Offer To The CEO

Chapter 546: Post Wedding Fun - Part 3

546 Post Wedding Fun - Part 3

Sunday, continued

Hou Yi interrupted Anna saying "Anna, calm down, they have their orders.?Now, we need to think about getting a move otherwise Adam and Ben will kill us for ruining their party."

"That scares me Yi, those two in control of a party.?I just hope everyone else stepped in to prevent them turning it into an alcohol and chips party which causes everyone to run quickly."

"Sweetheart, they will try their best, and that is all we can ask.?Otherwise it would be a professionally organised party, rather than a relaxing family event."

"Hou Yi, if it is an alcohol and chips party we are leaving, have you got it."

"Yes sweetheart, now get into the car, both to calm the bodyguards down but also so we are not too late.?They will kill us if we are."

"Yi, that is taken care of.?I have a bribe to satisfy them, in a couple of Kermonds Hamburgers," Anna responded with a smirk before heading over and slipping into the car followed by Hou Yi.?As she settled in for the trip to the farm, Anna rested her head on Hou Yi's shoulders and drifted off to sleep.?Hou Yi could not believe it, Anna went from energetic to exhausted in a few minutes.?That was something he knew at the next obstetrician appointment he needed to raise with the obstetrician to see if this was normal, or something he needed to be concerned about.

As the car slowed down and went over the cattle grid, Anna awoke with a start.?"Damn it, did I sleep the whole trip."

"You did.?Yesterday was a long, but enjoyable day.?Did I tell you how beautiful you looked coming down the aisle towards me with our fathers??Dad could not believe you asked him to do that."

"Yi, you are an only child, and you dad, despite what you may think is constantly trying to make things easy for me ..."

"Because you make me happy, and more importantly you have been able to achieve what we all thought was the impossible, controlling the shopaholics that are my mother and aunt.?Although apparently, they went wandering through the shopping area in Warrnambool on Friday and came back with a car full of shopping bags."

"Yi they could not have done too much damage, as while the shops are good here, there is not the likes of a Channel or Prada here were a dress each can be worth tens or hundreds of thousands.?Stop worrying about it and let them enjoy themselves even if they go over their spending limit for the month.?We are here to celebrate our marriage and I do not want anything to spoil that."

"Yes Anna," responded a chastised Hou Yi.

Anna opened her mouth and was about to say something, but the car came to a stop, so she decided that she would not respond further.?Hou Yi stepped out the of the car and helped Anna out after him.?Anna took his arm, and the two of them walked into the farm shed where the part was being held.

As they arrived at the shed door, they heard Adam call out?"Here come the bride and groom.?They decided to leave all of us waiting, and we can guess what they were doing."

This drew laughs from those present who understood what was being said and the hidden message.?Anna, however, could not stop blushing in response to the comment.?Anna responded "Go jump Adam, your mind is in the gutter and I do not know how your wife puts up with you at times ..."

"With difficulty," interrupted Rachael.

"And we cannot understand why you do," added Susan.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click .Comfor visiting.

"And Adam, given your attitude, Ben can have the surprise that I have."?With that she pulled out from behind her back the Kermond's Hamburgers bag and handed it to Ben while Adam was watching.

"You, meanie."

"Serves you right, Adam," responded Ben.?Realising that there were three burgers in the bag, he quickly handed one to Wayne and the other to James, who decided to tease him and immediately started to eat the burgers in front of him, drawing a round of laughter from Anna's family.

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