Offer To The CEO

Chapter 413: The Walls are breached - Part 16

413 The Walls are breached - Part 16

Monday, continued …

After the call ended, Hou Yi noticed Yao Tan was a mess.All he could think about what happened to Alecia.He was reluctant to leave him, particularly given Amanda was dealing with what had happened to the young artists.The problem was he needed to get back to Hou Enterprises.

He turned to Anna, and whispered "Sweetheart, I have to leave, but I am worried about leaving Yao Tan alone."

"Yi go.I will stay.The last thing he needs to think about is what happened to Alecia.He is blaming himself as he has reached the conclusion that business is the reason that Alecia was attacked.Whether or not that is the case, it is not his fault.Go.I will not leave him alone, and I will convince him to take me out for a meal which I will pay or it."

Hou Yi gave Anna a brief kiss, and then said, "I will leave a couple of bodyguards here for your safety."

Speaking to Yao Tan quietly Hou Yi said "Tan given it is your birthday I would have liked to take you our for a meal, but business calls.Anna is going to take you out, and she will pay.You need a little fun today, and she is going to make sure it happens."

"Yi your wife is a menace...."

"Tan, who said I am a menace.You should see my sisters-in-law.Amanda and I are kittens compared to them."

Hou Yi knew where Anna was going "You should have seen the two of them last Wednesday night.They were bragging how they led your wife astray when they all went out.And let me tell you everyone in the legal department started to complain about her on Thursday.Her comeback was blame Anna's sisters, not me."

Yao Tan laughed a little, which drew smiles from Anna and Hou Yi.

With that Hou Yi left the office.Anna turned to Yao Tan and said, "So where are we going?"

"You really think I am going to let you take you me out for lunch.My wife will kill me."

"Tan, I will tell your wife you were too mean to accept my offer and she will believe me."

"Fine." Said a frustrated Yao Tan."I have the perfect place."

Once Yao Tan agreed for Anna to take him out for lunch, Anna sent a test message to Amanda telling her what was happening.She received a brief reply back 'Arrived at the police station, girls are getting ready to talk to the police.Let you know what happens'

As they arrived in the foyer area, coming storming into XF International was CEO Lu.The bodyguards Hou Yi left behind for Anna, immediately surrounded her, and Yao Tan's bodyguards rushed in to protect their boss.

CEO Lu was totally enraged."You b*stard.You have no right to do what you are doing.I have done nothing wrong and you are attaching my company.Actually, it is that w*ore behind you and her husband who are targeting me simply because my son was stupid and manipulating you."

"CEO Lu, get out of my company.You have no right to come in and abuse anyone in here.Anyway my decision is a business decision, nothing more nothing less.That will be the case for CEO Hou as well.Revenge is not a decision maker it is a sound analysis and determination of whether the opportunity appropriate.The fact that it is going into an area that your company has dominated, despite the existence of our own entertainment divisions, is not an attack.Grow up, and stop being like a little child."

"Now you listen to me.You will immediately disband this joint venture of yours, those artists you stole from my company will return to my company, for for compensation you will give me 25 percent of the artists signed to your entertainment division.That is fair compensation, otherwise I will destroy your company and your family."

"As I said, do not take a business decision as an attack on you.This has been something being considered for a long period of time, it just happened that the timing occurred at the same time that a number of companies, including this company decided to refuse to do business given your failure to condemn your son.Violence against women and girls cannot be tolerated in this society.Take a look at yourself first."

CEO Lu walked over and pushed his way through Yao Tan's bodyguards and came over and whispered in his ears "Do what I want, or I have something to disclose about that slut of a daughter you have."

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