Offer To The CEO

Chapter 492: After the Raid - part 2

492 After the Raid - part 2

Sunday, continued …

Two police officers walked into the room, which stopped Lu Jingho responding to his lawyer.

"Gentleman, I am Officer Ho, and this is my colleague Officer Kang. We have been assigned this interview. Please give us a minute." With that the two of them set to placing discs and USB keys into the recording machine, before pressing buttons.

"Gentleman, I am Officer Ho, and I am with my colleague Officer Kang. We are here to interview Mr Lu Jingho in relation to a number of offences. Before starting this recording, the only thing that we did on entering the interview room was to previously introduce ourselves."

"Mr Lu, we do have to apologise for keeping you waiting, however as we believed that it was appropriate for you to arrange legal representation and for it to arrive. Mr Lu, given the time that it has taken if you require a break to use the facilities please let us know at any time.?If you want to speak further with your lawyer, we will terminate the recording until you have had this opportunity."

Both police officers looked at each other.?They were aware of what happened to Madam Hou that everyone questioning any suspect was being carefully watched to prevent a repeat. They decided to be seen to smother him with kindness to prevent any allegations of mistreatment.

Officer Kang stood up responding to a knock on the door and was handed six bottles of water. He took those to the desk and while offering one to Lu Jingho said "Mr Lu, would you like some water to drink." The rest of the bottles were placed on the desk and given the shake of Lu Jingho's head he placed the offered bottle with the other bottles on the desk. "If you change your mind, please feel free to take one."

Officer Ho started "Mr Lu. As you know, you were arrested earlier tonight during a police raid on a warehouse which we believed housed an illegal brothel. At that time, you were located in a room with a young girl who states that she was 16 years of age. Do you have anything to say?"

"The location is simply a club that I attend occasionally.?It has private rooms that members that can use for whatever reasons.?You have to request the rooms in advance, although depending on how they rank you on membership depends on where you sit for the priorities"

"Yes, I was found in a room with a young woman, who mutually agreed to be in the room and to have s*xual encounter. She had convinced me that she was 18 years old and what we were about to do was legal. There was nothing that made me consider that she was under-age and what she agreed to was illegal.?I had no basis to suspect that she was not eighteen, and she consented to our private s*xual activities."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please clickfor visiting.

"Mr Lu, that is impossible to believe as the young girl states she is an artist signed to Lu Corporation's Entertainment Division."

"Officer Ho, from my recollections there are over ten thousand employees of Lu Corporation.?Do you expect me, as CEO, to have personal knowledge of each and every employee, where they are employed and their personal details? I struggle to remember the bates of birth and ages of my extended family, so how can you expect me to know things about every employee."

"Mr Lu, so let me get this clear, you are denying any knowledge of the venue operating as an illegal brothel. You state that it is a private members club, and that you as a member made arrangements to use one of the rooms in the club, for what you admit was a sexual encounter with who you say is an 18-year-old girl."

"That is correct. What benefit would I have to lie about anything? My profile in the community would ensure that any lies I make can easily be disproved."

"Thank you, Mr Lu. By the way do you know who owns the club, and can you clarify its name."

"We simply call it the Club, and as to who owns it, I have no idea."

"Are you meaning no ideal of who owns the club of the building?"

"Both. I have absolutely no idea who owns the club, or the building."

Officer Kang hen spoke "Mr Lu, you mentioned that you were the CEO of Lu Corporation. Do you have knowledge of the real estate that Lu Corporation owns?"

Lu Jingho, despite his lawyer trying to stop him from answering "I do. I would not be a good CEO if I did not know what property that the company owned."

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