Offer To The CEO

Chapter 560: Attempts to Escape True Justice - Part 5

560 Attempts to Escape True Justice - Part 5

Friday, continued …

After taking in the looks around the room, Alister Nang finally added, "As it exceeds the minimum Miss Alecia wants for a penalty on my instructions, all I can say is that the offer should be accepted."

Hearing that, Amanda finally shook completely out of the daze she was in.?Lu Jinhu, contrary to what Anna believed was willing to be an honest adult and agree to a penalty.?Ignoring the unhappy looks on Yao Tan's face Amanda responded "Given my formal adoption of Alecia and her brothers, Mr Nang, if my husband will not sign the agreement I will, given you view it meets your instructions from Alecia.?It is up to my husband whether he will sign."

Seeing the determination on his wife's face Yao Tan nodded, and Alister responded "Let me go and finalise that agreement with the National Prosecutor's Office, and I will bring it back for you to sign."

Hou Yi, having sat there and listened to what was happening was racking his brain as to why Lu Jinhu would want to quickly finalise the matter. After thinking for a few minutes, the reason finally hit him. He remembered the discussion after Lu Jingho was removed as CEO of Lu Corporation with CEO Yang.??The Lu Corporation Company Charter required that a descendant of the company founder or a spouse of that descendant had to be CEO. The charter provided if there was a potential contender under some form of disability for up to two years, which included jail time, the appointment could only he a temporary appointment, and then the whole process had to be revisited when the person under the disability ceased that disability.

Lu Jinhu, with his home detention period for the matters involving Anna, which was to expire and its associated ban on being a company director, meant that that temporary appointment could only occur. This, kept him under the upper limits of the ban, meaning that the appointment of the CEO under the charter could only be temporary.?Damn Lu Jinhu. He was still playing games, and the legal system was allowing him to do that. However, his agreement saved Alecia some heartache. She was not going to have to fight him as well as his father and Rong Jingye.

Anna, noticed that Hou Yi was thinking about something, and turned asking "What is it Yi? Something is bothering you."

"You know, I have no idea what made Alecia agree to reach an agreement, but that damn b*stard Lu Jinhu is a master manipulator. Tan, we both know what he was like at school. He could manipulate the teachers and other classmates for his own means, and he has manipulated everyone here, legally."

"Yes, he might feel sorry for everything he has done and there were reasons, but he knows Lu Corporations' charter about the CEO Appointment. That is his long-term goal. At present, until convicted the only people who can be considered for the CEO appointment has Lu Jingho and, a junior family member working in a junior role in one of the departments."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click .Comfor visiting.

"The rest of the family are no-hopers and do not have the skill. He has agreed to a penalty that keeps him long-term in the race to be CEO, and I am betting his father will drag matters out until his home detention and director ban finishes. Lu Jinhu ultimately will win the CEO Role, he is capable, and I have heard he is presently finishing off the couple of remaining units he needs for his Master of Business Administration, and has already submitted his thesis topic for a doctoral degree. Home detention will allow him to complete a significant portion of that."

"Damn it," spat Yao Tan. "I completely forgot that provision in the Lu Corporation Charter. He has manipulated us."

Amanda put her hand on Yao Tan's arm to calm him down. "Forget that Tan, Boss. In the end, it eliminates one potential court case for Alecia to have to deal with from the attack. Plus, he is giving evidence against his father, which should make proving the charges against him for her r*pe easy. That must be what we focus on. The other, the two of you can deal with in the future, if he gets the role."

Hou Yi and Yao Tan nodded to each other, realising Amanda was right. They can deal with him in the future, the present must be a focus on Alecia, and what she needs. She needs justice and the ability to move forward with James without things hanging over her.

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