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Chapter 561: Attempts to Escape True Justice - Part 6

561 Attempts to Escape True Justice - Part 6

Friday, continued …

Having been hit with the reality of what they had been able to realise together, Anna, Hou Yi, Amanda and Yao Tan sat quietly, before starting to talk about the apartment Hou Yi had gifted Alecia and James?on the two floors below his and Anna's apartment.

As Hou Yi reminded Yao Tan, then needed to make sure that it was done James and Alecia returned and to get ready for Alecia to enter XF International and go to university.?Amanda and Anna realised that while their husbands were worried about the big picture, as Amanda said, they needed to make sure that the apartment was appropriately decorated, and ready for them to walk straight into.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click .Comfor visiting.

As soon as his wife said this, Yao Tan started to see red.?He knew that it should be him that was providing his daughter and son-in-law an apartment to live in, not his son-in-law's sister and her husband.?Yao Tan opened his mouth and said "Yi, I have to argue with you.?It should not be for you to provide Alecia and James with an apartment.?She is my daughter ..."

"Tan, you picked me to be her godfather, so ..."

"Do not tell me what to do Yi.?I should be doing this for her, not you."

"Grow up Tan, as I told you, you are my friend but sometimes you are so childish ..."

"Me! Childish! What about you."

"Tan, you want to argue over a gift, if that is not childish behaviour, I do not know what is."

"Not respecting those older than you?"

Watching the two of them arguing with each other, all Anna and Amanda could do is sit their shaking their heads.?Anyone hearing the words would think they were arguing with each other, but in some respects, it was easy to see that it was somewhat good natured.?Amanda, however realised that despite it being good natured deep down it had hurt Yao Tan.?He wanted to be the one to give his daughter an apartment or a home as a wedding gift, not having a friend do this.

Anna, observing this, could see that Yao Tan was hurt, but at the same time knew Hou Yi's motives for doing this.?He wanted to give her brother and his goddaughter a gift but at the same time wanted to ensure that she had support nearby.?Helping James, given he was only learning the language was another side benefit of what he did.

Anna took a deep breath and said "Tan, Yi had a number of reasons, including letting me have my baby brother nearby, his limited understanding of the language, and somewhat selfishly having a trained nurse nearby given my pregnancy issues.?If everything runs smoothly with the construction of our Villa, we will be at the apartment until after the baby is born.?If it does not it will be months after this.?Having my baby brother nearby will make things easier for me.?Now, if you are that concerned pay for the decoration of the apartment.?Otherwise grow up."

Having heard Anna, all Amanda could do is stop herself laughing.?Anna was right, James needed support and having his sister close by as he made the transition to living here would help him and Alecia.?Tan, despite how she loved him to distraction could be stubborn about things.?Just look how long it had taken him to propose to her and them to marry.?As she realised this, she could not help laughing, which immediately drew Yao Tan and Hou Yi's attention, and they shot daggers at her until they both realised that Amanda was indirectly calling them out about their behaviour.

Before anyone could say anything, Alister Nang returned into the room, and handed to Amanda and Yao Tan, the agreement to sign on behalf of Alecia. Amanda, realising that Yao Tan would get angry and she would not know how to respond, took the agreement first and started to read through it.

As she reached the end, she had to turn and ask, "Are you certain what is here is the truth?"

"Absolutely Madam Yao. That is what Miss Alecia had us verify, and it all is true," came the response from Alister.

"You better make sure on the rest of everything you are going to make that b*stard Lu Jingho pay. He is worse than Li Jinhu.?Make them pay Alister.." With that Amanda picked up a pen and signed the agreement.

As she went to hand it to Yao Tan, she leant over and whispered to him loud enough for Anna and Hou YI to hear "Just sign it. I can tell you, you do not want to read the contents. I will tell you about it later."

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