One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 330

Chapter 330 - Plunderer Mysterious Seal

These were merely his personal speculations, and he couldn't be sure how accurate they might be.

Enough of that, he thought. Time to clear his mind.

Jiang Hao shook his head, dismissing the thoughts, and proceeded to stow away the Baiqi Killing Sword.

Just then, a red streak cut through the sky outside the window, drawing his gaze instinctively.

As Jiang Hao looked out, the Baiqi Killing Sword in his hand briefly glowed with a crimson light.

But the glow was fleeting, so quick that even Jiang Hao failed to notice it.

Red meteors weren't common.

Jiang Hao shrugged it off, put away the sword, and climbed into bed to sleep.

Meanwhile, on this moonless, windy night, a group of tomb raiders burst into an ancient tomb.

“Brother Yong, we've finally broken through!” came an excited voice.

”Don't get ahead of yourselves. Remember, the master of this tomb was no ordinary man. His resting place won't be easy to access!”

“Watch out for any traps or secret doors!”

Eventually, after some close calls, the raiders made it to the main chamber unscathed.

Upon reaching the main chamber, they were greeted by a soft white glow.

As their eyes followed the source of the light, they discovered a massive white jade seal resting atop a large coffin, radiating a gentle luminescence.

A touch of gold adorned one corner of the seal.

The seal, four inches square, featured an intricate design with five dragons intertwined.

It sat there, quietly dominating the space above the coffin.

”Big brother, treasure! A massive treasure!” one of the raiders exclaimed with delight, rushing forward.

The others had been captivated by the seal, but seeing their companion dash forward, they yelled out in alarm.

“Third Brother, come back!”

“Don't be impulsive, Third Brother!”


But Third Brother, blinded by excitement, chose to ignore the warnings.

In his haste, he stepped on a stone slab that suddenly gave way beneath him.

And in the next instant, a barrage of arrows shot forth from the wall ahead!


As the sound of arrows slicing the air filled the scene, Number Three was impaled under his horrified stare, transforming him into a human porcupine!

The others nearby were caught in the crossfire, blindsided by the sudden onslaught of arrows!

“Third Brother!”

“Everybody, watch out!”

“Get down!”


Witnessing the gruesome demise of their comrade, they were petrified, shouting out in panic.

Yet, the trap was all-encompassing; despite their forewarning, evasion was futile.


“Brother Yong, help me!”


Amidst the agonized cries, they collapsed one by one, their bodies bristling with arrows, eyes wide open in a deathly stare of defiance.

Only Brother Yong, who had used a fellow gang member as a human shield, managed to cheat death.

But even he was gravely wounded.


He gasped sharply as pain wracked his body.

Brother Yong shoved aside the comrade he had used as a shield, his expression darkening to a thunderous scowl as he seethed.

“Third Brother, damn it!”

Now, with the treasure tantalizingly close, Brother Yong restrained his impulsiveness.

In his moment of indecision,

he was horrified to see the blood of his fallen allies eerily streaming towards the coffin at his feet, as if the coffin itself were beckoning the blood!

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