Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 146: Work, Demon King!

Chapter 146: Work, Demon King!

This was something that happened a while ago before they left.

Ever since Snow left, Elena wanted to kill Lin Xiao! But because of the existence of the slave contract, she couldnt do anything.

Elena racked her brain, there was only one choice, experimentation, experiment like crazy! She began searching for ways to kill Lin Xiao circumventing the slave contract.

There can only be success, no failure.

If she was discovered by Lin Xiao, not only would her life be in danger, but she might be violated by Lin Xiao and lose her precious chastity!

After all, Lin Xiao has coveted her body for so long, and had wanted to find an opportunity to dominate her, he just lacked a reasonable excuse.

It wasnt just her delusions, if she was actually caught by Lin Xiao, then that pervert would definitely do something perverted.

If you think about it, wasnt that pervert finding ways to take advantage of her any chance he got? He was just a lecher!

He was just a lustful pervert, yet he still talked big and said that he wanted to keep Elena by his side as a maid peh! What maid, hes just a pervert that likes big breasts, anyone is fine as long as theyre big-breasted, right?

Elena was clear of her position in Lin Xiaos heart, she believed that she was just a toy in his eyes, so she had to resist.

Elena gambled her chastity and life and began this fight that carried all her obstinance.

In the end, she really found it!

Although the process was exceedingly arduous, thinking of her sacrifices, Elena couldnt help but be moved to tears.

At the start, she tried throwing knives at him, using ranged weapons to take Lin Xiao out, thinking it might get by the slave contract rebound, that plan ended in failure. Before the knife even left her hand, an intense dizziness assaulted her, and she passed out instantly.

What happened next was too horrifying, Elena didnt even want to remember it.

After she awoke, she found herself lying on the bed, her clothes disheveled. Her collar had slid down to her shoulders, her large peaches jumping out.

Youre awake. Lin Xiao stood by the bed lifting his pants dejectedly while looking out at the scenery.

Then he turned back and handed Elena two silver coins.

Thanks for the hospitality.

He raised the corners of his mouth in satisfaction, and tossed aside a crumpled tissue, taking one last look at Elenas massive peaches and slowly walked out of the room.

Elena was frightened.

What was that?

Was it after the deed?

Did she get tainted by this pervert?

Tainted is one thing, but what was with him giving her money? Did he treat her as a woman he could use as long as he paid?

She clenched her teeth and did a detailed inspection of her body, where she realized that it was all an act that Lin Xiao put on to scare her.

Hmph, she knew that Lin Xiao wouldnt dare do anything to her! He doesnt have the balls!

Her failure didnt discourage her and she continued once again.

Since ranged attacks wont work, then shell try traps.

This time she used a more technical method, she brought ove a large stone while Lin Xiao was asleep and tied it overhead of him, then she just needed to cut the rope and the stone would drop, crushing him.

She wouldnt directly do it, she would use an indirect manner then the slave contract wouldnt rebound!

A perfect plan, and she did indeed follow it that day. She was successful in sneaking it, and Lin Xiao who was sleeping like a pig had no idea, success was right in front of her, but she overestimated her strength.

Tying a stone large enough to kill someone on the ceiling wasnt a simple matter, with her current weak body, it took all her strength just to shoulder the weight of her chest, let alone lifting up a large stone.

The result was her dropping the stone because she lost strength, it landed on the ground with a large thud, making a large dent and also crushing her pinky toe with it.

Lin Xiao who was startled awake and watched in a daze.

Lecture? Admonish? Or something else?

No, none of that, Elena couldnt anticipate Lin Xiaos reaction.

He put his clothes on, silently tossed the stone out of the window, brought over a first aid kit, forcibly removed her shoe and socks, and carefully bandaged it. After doing simple repairs to the floor he went back to sleep.


When did Lin Xiao become so gentle? Was he always such a kind man? Even Lin Xiao himself felt he was strange, wasnt he indulging her too much?

He wanted to continue sleeping, but after he lied down again, he couldnt fall asleep again.

He wasnt afraid of being attacked again because Elena already lost her ability to do so, but he just couldnt sleep because of the clamoring next to him.

Damn pervert, let me down!

Im going to kill you!!!

Scum, maggot, let me down!!!

The quiet night was pierced by the females shouts.

Oh right, I forgot to mention, before going to bed, other than helping Elena treat her wound, he forcibly tied her hands and waist then hung her from the ceiling.

Right on top of his bed, above Lin Xiao.

So much so that, if Lin Xiao reached up while lying down, he could rub those plump peaches.

Elena was helpless, if she didnt struggle, she couldnt escape, if she struggled, her breasts wouldnt stop shaking like she was purposely using her body to entice Lin Xiao.

The result was that Lin Xiao never let her down, and continued sleeping whilst pretending like it had nothing to do with him. And in order to prevent her clothes from tearing she endured it and was hung for a night.

Until the next day, Lin Xiao who was sleeping in only woke up because of hunger and he released Elena in order to eat breakfast. He untied her and immediately ordered her to cook for him.

Oh your wrists look swollen, are you okay? Remember to use a hot compress.

Bastard! Elena really wanted to bite him to death.

Whos fault was it that her wrists were so swollen? If Lin Xiao didnt hang her for a night, how would she suffer so much?

She was at her wits end, but while she was cooking Elena discovered a way!

Peh! Elena, how did you make this congee, why is there shit inside? Do you want to poison me to death?

Poison you?

Hearing Lin Xiaos complaints, it was like Elena was awoken from a dream.

The shit inside the congee was a complete accident. When Elena was out buying rice, she accidentally tripped and spilled the bag. When Elena was picking it back up, a pile of dried dog shit was accidentally mixed in, since she never realized it, it ended up with there being shit in his congee.

Feeding him shit, is also considered an attack, right?

Elena realized that she didnt receive any rebound from feeding Lin Xiao shit this time, then what if she fed him something else next time?

Theres shit in the congee, theres poison in the shit!

She can poison Lin Xiao!

Elena finally found a reliable method and felt regret for her stupidity. She just had to poison him, something humans often did, why did it take her this long to realize it?

But it wasnt too late! lin Xiao wasnt guarded against her and she was responsible for all three meals, let alone poison, he wouldnt do anythng even if she fed him shit every day.

You ask why?

Because only Elena can be his maid, other than her, who else would be willing to take care of this damn pervert? They would have long run away?

Thus, the self-important Elena began the last step, poison!

The problem was that the method was easy, but where would she source poison from? She was just a maid, not a chemist, she didnt know how to concoct poisons.

So she could only use money to buy it, but she didnt have any, what can she do?

In order to get the money to buy poison, Elena thought of many ways.

Her first thought was simple. In human society, the easiest way for normal people to make money was to work!

Lin Xiao never restricted her actions during the day, so she could go out and pretend to be buying groceries while she would actually be working.

Elena noticed that there were many people recruiting customer service roles in the market, and since she was beautiful and had a good figure, as long as she was willing all the owners would fight over her, so naturally she would get paid well.

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