Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 77: Affection For An Uninterested Party

Chapter 77: Affection For An Uninterested Party

Lin Xiao likes her?

Thinking of that, Elena couldnt help but retch! If it was really like that, she would immediately kill Lin Xiao!

She was a demon, and Lin Xiao was a human, the two of them can never develop that kind of laughable relationship!

This time, Lin Xiao started muttering to himself on top of the desk.

Great Qin Empire princess Shen DaiYing. Hearing that the princess was coming, he instantly woke up and his eyes were open larger than anyone else. If he had a tail on his butt, it would probably be wagging nonstop.

Seeing his foolish demeanor, Elena got angry for no reason!

It was a clearly a woman he never met before, yet he was so anxious to meet them? Was he just thinking with the lower half of his body?

The more Elena looked at Lin Xiao, the more perverted, useless, and beyond redemption he seemed.

Lin Xiao, you seem to have forgot something. Her ice-cold voice suddenly rang out.

Ah? What is it?

We still havent found the person that peeped on us two days ago at the practice range. Elena mentioned a previous event at an inopportune time.

That day, Lin Xiao was practicing multi-casting and other techniques, yet someone was hiding on the second floor of the practice range and watching him, seeing all his secrets.

Hm whatever, it doesnt matter. Lin Xiao unenthusiastically laid on the desk, Shen DayYing is almost here, I really want to know how she looks, is she going to be very beautiful? Perhaps she might even be the best candidate for being my girlfriend.

Best candidate for girlfriend?

Just looking at his lecherous expression made Elena angry once more!

Stop dreaming! Her suddenly raised voice scared the surrounding students, Lin Xiao, didnt you want to hide your true strength? But now youve been seen naked by someone! Why arent you worried?

Eh why are you getting angry? Even your magic radar was useless, even if I wanted to, I wouldnt be able to find them. Lin Xiao helplessly yawned, Unless, you have some clues?

I do! Theres a clue! That person should be a female, and from the Eastern tribe! Elena quickly gave her verdict.

That day, she picked up a strand of long black hair from the second floor, only people from the Eastern Tribe have black hair, and it was long, evidently from a female.

Female, Eastern tribe Lin Xiao scratched his head, and jokingly said, What a coincidence, it shouldnt be that princess, right? She fits that criteria.

What? Was it her? Elena exclaimed.

Hey, I was just joking, dont take it too seriously

No, there was a good chance it was her! Although she only officially entered Loran Academy today, she definitely arrived in Winterless City a few days ago. So the one that was peeping at the practice range was definitely her! Elena nervously said.

They just dont know whether she was friend or foe, if she saw Lin Xiaos true strength, then

As for Elenas analysis and exploitation, Lin Xiao didnt make any assessments, he just blinked and revealed an alarmed expression.

Elena was acting strange today.

Elena is there something wrong with you? Lin Xiao asked earnestly.

Me? Theres nothing wrong with me. Elena was taken aback by the question.

Thats not right youre acting weird today. Lin Xiao wrinkled his brows, full of suspicion, Usually, you would never take the initiative to worry about me, even if I get in trouble, I still have to beg you until you help me.

I-is that so?

Yeah. Lin Xiao nodded, But today, you actually took the initiative to worry about me why is that?


Elena was scared by his words.

Was he worried about Lin Xiao? Impossible, why would she do that?

Even if my true strength was revealed, the only one whos down on his luck would be me, it wont affect you, yet

Was this the so called, the kings not worried but his retainers are? Even Lin Xiao wasnt worried yet Elena kept yakking away.

Me, worried about you? ridiculous! Lowly human, dont think too highly of yourself! Elenas faced turned red and she forced herself to use her fierce tone that could murder someone, I was only only right, I was only doing it for Elona!

Elena finally found an excuse she was satisfied with.

For Elona? Your niece? Lin Xiao scratched his head, not understanding.

When Elona comes to Winterless City looking for me, if you met trouble, then Elona might not find me! Finally, Elena switched back to her usual indifferent tone, I only helped you for myself and the demon race, dont be so narcissistic!

Oh, that makes sense. Lin Xiao sighed with relief after getting Elenas response.

He thought that Elena was plotting something again, hearing Elenas usual cold voice, he was finally relieved.

Thats right, how could the Demon King be worried about him? More like wanting to kill him.

Lin Xiao laughed at himself, pushed what just happened to the back of his mind, and continued to dejectedly wait for the princesss arrival.

Sigh Other than sighing, Elena had nothing else to say.

After all that, nothing has changed, perhaps she was the one who was overthinking it.

She once again put on her detached mask and continued playing the role as the aloof maid.

Cough everyone quiet down, class is starting.

Finally, the short break between classes ended and Teacher Woos walked into the classroom carrying a thick book.

Lin Xiao noticed a small detail, Woos didnt close the door behind him when he entered the classroom.

Could it be

Perhaps some of you might already know, but we have a student transferring to our magic department today. As Lin Xiao anticipated, Woos announced shocking information.

Hey, hey, what did I say! That transfer student is her, the Great Qin Empire princess!

Its really a princess? Wow, were going to be in the same class as the princess? How wonderful!

Peh! Even if there was a princess, a toad like you would have no chance! Dont forget, we still have a prince in our class!

Hearing that information, the students ignored Woos and bravely began whispering to each other. Unexpectedly, Woos didnt reprimand them like usual, he only looked at the door and gently said, Princess, please come in.

Okay, Teacher Woos.

Her voice came before she did.

Other than her charming voice, there was a rhythmic sharp and clear sound resonating.

Tap, tap, tap that was the sound of high heels. A tall beautiful girl with slender legs wearing red high heels gracefully walked onto the platform, slightly raised the corners of her mouth and smiled.

There was no need for Woos, in that instant everyone in the class shut their mouths.

Cough this is the new transfer student, a princess from the Great Qin Empire princess, please introduce yourself.


At this moment, everyones eyes fell on this charming princess.

Hello everyone, Im called Shen DaiYing, please take care of me from now on.

She, was Shen DaiYing?

Lin Xiaos eyes were bulging.

He tugged Elenas skirt in a daze.

Pervert, what are you doing? Elena pushed his hands away and discontentedly asked.

That, Elena

Lin Xiao gulped and seriously said,

I think, Im in love.

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