Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 147: Of Course, I Forgive Her

Chapter 147: Of Course, I Forgive Her

Working was a pretty good way.

Elena was moved.

After careful selection, she chose a clothing store, it was the one that Lin Xiao often brought her to buy sexy cloth oh no, maid clothes.

The employees there already recognized her, so they welcomed her. This time Elena was smart, the excuse she used was that it was almost her masters birthday so she wanted to find a job to secretly buy him a birthday present as a surprise.

Ah, what a loyal maid, beautiful and generous, kind and loyal, a perfect maid, everyone was moved by Elena.

She was successfully accepted and both sides agreed on a contract, Elena could start working officially starting tomorrow.

Elena was full of enthusiasm, her blissful work life was about to begin, a wonderful future was right before her eyes. Her life was full of light, but Lin Xiao ended up ruthlessly extinguishing the fire of hope.

Lin Xiao, what is this? Elena sternly asked when leaving the next day, Why did you only put this much magic in the crystal?

Is anything wrong with that? Lin Xiao lazily yawned.

Of course! This much isnt enough! Elena was angry.

When Lin Xiao gave her the crystal before, he would put enough to last at least 12 hours to restrict her range of movement, but now he didnt even put enough for 2!

Elena had no way to work with this little time!

Hm, how is it not enough? If you just wanted to go grocery shopping, 2 hours is plenty, and youve been there plenty of times so you shouldnt get lost, what are you afraid of. Lin Xiao squinted and asked, Or do you plan on doing something else other than buying groceries? Then tell me, if its reasonable, Im willing to provide you more magic power.

Tsk Elena couldnt say anything.

Actually, when she saw Lin Xiaos dead fish eyes shine with a strange light, she shouldve already realized that Lin Xiao already caught onto her so he purposely gave her less magic power, so she couldnt go out and work to earn money.

Elena could only go find another way.

Other than working, swindling, stealing, and mugging, these illegal methods could be used to earn money, but for one, Elena didnt have a strong body, and two, she was worried shell get caught by the guards, so she had no way of breaking the law and could only drop that idea.

Hey beautiful little girl, are you longing for money?

Just as Elena was helplessly wandering on the streets, a sensual well-developed middle-aged woman stopped her.

I have a job that you can make big money! It doesnt take a lot of time, or strength, and it feels really good, how about it, little girl?

Big money?

Theres something that good? Thats exactly what kind of job she was looking for!

Just as Elena was about to agree, she had second thoughts.

Seeing her ambiguous gaze, she understood.

In human society, there was a type of females that specifically did this kind of work, it was as she said, it didnt take a lot of time, or strength, you just had to lie on a bed, take off all your clothes, spread your legs, and you could make big money.

But that was something Elena would never do in her life!

Making the Demon King spread her legs to please those damn men? Peh! Elena would rather be hung from the ceiling by Lin Xiao than do that kind of lowly work.

Wait she didnt want to be hung from the ceiling either!

Elena snorted disdainfully at her and quickly ran off.

She couldnt work, couldnt commit a crime, wasnt willing to sell herself, Elena was forced to her wits end.

Theres only one way left.

She decided to take a risk out of desperation, and decided to take the simplest and most direct method, to steal Lin Xiaos money directly!

Because she already stole it once, Elena already had a record, so Lin Xiao became more guarded of his little gold vault. He told her that if she stole money again, he would use the most severe way to punish her.

At that time it wouldnt be something that could be solved by kissing or touching, it might be something indescribable!

Actually, Lin Xiao has wanted to find a reason to punish her, but he just lacked an opportunity, so he looked forward to Elena stealing money and getting caught, then he could openly act out his wicked thoughts.

Even then, Elena had no choice! She couldnt shrink back, this was her last hope!

So during a windy moonless night, Elena stole his little gold vault while he was deep asleep. It was a small locked wooden box, according to Lin Xiao he already added an anti-theft magic array, and the lock was also expensive, it definitely couldnt be broken into.

Lin Xiao thought he was an idiot.

Whats the point of locking the coins in a wooden box? Couldnt she just steal the box away?

So Elena stole that wooden box, and brought along a hammer and slipped onto the streets and just broke the box with the hammer, taking the bag of gold coins out.

Stinking pilfering cat, watch me punish you! Stinking pilfering cat, watch me punish you!

Although Elena didnt understand why a broken wooden box could make sounds, she didnt care and quickly took the money to her arranged location, Winterless City underground black market.

She had limited time, there wasnt enough magic power left, so she had to quickly do her business and buy a fatal poison, Golden Lotus Illness Dispeller!

This poison was invented thousands of years ago to kill her husband, specially used to poison her useless husband.

It was said that any man who ate it would see horrifying hallucinations within minutes, he would first feel himself wearing a heavy green hat, getting heavier by the minute until he couldnt breathe, then he would see an unfamiliar man teaching his wife, and would chuckle while saying, Your wife is awesome!

Lastly, the man would be tormented until they lose their will to live and breathe their last breath.

According to the description from the black market merchant, the person who took the medicine would die from heartbreak, an extremely painful way of dying, and in their last minute they would continuously mutter depressing sorrowful words like they were possessed.

Can you get off my wife?

Keep it, Ill steal stuff to support you.

Of course I choose to forgive her.

After saying that, theyll die on the spot.

That medicine was what Elena needed.

As long as she rushed home, she could sneak the medicine into his congee before he notices that his small wooden box was stolen, then she could successfully poison him!

The small problem was that the hallucination would be about ones wife, but since Lin Xiao didnt have one, who would it be about?

Hes single, so it wouldnt work, right?

Under the guidance of the moonlight, Elena slipped into an abandoned house, full of apprehension and anticipation, she followed the stairs going to the basement finally meeting that merchant.

Hehe, girl, youre here.

He was a bony middle-aged man, there were few strands of hair left on his bald head. He wore beige hemp clothes, with a crooked waist, he looked extremely wretched, his nickname was black hair.

Elena met him on the streets, after rejecting to sell her body, he met him right after.

He quickly saw through her and asked if she wanted to poison her husband, and especially recommended her this medicine for only 10 gold coins!

I brought the money.

The dim basement had a small window that only allowed a tiny amount of moonlight through, Elena couldnt see his expression, but could hear his disgusting chuckles.

You kept your word as expected, I trust that youll find a better man after your husband dies!

Wheres the stuff?

Hehe, did you actually believe that medicine exists? His laughter was full of ridicule.

Hes been in Winterless Citys underground for this many years and has never heard of that kind of medicine. That day, he discovered Elena by coincidence and decided to make something to trick her, he never expected her to actually believe him!

It was his first time meeting such a gullible girl. As expected, females with big breasts have no brain, with how ridiculous her body was, there couldnt be much left for her head.

Y-you tricked me? Elena noticed the danger and quickly turn to run.

He didnt give chase, he just gently pressed a button on the wall.

A heavy rumbling sound, and the stairs heading upstairs completely folded up, a heavy stone slab where it once was, blocking the only way out! Not budging at all no matter how Elena pushed at it.

Hehe, girl, since your husband wont love you, then let me. Ill treat you well!

Elena then woke up to the reality that she fell into a trap.

She had been using her magic detection radar to check the surroundings earlier making sure there was no ambush, thats why she walked downstairs fearlessly, she never expected him to use a mechanism to trap her.

Really, all human males are scum!

Elena clenched her teeth and prepared to resist, but then another loud sound came from behind.

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