Offer To The CEO

Chapter 494: After the Raid - Part 4

494 After the Raid - Part 4

Sunday, continued …

Officer Kang, now feeling confident that they had gotten Lu Jingho overconfident responded "OK, now I understand."

He paused and said to it could be heard "We need to quickly speak about a matter. Two officers will step inside for everyone's protection. But we will stop the recording now."?With that Officer Kang lent over and pressed pause on the recording machines and both he and Officer Ho exited while two new officers stepped inside the room.

Once outside they turned to each other before Officer Kang said, "He is so full of himself and believes he is in total control but has not recognised that he is walking to out trap through telling us about Lu Corporation's business."

"True, as CEO and Madam Hou told us, he likes to be in control and when you take it from him, he will overreact and give us the information that we want, as he cannot help himself." Came Officer Ho. "The question is, is his lawyer smart enough to figure out what we are doing?"

"While not the best criminal lawyer, he is one of the better criminal lawyers in the country. He has wanted to try and stop Mr Lu a couple of times, but he has realised that his client will not take him interrupting what he wants to do."

"Well how long will we let him go before we get him to where we want?"

"We need to get him to admit about connections between business he personally owns and Lu Corporation? The question is how long, and it will also be how long before we know that he believes that he is in total control of the interview. That is more the point we need to then press."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please clickfor visiting.

"True. We will simply need to let it go until that point, provided we have the other information we need."

With that the two of them returned into the interview room, and saw that Lu Jingho was being spoken to by his lawyer.

When the police officers stepped out, Lu Jingho signalled to the police who stepped in that he wanted to speak to his lawyer. As soon as they stepped out, he turned and quietly said "Those idiots are so stupid."

"Mr Lu, do not underestimate the police, your son made that mistake …"

"I am not stupid like my son. I am in total control of what is happening in here. I do not need you to tell me anything. You are simply here to do a job. To prevent them from doing anything illegal or hurting me. Nothing more and nothing else, as I do not what happened to that w*ore that married that idiot Hou Yi to happen to me."

Lu Jingo paused for a few seconds, and then continued "I know the law, they have to be able to connect me to what happened. As you heard me tell them, I believed she was over 18 years of age. All I must do is show that the belief was reasonable. The worst that they can get me for is if my reasonable belief was wrong, is a minor charge about what I was planning to do. There is nothing else that they will be able to pin on me."

"Mr Lu, please, you need to be careful."

"Those two police officers are dumb. They think they are going to trap me, and they have no hope to do so."

After a deep breath to calm himself, the lawyer spoke "Mr Lu, please do not interrupt me, but I need to say this and advise you. Whether or not you want to take that advice is up to you."

"I told you what your job is."

"Mr Lu, just listen to me. You need to be careful in what you say. The police will be looking for you to make statements that they will use against you in criminal proceedings. You need to think smart, given that you have decided to speak. Keep your answers short, direct and do not give any more information. To put it in perspective, your son …"

"That idiot."

"Sir let me finish. You son did not heed that advice. He could not help himself and gave more information than necessary and it got him into the trouble that he ended in. You need to be careful, otherwise there will be little that I can do, if there are charges."

"I get it, but they have nothing, and even if they did, they are too dumb to be able to prove it. More importantly simply sit there and do nothing unless they are about to act illegally. Got it?"

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