up!

Fuck your sister and little sister, I definitely wont give Caesar to you!

Rosie made a determined decision!


Before Rosie was able to get all her complaints out, Shen DaiYing interrupted her.

Little miss Rosie, I want to ask you about a student. Shen DaiYing asked while beaming.

Ask about a student? Rosie instantly went on guard.

Who is it? Its Caesar, right! After all, they were engaged and they had a true fiance and fianc relationship, so its normal that she wants to enhance her understanding.

Rosie laughed grimly as she thought about it, I wont let you get your way.

She decided that she would pretend to be stupid about anything related to Caesar! Shell definitely make this vixen admit defeat!

But Shen DaiYings following words made her greatly disappointed.

Little miss Rosie, is there a student in the magic department from the Eastern Tribe? Hes a boy with short black hair and has a silver haired red eyed maid. Ah, thats right, his maid has a very big chest, a huge chest. Shen DaiYing smiled, blinked and even used her hands to gesture how much bigger the maids chest was.

Oh, there is someone like that hes called Lin Xiao. Rosie pursed her lips and replied reflexively.

A short black haired young man, a,long with a silver haired red eyed maid with huge breasts, she cant think of anyone other than Lin Xiao.

But why did Shen DaiYing specifically ask about Lin Xiao?

Hes called Lin Xiao, huh Shen DaiYing nodded, Little sis, judging by your expression, it seems like you know him?

En, hes my frie no, not friend, a classmate! the word friend almost came out, but Rosie quickly corrected herself.

How could someone like Lin Xiao be a friend? Although Lin Xiao did save her life, is very gentle to her and is always smiling, but theyre definitely not friends!

Only a classmate? Shen DaiYing asked with curiosity, Little sis Rosie, I want to understand him more, can you talk with me for a bit?

What? Rosie couldnt believe her ears.

Wants to understand him more, who, Lin Xiao? The princess actually took the initiative to try and find out more about that guy?

Its strange, why wasnt she curious about her fianc, but another unfamiliar man?

Hey, Shen DaiYing, youre Caesars fiance, why are you asking about another man? Dont tell me youre looking down on Caesear? Or, youre a loose princess? If possible, Rosie really wanted to scold her.

Caesar is so handsome, hes better than Lin Xiao in every way.

Lin Xiao? Hmph, hes just a fifth-level hoodlum! Hes so annoying, he cant even match up to Caesar! Wait, thats not right! Rosie was used to bad mouthing Lin Xiao, but she quickly shut her mouth.

Belittling Lin Xiao, and praising Caesar, that was what she was used to, but now, it wasnt appropriate.

Her goal was to make Shen DaiYing give up on Caesar, give up the engagement, now Shen DaiYings attention was coincidentally turned to Lin Xiao, wasnt this the best opportunity!

Rosie suddenly had an exquisite idea!

She wanted to Shen DaiYing believe that Lin Xiao was actually an exceptionally outstanding man!

Shell praise Lin Xiao and belittle Caesar in front of Shen DaiYing!

Lin Xiao was a hero and Caesar was a hoodlum!

Lin Xiao was a real man, and Caesar was a coward!

Lin Xiao was a gifted genius, and Caesar just lazed around waiting for death!

Thats right, just like that!

Maybe if she did that, Shen DaiYing might like Lin Xiao and wont bother Caesar!

Thinking of that, Rosie immediately changed her way of speaking.

Princess Lin Xiao, hes a genius! Rosie excitedly said.


Not only is he handsome, and gentle, hes popular, many girls like him and want to be his girlfriend!

Really? Shen DaiYing asked in doubt.

Really! Hes highly gifted in magic and is the most powerful student in the magic department! Even more so than Caesar!

Oh? Shen DaiYing expressed her skepticism.

Its true! Before during the actual combat drill, he finished off the Jackal leader by himself! It was all his contribution!

But, little sis Rosie I heard that the one who got a S level evaluation in the actual combat drill was Caesar. Shen DaiYing asked.

Oh t-that was all fake! Caesar is an imposter, he just took all the credit! Rosie explained.

Imposter? After hearing that, Sen DaiYings eyes nearly opened up all the way.

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