Offer To The CEO

Chapter 493: After the Raid - Part 3

493 After the Raid - Part 3

Sunday, continued …

Continuing Officer Ho, asked?"Did you know that Lu Corporation owned the warehouse that another club, where your wife and family friends including Rong Jingye, who was also found at your club tonight were located?"

As soon as he heard the question Lu Jingho had to stop himself from reacting.?He knew that he needed to play dumb despite knowing exactly about the warehouse that they were referring to. Pausing without being obvious he briefly thought about his response.

"Officers, I only found out about it after the raid that you are referring to occurred.?We own a multitude of warehouses not only in the city but throughout the country.?We do not consider any one individual; warehouse as a significant piece of property.?They are used as storage facilities and if surplus to our needs leased out."

"I found out that it was leased to a private company for fifty years, and apparently they converted it to the venue.?I had no knowledge, nor did I have any knowledge of the presence of Lu Corporation Artists there.?We simply tell artists, regardless of their age, that have little or no work organised by us they can, until a new job comes up through us to take casual work but they have to remember their contracts require them to pay us a commission on income that they earn from that work."

Hearing his client, the lawyer was getting concerned.?Lu Jingho was potentially digging him into a hole.?He placed his hand on Lu Jingho's arm to draw his attention, but it was simply knocked away by Lu Jingho.

The immediate thought was the arrogance of this family in thinking that they can play games with the police and win. Lu Jinhu while stupid was willing to take hints for at least a few minutes. Lu Jingho however does not even seem to want to take the hints to even to take a break before digging himself into a hole.

"That is contradictory. Either you know what property your company owns or not?"

Lu Jingho now thought that he had the police cornered. "Could you tell me everything your owned, down to the most insignificant small items?"

"Mr Lu, while that is an irrelevant question, I will indulge you to give you an answer. While I could not name every item specifically that I own, I know generally what I own. Are you trying to compare what a person owns to what a corporation owns?"

"You do not get it, if you cannot recall each and every item that you specifically own, how do you expect me, the CEO of a company to have an idea of each and every item that the company I am CEO of owns." Lu Jinhgo response was completely smug, totally of the belief that he the police where he wanted them.

Beside him, it was significantly difficult for his lawyer not to react. He was able to see exactly what was happening, but Lu Jingho was so confident in his own skills that he was able to play a game with them.

Officer Ho and Officer Kang in observing Lu Jingho and then turned to each other. The both realised that they had him where they wanted.?Madam Hou had carefully informed them there was two strategies to Deal with Lu Jingho.?Get him so would up he disregarded everything or let him feel he controlled the situation before going in to close the trap.

"Mr Lu, so you are telling me you cannot be expected to know everything that Lu Corporation owns?"

"Absolutely. I can, as you said it only have general knowledge of groups of assets but not the specifics."

"So, what about business that Lu Corporation conducts?"

"As the CEO I am in control of the business direction both domestically and internationally. I set policy and make key decisions. Management within divisions have to ensure that I am responsible for key important decisions, but they control the divisions."

"Could you give me an example please Mr Lu because I am not exactly sure what you mean?"

"For example, I would make a decision about property purchase strategy, but rely on management to implement a strategy, or when I am called to judge talent competitions and see talented people I will pass their details onto the entertainment division but then leave it to them to work out to only the contract to the management."

"So, you keep a watching brief on things, but not over manage anything?"

"You have it right. There is no way that I could micromanage everything that happens in Lu Corporation, as that would be exhausting."

"I am still not sure what you are meaning Mr Lu." Responded Officer Kang, keeping a straight face while not giving the game away.

"Let me put it another way. In the hotels that Lu Corporation owns there is a manager who is responsible for the hotel. He directs staff generally, for example that rooms that have been vacated need to be carefully cleaned before the next person uses the room. He does not tell the cleaning staff who is to clean the room and what they are to do."

"Management responsible for the cleaning of rooms dictate the processes and the room cleaners implement it based on what they find. The hotel manager is my role. I give general directions and then rely on those in lower levels to implement it. Like the hotel manager, when I see something that could hurt or improve the company, I advise of this and then expect those in lower levels to implement it."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please clickfor visiting.

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