Offer To The CEO

Chapter 495: After the Raid - Part 5

495 After the Raid - Part 5

Sunday, continued …

After hearing Lu Jingho, his lawyer realised that they would go in circles and he would not accept the advice provided.?He figured that what he had to do was simple to try and protect him as much as he could when he started to say the wrong thing.?"Mr Lu, I understand your instructions but realise that I have been attempting to advise you about risks."

As they both looked up, and Officer Kang walked into the room, and asked "Are you ready to continue?"

Lu Jingho spat "Yes, let us get this over with."

With that Officers Kang and Ho came in and the recording devices were re-started.

Officer Kang asked "Gentleman we can confirm that we have restarted the recording equipment. However, before we continue further in the interview, we need to confirm that you have had sufficient time to speak?"

Lu Jingho spoke "Absolutely. I want to get this over so that I can return home."

Officer Kang looked at his partner, but before either of them could say anything, they then heard "I can confirm that I have had enough time to speak to my client, and have provided him with advice about the interview, and have my instructions."

Officer Ho nodded to Officer Kang and realised that they had been given a very clear message. Lu Jingho had been provided with advice and was likely to ignore it, but being a true lawyer wanted it recorded somewhere that he was potentially acting contrary to advice and therefore if Lu Jingho tried to complain about the outcome there was not an issue.

After a brief pause Officer Ho, spoke "Now Mr Lu, while I understand that you only own a level of the shares in Lu Corporation due to family arrangements you control forty percent of the voting power."

"That is correct"

"As a shareholder, do you take notice of what the business is doing?"

"As much as my role as the CEO allows."

"What about other companies you have investments in?"

"Again, as much as my role as CEO of Lu Corporation allows."

"Now, Mr Lu do you have investments yourself personally in companies, rather than through Lu Corporation?"

"I do and they benefit my family only.?I have a management team who are responsible for their management and they run various business related to accommodation and entertainment.?They activities do not conflict with Lu Corporation and when they interact with Lu Corporation they do so at commercial rates."

"Mr Lu do you have any idea about specifics of those companies' activities?"

"Absolutely not. As I told you I heave the running of those companies in the hands of the management company, as I do not have the time to deal with them."

"Mr Lu, are you absolutely certain about that answer?"

Angry about how dumb these police officers were and how much they were wasting his time he had to respond, with a real angry frustrated tone "Are you dumb and hard of hearing or simply stupid and do not understand the answer that I have given. I have no idea what these companies do and allow the management company to control them. Seeming you how you have absolutely no idea about why I am here I am going to leave. You can prove nothing."

Officer Kang now knew that that they had reached the baiting point Anna had told them he would get to eventually, and now they really could start the questioning. He stood up, and said "Please excuse me for a minute, I forgot to bring something in. I just need to get it."

As he moved and exited the interview room, he could hear Lu Jingho say, "How dumb can you get, you are idiots and are stalling for time as you have nothing on me."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please clickfor visiting.

Moving quickly, he picked up the folder that was prepared with the various document that they were going to need. As Officer Kang knew now the fun and games as about to start, and he as certain on how to push buttons.

He moved back quickly towards the interview room and re-entered the room. "Officer Kang, you are totally wasting my time, and you should have had this material particularly when you were out not long ago. I am leaving." Lu Jingho stood up

Officer Ho simply sat back, realising what was about to happen. Officer Kang came out in a very firm and determined voice "Mr Lu, sit down. We are nowhere near finished with you."

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