One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 331

Chapter 331 - Tonight I Have No Sleep Jade King Has Something to Discuss with You

Witnessing the scene before him, Brother Yong's face was etched with terror.

Just then, a blinding golden light burst forth from the great seal!

Immediately after, a thunderous dragon's roar echoed from within the light!


The roar jolted Brother Yong awake!

Startled, Brother Yong stumbled, fear written all over his face as he dragged his wounded body and fled with haste.

After Brother Yong's retreat, the tomb lapsed back into a deathly hush, but the stillness was short-lived.

“Bang~ Bang~ Bang!”

Suddenly, a series of thuds emanated from the coffin, shattering the quiet.

Yet, as the golden light from the seal on the coffin radiated outwards, the banging sounds grew weaker and were eventually quelled.

However, some of the blood on the ground had already soaked into the coffin.

Soon, the golden light on the seal faded, returning to a soft, milky white glow, and the tomb was once again enveloped in silence.


Sleep eluded me tonight.

The descent of the red meteor was witnessed by many.

Some, like Jiang Hao, dismissed it as merely an unusual meteor.

Others, however, regarded the site of its fall with grave concern.

But for Jiang Hao, none of this mattered.

It was unrelated to his night.

The following day, as Jiang Hao was busy preparing items for the system's upgrade, he received an unexpected call from Soong Wan.

“Wan'er, what's going on?”

Jiang Hao inquired, suspecting nothing amiss.

Soong Wan sounded somewhat disheartened as she replied,

“Brother Hao, I'm not sure. My dad suddenly wants you to come over; he says he needs to talk to you.”

“I asked him what it's about, but he wouldn't say.”

Hearing this, Jiang Hao was filled with curiosity.

“Uncle wants to see me?”

Though puzzled, his relationship with Soong Wan was close.

If his future father-in-law had summoned him, he was certainly going to respond.

After confirming with Soong Wan, Jiang Hao set off for the Soong family estate.

The drive was smooth, and upon arrival, he found Soong Wan already waiting for him at the gate.

“Brother Hao!”

Upon seeing Jiang Hao arrive, Soong Wan ran over and affectionately greeted him.

She then led Jiang Hao to meet Soong Wanzhong.

At that moment, Soong Wanzhong was looking down, his face etched with concern—a stark contrast to the usually serene and composed Jade King.

This sight filled Jiang Hao with confusion.


Jiang Hao called out, snapping Soong Wanzhong out of his reverie.

Upon seeing Jiang Hao, Soong Wanzhong's anxiety seemed to lessen. He managed a smile and stepped forward to welcome him.

“My dear nephew, you've come!”

But as he caught sight of Soong Wan by Jiang Hao's side, he abruptly halted his words.

He then turned to Soong Wan and instructed,

“Wan'er, please ask the kitchen staff to prepare some food. My nephew will be joining us for lunch.”

Soong Wan was visibly reluctant.

“Dad, why can't you have someone else pass the message? Why must I go?”

Jiang Hao realized that his future father-in-law wanted a word with him privately, without Wan'er overhearing.

So, Jiang Hao gently urged her,

“Wan'er, please go ahead. Uncle and I need to discuss some matters.”

Hearing this, Soong Wan looked at Soong Wanzhong and Jiang Hao with a mix of frustration and resignation, mumbling under her breath,

“Why does it have to be a secret from me? Am I not allowed to hear it?”

Despite her reluctance, Soong Wan still left to carry out her father's request.

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