Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 145: Loyal Dog

Chapter 145: Loyal Dog

Lin Xiao was very angry.

He felt that he was very useless, powerless.

He had a feeling of powerlessness that he couldnt suppress, a feeling like a dog he raised for a long time suddenly didnt recognize him anymore, like it ran off with someone else and even bit him before it ran off!

Snow already ran off with another man!

Lin Xiao originally wanted to tell Snow about Anderson and the Lesser Devils so that she could be on guard, but he found out that she already left when he got to the church.

Lin Xiao was very worried.

Winterless City was unlike Sheryl City, the way of life was simpler and more honest there. Although many would still have improper thoughts towards her, they wouldnt be able to get by Bishop Jasmine, but it was different in Winterless City.

This was Lombard Kingdoms capital, countless wealthy and influential people, and no lack of perverted lolicons. If Snow catches one of their eyes, and they tried to date and steal her heart, what should he do?

Although theyve never met for over a year, she was still important to him.

After asking around, Lin Xiao learned that Snow was going with Anderson to Heino Kingdom, so he had no choice to pass the message to Snow through a note, but he was still very worried.

Saintess Snow was going on a trip so you were worried about her? Hearing Lin Xiaos explanation, Shen DaiYing covered her mouth and chuckled, Really Lin Xiao, you have that good of a relationship with her?

Ah, no just acquaintances. Lin Xiao quickly retorted.

About the Saintess being his sister, the lesser that know the better.

But just by being acquaintances is already very impressive. Shen DaiYing was curious, How did you meet her? Shes so cute and a Saintess, your encounter must have been romantic, right?

Romantic? Perhaps. Thinking about the past, Lin Xiao didnt want to talk much about it and just bitterly smiled.

If someone could call their chance encounter romantic, then there were only two possibilities: One, he was blind, Two, she was blind.

Sigh, whatever, with her intellect, nothing would happen. He shook his head to shake away his anxiety and concentrated on what was to come.

Eileens 18th Annual Academy Tournament was about to start.

Although only four and a half people were going for Loran Academy, the fleet of carriages was large.

Since Woos and Momm were the teacher representatives, they were naturally going, and there were also quite a few school members, but that wasnt the reason why the fleet was so large.

The real reason was because of Caesar and Shen DaiYing.

Although Caesar wasnt liked among royalty, he at least had the basic amount of protection. Shen DaiYing was a foreign princess and was now accompanying Caesar as his fiancee. If anything happened, Lomabrd Kingdom would become a laughingstock.

Thus, Caesars brother, the eldest prince Thomas Alex, sent his personal guards to protect Caesar and Shen DaiYing for the entire trip.

Caesars brother treats him pretty well, huh. Lin Xiao lamented.

The carriages set off towards the distant Heino Kingdom.

The trip was long, so Lin Xiao had nothing to do and lazed around in his carriage.

As an otaku, he rarely went outside, let alone leaving the country, but he was pleased with the travel time.

He didnt have to study, train, fight, and could just eat and laze around watching the scenery pass by. It was like he entered into an empty gap of his life, now he just had to enjoy every second and slowly wait for the time to pass.

Although not as relaxed as he, Elena was also very quiet.

Elena was originally a quiet person, without Lin Xiao to bother her, she couldnt have been happier.

It was five to a spacious carriage, as Lin Xiaos maid, naturally she sat with Lin Xiao on the inside, next to them was Shen DaiYing and Caesar, Rosie sat alone at the edge of the carriage, seething.

How nice would it have been to be born royalty. Lin Xiao quietly mumbled.

How nice would it have beeen to be born to royalty, that way he wouldnt have to take the trouble of riding a carriage and particpating in some bullshit competition? It would be blissful to just be royal trash.

Elena, what do you say?


Should he say she was cold? No, ELena just never even minded him.

Cold, indifferent, exquisite and refined, seeing Elena like that, Lin Xiao was dumbfounded.

How long has it been since he has closely examined Elena like this?

Although he always said he wanted to keep her as a maid forever, when has he ever cared for her?

Yes, he was gradually becoming used to Elena accompanying him, habit becomes nature, and became something expected, and those kinds of things are never cherished.

He was busy with the competition, chasing after Shen DaiYing, dealing with Snow, until recently Elena didnt speak with him anymore until he finally realized he was missing something.

What would be wrong with being born into royalty?

Within the demons, I was considered royalty.

Oh right.

Well, strictly speaking, not just royalty, you were a king! Although a king that couldnt even warm the throne, a king nonetheless

Hey, what are you looking at? He couldnt continue on so he continued looking for other topics.

The scenery. Elena shut Lin Xiao off again.

Lin Xiao felt very uncomfortable.

He originally wanted to tease Elena, and bicker to pass the time like in the past, but Elena didnt bother with him anymore, she only responded to him with the minimum necessary words.

But this wasnt all bad.

Elena became a completely obedient maid, carefully taking care for her master, ever since leaving, Lin Xiao lived like royalty, dressing him, feeding him, he lived even more free and easy than the royalty Caesar.

Other than getting naked and helping her master heat the bed, and her food tasting like shit, Elena was almost a perfect maid.

But Lin Xiao couldnt feel happy.

He clearly once wanted Elena to become an obedient maid, but now that she actually let go of her pride and conceit and became his maid, why wasnt he satisfied?

Perhaps he never longed for an obedient maid, but some warmth he never expected.

Hey, why cant you properly speak with me?

What? Elena finally turned to look at him and asked.

Uhh Lin Xiao flustered after suddenly being started at, but quickly recovered and asked, Have I treated you poorly recently?


Then why are you angry at me?

Im not.

You hate me?


Then do I have a chance of raising the favorable impression?

Go to the princess.

Elenas mouth was just as vicious as before, if she wanted to she could still hit his sore spots.

Youre clearly angry!

No, youre so annoying.

Elena didnt bother with him anymore, simply turned away and continued watching the scenery pass by.

Was she angry at Lin Xiao? No, she had no reason to.

Rather, she was angry at herself.

The reason she became like this was what happened a couple of days ago.

She thought that as long as she waited for her cute niece Elona, then her life would change, but after she came, she was disappointed.

Her cute niece was trained into a loyal servant and threatened her to obediently become Lin Xiaos *** no, maid.

Although Snow promised that if she listened, she would tell her the way to undo the slave contract, returning her freedom, she had a sense of humiliation of being played with.

How long did she have to continue with this humiliating life?

Can she really place her hope on a wicked witch?

Couldnt she change her current situation by herself?

Thus, Elena had been thinking about how she could kill her during his sleep.

The slave contracts restriction?

No, Elena has already found the slave contracts loophole!

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