Offer To The CEO

Chapter 559: Attempts to Escape True Justce - Part 4

559 Attempts to Escape True Justce - Part 4

Friday, continued …

After taking a breath, Alister Nang started to speak "In speaking to Miss Alecia and Mr Jones, I was given authority for either of CEO Yao or Madam Yao to given an agreement regarding the charges Lu Jinhu.?Miss Alecia indicated that her bottom line for a penalty is that he has to be convicted, he is required to pay an immediate fine of ten million and over the next five years donate another two million per year to a charity that supports the victims of s*xual assault.?As to jail, he either has to serve a minimum of fourteen months by way of home detention or seven months in jail, but he can choose what he wants.?At the completion of that time he is also to do over a two year period at least one thousand hours of community service."

"Both Miss Alecia and Mr Jones indicated that while they originally wanted him jailed for at least five years, Miss Alecia made the decision because not only does she not want to have to deal with a full blown court case, in the end the person who hurt her the most was Lu Jingho and that is who needs to get as much jail as possible."

"Also, Miss Alecia indicated that she has concerns for Lu Jinhu's unborn child if she pushed for a significant jail period.?She commented that if she pushed for that she had concerns for his unborn child, given what she knows of his wife.?She said jailing Lu Jinhu would results in an innocent child being left with a selfish self-centred attention seeking mother."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click .Comfor visiting.

"Miss Alecia said, that you CEO Yao, saved her brothers and her from a similar fate when they were born.?You stepped up and sacrificed your life for them.?That is something she said that she could not repay you for.?She does not want Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin's child to face that prospect of dealing with a mother that sees them as only useful if it puts them front and centre.?It means for that child it will need its father around and that is why she will compromise."

Looking around Alister could see how angry everyone was in the room, so he paused before continuing.?"In speaking to Miss Alecia, I said that Lu Jinhu's unborn child should not be a concern for her.?Her response was that if I did not think about that child, I would not be the person my father raised me to be, as that vulnerable unborn child deserves he best from the moment that it is born and as she was it would be Lu Jinhu not Yang Lin."

"Now in talking to the National Prosecutor's Office representative, they had spoken to Lu Jihnu with the agreement of the prison authorities yesterday, given he is representing himself in this matter.?He is willingly to the home detention but proposed a few amendments.?He suggested to make it two thousand hours of community work over three and a half years from sentence."

"As he opted for home detention, he said that he could start community work while serving his home detention through coming up with promotional campaigns for community groups and charities presently as it would be a constructive thing to do.?He was clear that he needed to show remorse, and helping the community had to be a way to express it."

"He also has inserted into the agreement a restraining order despite it not being sort.?His reasoning for this was that Miss Alecia had to realise that he was sincere in his remorse and this was a way to show it.?The National Prosecutors do not believe that it is necessary though.?As to the fine, he has suggested that over the next ten years he will pay three million per year to a scholarship fund established in Miss Alecia's name to provide support to victims of s*xual abuse for the purposes of pursuing their educational dreams."

There was stunned silence in the room when this was said. No one knew what to say. Eventually Anna said "Why?" This coming from the man who abused her physically and emotionally, now was being nice, what was his angle.

"Madam Hou, all he would say is, that since being under home detention for his crimes against you, he has had time to think. He let his father influence his behaviour, and his agreement in your matter and this matter is such that all it can be is an expression of regret for his actions. It cannot heal the past, but if he takes some responsibility people can move forward."

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