Offer To The CEO

Chapter 547: Post Wedding Fun - Part 4

547 Post Wedding Fun - Part 4

Sunday, continued

Both Anna and Hou Yi looked around as they moved further into the shed and realised the party was already in full swing.?Adam and Ben had decided to go with a country theme, using hay bales covered with rugs for seats, a barbecue cooking meat, a table laden with salads, cold meats and lots of finger food.?There was, surprisingly some Asian style dishes that they thought some of the guests would like.

Anna looked past the tables and noticed that they had even found a old bath, which they brought in added ice and placed cans of soft drink and alcohol, bottles of water, juice, white wine and even milk in it.?Beside it there were two tables.?One held an urn and supplies for making hot drinks.?The other had plastic glasses, red wine and bottles of alcohol that did not need chilling.?It was then Anna realised that the glasses, cups, plates and the like were all plastic.?Yes, wasteful and environmentally damaging, but easy for a clean-up.

Anna realise that despite her concerns Adam and Ben seemed to have done a reasonably good job in organising the party.?The question would be would this be true for the whole day?

Spotting Hou Yi's parents talking to some of the guests from home, they walked purposefully to them.?The Minister for Agriculture, who was a close friend of Hou Jang, stopped Hou Yi to talk to him.?He could not stop raving about how much fun it was trying to milk the cow by hand, and that he had totally enjoyed the tour that Ben and Adam had given him of the farm.

Listening to the conversation, Anna could not believe how something that drove her crazy being around could inspire a government minister.?She simply just leaned into Hou Yi and drifted out from the conversation.?She only was shaken from the daze when Hou Yi Hou Yi slightly shifted and took her left hand in his and lifted it to his lips to kiss it.

Farewelling the minister, they started to make the rounds to talk to various people, coming back and forth to the buffet table for things to eat. Anna soon realised that despite cultural and language differences, and the number of bodyguards watching their protectees, the guests and most of the bodyguards following the direction that their bodyguards had passed through all of those present were enjoying themselves.

As she reached Susan, who was drinking soft drink, as she had an evening shift, Anna had to ask the question "Where are Mum and Dad?"Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click .Comfor visiting.

"Dad called me this morning. Apparently last night when they got home, she started to last out, given how much we controlled her behaviour. She cursed you for spoiling what was best for you, going on about what she saw was needed to control you. Badmouthed your husband and was ready to go and throw Alecia out of James' house and life. He figured that he needed to stay at home, as he was uncertain that we would be able to keep her under control."

"Damn it, I thought she would settle down, and leave well alone."

"Do not worry about it, Anna. She must learn to let go of her past, and until she does, she will keep driving all of us away. Wayne and I know that soon we will have to move away for…"

"The final treatment we all knew was coming?"

"Yeah. Neither of us are looking forward to that, but at least the Royal Children's Hospital can treat him, so we are not too far away.?The best outcome is we will have our son with us for a few more years and the worst case is they will simply ease any suffering before he dies. But Wayne is questioning returning even when the inevitable happens, given the attempts to interfere in our lives mum does." Susan paused and continued "However, this is meant to be fun..."

With a yell, Anna and Susan looked up and saw Ben and Adam, setting up several games for everyone start playing. Anna however started to feel a little dizzy, and gripped Susan's arm hard. Susan immediately turned and saw that Anna was not feeling totally well and helped her to sit down quietly on a haybale, before heading to fetch her a drink. After taking a few sips, Anna started to feel better and shooed Susan away to go and join in the fun with everyone else.

Hou Yi, while joining in the fun with people, saw what happened to Anna, and excused himself to go and see to his wife. Anna simply said "Yi, I have not eaten enough, go and join in the fun for a while."

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