Offer To The CEO

Chapter 545: Post Wedding Fun - Part 2

545 Post Wedding Fun - Part 2

Sunday, continued

Anna decided rather than eating her hamburger in the car, that she would eat it out on the street.?Hou Yi noticed that a shy smile passed over his wife's face as she was eating.?For him Anna seemed in no hurry, but the cars and the fact that they were surrounded by bodyguards was drawing a lot of attention from passers-by.

As he bit into the burger, he could see why his wife wanted one.?Yes, it was something that he would not eat regularly, but despite that it did taste quite good.?He quickly finished the burger and stood there still watching Anna who was clearly enjoying the burger.?At one point, he tapped Anna on the shoulder and said quietly "You are enjoying that?"

"Absolutely my love.?Do not get me wrong, the staff at home can cook, but sometimes the simple pleasures from growing up can be the best.?Yes, it is greasy food, but lovely to eat, and it reminds me of simply spending time with people at school.?While my classmates were a couple of years older than me there was a few that were nice, and we simply hung out.?That I miss."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click .Comfor visiting.

"You know you can come back hear any time you want to see people."

"I know that Yi, but my life is with you," and with that Anna took Hou Yi's hand placing it on her stomach, "And our children.?Visits will be lovely but that is not my reality."?Anna turned and moved to snuggle into Hou Yi's arms.

The bodyguards, surrounding their boss and the lady boss could not believe the two of them.?They knew since their marriage, the boss had changed.?Yes, he was as hardnosed as he had been both in the office and acting outside when he needed to, but he changed as soon as he was around the lady boss or anyone that would say anything to her.?He softened and was more caring.

One of the bodyguards who was not finishing off the hamburger they opted to try, looking around at all the attention that they had drawn from people in the streets, decided that it was necessary that they started to move.?Too many people were interested in them, and despite how far they were away from home the risks to them were significant.

He quietly moved over to Hou Yi, and said "Boss, we need to move.?There are too many people starting to gather looking at us and ..."

"You are worried that Lu Jingho might attack us??He would not be so crazy, with the court cases going on and some of our guests here..."

"Boss. he is crazy.?You and the Lady Boss know that.?He wants to hurt the two of you, and we previously failed to act to stop previous events.?We will be pro-active to ensure that you are safe."

Anna, hearing that "Look, we do not blame you for what has happened, but Yi is right, he would not be so stupid."?Anna paused "Actually he might be so stupid to try, but time and distance as all he knew was that we were marrying in Australia would mean an attack is impossible.?Just let me enjoy a few minutes here before we have to head."

Hou Yi, seeing his wife simply wanted to take in some sights and sounds of her hometown, shot the bodyguard a look telling him to calm down and watch for threats.

As he went to step away, Anna spoke again "Now out at this party, as much as you can relax.?The guests are those from the wedding.?No over the top acting to protect me, unless my mother decides to cause a scene."

Looking to Hou Yi, the guard realised at that moment that the Lady Boss was the one in control, and the boss would allow it.?Seeing the look on the bodyguard's face as he turned around, Anna looked to Hou Yi, and laughed before moving in and whispering "Yi, you can be terrifying when you want, but you know you are telling them that I am in control."

Whispering to his wife Hou Yi responded "My love, you know I will give you most things, provided they do not risk your safety, the safety of our family or harm the business.?If it came down to who they had to save the bodyguards know it needs to be you, as I could not live knowing that nothing was done to protect you."

"Stop being dramatic...."

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