Offer To The CEO

Chapter 412: The Walls are Breached - Part 15

412 The Walls are Breached - Part 15

Monday, continued …

Anna, simply remained stunned.Could it be possible that Alecia had confused a few facts?She was never assaulted by Lu Jinhu, but his father and a friend.He just helped set up the situation?

Something clicked for Hou Yi "It has to be possible.Remember over the last ten years or so, Lu Corporation have quickly secured favourable deals with companies after the teenage daughters of the CEO's or owners were assaulted.It is quite possible that there was a set up that made it seem like the daughters were to blame, and that used to blackmail them.He could have been planning to do the same to you Tan and then against me as Alecia is my goddaughter."

"That makes some sense, as the attack on Alecia was a couple of weeks after I told Lu Corporation that I had sold that recording company to you, as they wanted it.Their offer was never as good as Hou Enterprises offer, but they never accepted that I rejected it for sound business reasons."

"It is possible.Why would Alecia have been assaulted at a secure event that the country's president was in attendance at.We all had to go through so much security to get in to the hotel, and therefore it could only have been someone at the event as no one could have snuck in to do so.CEO Lu disappeared for a portion of time about the time Alecia was attacked."

They sat there in silence to think about their logic.Alecia was targeted by pedophiles for a business reason.

Thoughts kept running through Yao Tan's head.He had done everything he could to protect his little girl and sacrificed so much so she and his boys could have life.He knew he had disappointed his parents in getting his girlfriend pregnant when they were sixteen, and opted to raise them when she abandoned them.For the triplets he juggled caring for them, working to support them and his education for create a better future for them.

He got his degree and as the CEO's son and Chairman's grandson he had some support to progress through the ranks in XF International, but neither of them would have let him become CEO if they did not believe he could succeed for the company.

That b*stard was wanting to use his daughter as a pawn for business reasons.Would she have been further targeted, if he had not shielded her after the attack?Why did he not use the blackmail material to target XF International?Would he have gone after Hou Yi and Hou Enterprises as well?

Hou Yi quietly said to Anna "Are you really sure about all of this?"

"Yi I would not have said anything if I was not certain.He is a pedophile, who targets vulnerable teenage girls.If what I am being told can be proven, he and his friends, film and blackmail their victims into continuing and share the images, and it is all done through the front of Lu Corporation's entertainment division.The only thing that puzzles me is why was Alecia not used the same way?"

"Tan and I threw a ring around her to protect her, so he and his friends could not get to her."

"Yi that does not make sense …"Anna paused and thought through a couple of things."I think I have it Yi, Lu Jinhu was involved.He helped them get access to Alecia, that is why she remembers his voice all along, and he filmed it. …"

"And kept the footage from his father.Blackmail?Is that why he has no publicly disowned Lu Jinhu after what he did to you?"

"Possibly.He wants that footage and Lu Jinhu is using it to draw him into everything that has happened."

Before they could continue, Yao Tan received a call on his mobile, and he immediately placed it on speaker phone "Hi Amanda, Anna and Yi are here with me, and I have placed you on speaker phone."

"Thank You Tan I was going to ask you to do the same.Anna, you were right.It needs to be reported to the police.I had to stop both girls from calling friends, as we do not need anything leaking to those involved until the police do their investigation, but they have agreed to report it to the police.My impression is that it is simply the tip of what happened.I will keep you advised as to what is happening."

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