Offer To The CEO

Chapter 312: A Threat? - Part 2

312 A Threat? - Part 2

Monday, continued …

Anna also could see that her darling was also in shock.He could not seem to process that Du XuXu had resorted to violence as she had.Anna grabbed his hand and pulled him down to her level.Anna knew that when she dropped the microphone on the floor it was still on.Anna internally said to herself that the only way to mitigate this now was to talk about who may have put this in motion.

"Look at me Yi.This is not your fault, so do not blame yourself.While we do not have all the evidence that Du XuXu leaving the sanatorium was sparked either by a visit from CEO Lu or his wife when they were visiting various sanatoriums gathering information about helping children with mental health issues or reading about our marriage in the papers.The thing was, something that none of us could control caused her to flee.Promise me that you will not think that you are at fault."

Hou Yi with those words, and the look of mischief in her eyes, realised that Anna was hinting to the press what had happened.He knew that he needed to help her."Anna, I know, and I have my suspicions, but …"

Du XuXu, was still struggling against the bodyguards and security guards trying to get up.She screamed out "You witch.He is mine, and CEO Lu just told me the truth about you, you manipulator, con-artist and liar.You deserve to die.Hou Yi is mine, you cannot have him, he belongs to me not you."

In observing the media that she could see, she knew that they had heard what she had to say, and that would prompt investigations, so she bent down and picked up the microphone.As she straightened Anna said "Miss Du I have not met you before, but I have examined the evidence.Even taken a dispassionate view of it, it disproves your claims.You miscarried your baby but more importantly my husband was not the person responsible for getting you pregnant, but you have my word we will try and find out what happened to you on the night in question."

"You husband thief.He is mine, and my parents stole my child from me, they need to give me my child, and Yi will do what he promised, marry me."screamed Du XuXu.

With that Du XuXu, pulled herself out of the arms of the security guards and came running towards the stage area trying to break her hands from the zip ties securing them behind her back, screaming "You need to die today for taking my man."

The bodyguards were quick enough and that before she could get any closer to Hou Yi and Anna they forced her to the ground.However, given the ongoing danger Hou Jang, Du AnLing, Doctor and Madam Du along with the media adviser immediately left the stage.The bodyguards then escorted them straight out of the hotel into cars and they left the area.

Hou Yi however reached over and scooped Anna into his arms and carried her out, not giving a care about the crutches.Hotel staff showed them into a room, to await for Anna's crutches to be retrieved from the room and a car to return, given that they were one short.Hou Yi moved over to the couch and sat Anna down before sitting beside her.Anna moved, so that they could simply sit there hugging each other.

Fifteen minutes later, one of Anna's bodyguards was shown into the room and spoke "CEO and Madam Hou, the psychiatrist Doctor Du arranged before he was taken away, has arrived along with other medical staff and the police with an order to detain Du XuXu for treatment.When she ran the last time towards the stage two journalists were knocked to the floor.While they do not appear seriously injured we have arranged for them to have a complete check-up at your expense to be safe.A car will he here in ten to fifteen minutes to take you back to the Ancestral home, and when we come to escort you out, we will have your crutches Madam Hou."

Ten minutes later, four bodyguards entered the room, one carrying Anna's crutches.Hou Yi stood up and rather than allowing Anna to use her crutches to move out he swept Anna into his arms and carried her out to the waiting car for them to leave the venue and return to the ancestral home.

Meanwhile, Du XuXu had been taken to a secure psychiatric hospital to begin her immediate treatment.

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