Offer To The CEO

Chapter 414: The Walls are breached - Part 17

414 The Walls are breached - Part 17

Monday, continued …

"What do you mean?" came the quiet, but deadly response of Yao Tan.

"I know what happened to your daughter six months ago, and I have the evidence of the slut that she is.If you do not want that to get out, you will comply with what I want.And by the way that includes you getting her in my presence in twenty minutes."

Anna had slowly moved her way towards the two men and heard what was said.

Yao Tann responded trying to keep the worried undertones from his voice, "You do not have such evidence …"

"And by the way I will tell the police you claim to have evidence of a crime and have suppressed it."

"Stay out of this conversation you …"

"You know CEO Lu I though your son and daughter-in-law were stupid and unable to help themselves with saying things.I thought you knew better but you have just proven that the apple does not fall far from the tree.Your son definitely inherited his stupidity from you."

"Screw you b*tch.This is for my son."With that CEO Lu started to quickly move towards Anna, however both the bodyguards left by Hou Yi and Yao Tan's stepped in, both to shield Anna, and restrain CEO Lu.

Anna stared at CEO with a smirk, and then turned to Yao Tan "Tan, can you do me a favour.Call the police.CEO Lu here went to attack me claiming that his actions were for his son.That is a breach of the order of protection I have."

Yao Tan stood there in stunned silence.He always thought his wife was a master manipulator in getting people to admit things, but Anna was even better.Yes CEO Lu was already annoyed at the whole situation, but only a couple of phrases had him react.He knew he would hate to be on the other side of an argument with her as she would completely twist everything.

Yao Tan pulled out his phone and called the police station requesting an urgent attendance at XF International.He was assured that someone would be there within fifteen minutes.

CEO Lu, meanwhile, while still being restrained was in the background was yelling abuse, and telling Anna that she would be dead soon, he would see to that.

Anna, still resting on her crutches, turned and said "Fine, say all you like, but …"

"You w*ore, s*ut.You are just like that little b*tch of a daughter of his.You lead men on and then cry crimes when the situation does not go the way you like."

Anna could see that that comment had Yao Tan ready to kill CEO Lu.Anna put her hand up and shook her head as to tell Yao Tan to back off.He seemed to quickly get the message from Anna, so she turned and looked directly at CEO Lu.

"Opinions are not facts, CEO Lu.You need to check your facts.And by the way, I was not responsible for what has happened to your son and daughter-in-law, it was their actions so look to them, not me.That is all I am going to say about me.As to CEO Yao daughter, actually let me re-phrase that, as to my sister-in-law I dare you to make that comment to my brother about his wife.Out of the three of my husband, CEO Yao and my brother, I noticed on Saturday that you were more terrified of my brother than the other two."

"What the …"

"Oh, you did not know," came Anna in a real sweet voice."That lovely girl, who was the victim of a crime is married to my brother.He will not accept anyone disrespecting his wife, but he knows not to cross the line.Anything you claim to have, will not get very far.She was only sixteen when she was attacked and my brother knows what happened, and who cares about what has happened in the past of a married woman."

"You are dead you …"

"Please, Please, Please, CEO Lu.I thought you might be a worthy opponent to verbally spar with, but you are proving me so wrong.You love to manipulate from behind the scenes and use and spit out people you consider down the food chain to try and do your dirty work.You have no skills yourself.You tried and failed with my husband, and let me be realistic I am so much better the at this than he is."

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