One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 329

Chapter 329 - Jiang Hao's Guess Everything Makes Sense Now

Upgrading the Lee's Flying Knife skill again was currently out of the question; a fourth-grade upgrade demanded a staggering thousand skill points, after all. Yet, the third and fourth methods could be effectively combined. By breaking down a multitude of items tied to magnetism, one could amass a wealth of Experience Points—even without the luck of gaining the magnetic control talent. And with the added bonus of earning a substantial number of skill points to level up one's skills, there was no downside.

With this realization, Jiang Hao's spirits lifted considerably. But the night had deepened, signaling that any action would have to wait until the next day. Setting the idea aside for the moment, Jiang Hao's grip tightened around a sword—the very Baiqi Killing Sword he had acquired earlier.

Memories of Lv Yingyu's words caused his brow to furrow in confusion. “Were Lv Yingyu's claims credible?” he pondered. “Could possessing the Baiqi Killing Sword, the Imperial Ruler's Seal, and the Follow-Marquis Bead really awaken the First Emperor in the Imperial Mausoleum?” “And did Bai Qi truly possess the Elixir of Immortality?”

It was then that Jiang Hao's thoughts drifted to the Old Master's earlier teachings. The Old Master's martial prowess was remarkable, having synthesized numerous techniques into a unique style. His own teacher had lamented the Old Master's fate, suggesting he was a man out of time, unable to harness extraordinary powers.

The teacher's words implied that in a bygone era, martial cultivators did indeed exist. But a cataclysmic shift in the cosmos resulted in the loss of a vital substance, leaving no one able to wield such extraordinary strength.

Suddenly, Jiang Hao connected the dots. Lv Yingyu had mentioned that the First Emperor and his contemporaries hadn't perished but were forced into a prolonged slumber due to an overwhelming force. Could there be a link between these events?

Furthermore, Lv Yingyu had mentioned that with the resurgence of spiritual energy, one could use the three treasures to rouse the First Emperor and his entourage from their sleep within the Imperial Mausoleum. Perhaps the elusive substance the Old Master referred to was this very spiritual energy. It seemed that the Old Master and his peers had only managed to develop their extraordinary strength once the spiritual energy had returned.

At that moment, Jiang Hao ventured a daring hypothesis.

He proposed connecting all these related events!

It seemed likely that the Great Qin era was marked by the presence of extraordinary powers.

Supporting this theory was another piece of evidence.

Despite the advanced state of modern technology, we remain unable to fully understand, replicate, or preserve the artifacts left by Great Qin.

Take the bronze swords, for instance; our current technology still falls short of the zenith achieved during the Qin era!

The bronze swords we produce today simply cannot hold a candle to those from Qin times!

Given that the Great Qin possessed such extraordinary powers, the possibility that Bai Qi had access to an Elixir of Immortality became plausible.

This also provided a rationale for the survival of the First Emperor and his contemporaries.

Perhaps the Elixir of Immortality, combined with Great Qin's defiance of natural order, incurred the envy of the heavens.

Or maybe, for some reason, the spiritual qi of that realm began to wane!

In any case, a force emerged that not even the pinnacle of Great Qin's power could withstand, leaving the First Emperor and his peers with no choice but to enter a state of enforced slumber.

Moreover, they might have discovered through some means that the spiritual qi would resurge a millennium later, prompting them to lay the groundwork for future events.

As the spiritual qi began to fade after the Great Qin era, it became increasingly challenging for subsequent generations to cultivate extraordinary powers.

Perhaps only those with exceptional gifts, like the mighty Overlord Xiangyu, managed to harness such extraordinary powers!

And so it continued until the Age of No Cultivation, when the absence of spiritual qi meant that no one could develop extraordinary powers any longer.

As Jiang Hao pieced these thoughts together, everything started to fall into place.

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