Offer To The CEO

Chapter 311: A Threat? - Part 1

311 A Threat? - Part 1

Monday, continued …

With the sound of the gun the bodyguards standing in the wings waiting, raced into the area where the press conference was being each threw Hou Yi, Hou Jang, Du AnLing, Doctor and Madam Du and the media adviser to the ground, and three surrounded Anna who was sitting on a chair, and with her injuries that would not be a good thing.

At the same time the members of the press in the room dived to the ground.Anna, before the bodyguards surrounded her was trying hard not to laugh at them, as seeing the ways they were diving for cover was so funny.It reminded of footage seeing rats abandoning flooded areas for safety.

One bodyguard, headed to where Du XuXu was standing from the stage area, and from outside the room three Key Plaza Hotel security also came running in in response to the shot.The bodyguard reached Du XuXu first and pulled the gun out of her hand before she could, aim it again.The security guards grabbed Du XuXu and forced her to the ground.

Behind the three Key Plaza Hotel Security guards that had come running into the room was a fourth, who appeared to be a supervisor.In his hands was a walkie-talkie in which he was speaking and a cloth.On reaching where Du XuXu was on the ground, he handed the cloth to the bodyguard who wrapped the gun in it.

It was only when the situation started to calm down that people started to look around and realised that no one had been hit within the room, but no-one was actualy certain as to where the bullet fired had gone.

By then Du XuXu, was screaming "You b**tard Hou Yi, you b**tard.You promised me the world and what do you do.You b**tard., you liar.In front of my parents you promised that you would marry me when our child was born.You lied and abandoned us."

By this point in time, the bodyguards let everyone on the stage on the ground up, and Doctor and Madam Du had made their way closer to their daughter.Anna saw how distressed Madam Du was, and the level of concern Doctor Du had seeing how out of control his daughter was.

Du XuXu, continued her tirade "Hou Yi, you helped those so called parents of mine who are with you to steal our child and keep them from me.You are mine and that woman who is your co-called wife is trash."

By now Du XuXu's ranting showed how delusional she was.She continued "You are mine and mine only.You solely belong to me and our child.You will pay if you do not divorce her," and with that Du XuXu pushed the security guards off her, jumped up and started towards Anna, grabbing a hidden knife from her boot and swinging it towards Anna as she moved.

As she was continuing moving, she continued "I will kill her.You have to marry me.All that she has said is lies that she has fabricated to keep you.You are helping her suppress the truth, and keeping them in that place that force feeds me that medication to control me and for the truth to be hidden."

The bodyguards disarmed her from the knife and threw Du XuXu back on the ground.This time, one of them grabbed a couple of zip ties that they had and secured her arms behind her back, to prevent her from going after Anna again.

Anna could see not only rage in Du XuXu's eyes but signs of how much her mental health had deteriorated.That scared her, even more than the cold-blooded killers that she had represented in their murder case.She was clearly unpredictable which made Anna concerned about what would happen to everyone.

Anna looked at Doctor Du, who was on his phone, and from what she could hear he was calling medical help given how psychotic and out of control his daughter was.He looked like he was trying to get her detained given that state.Anna then glanced at Madam Du who was in shock not only at her daughter's actions, but her world had come crashing down.Her daughter was simply someone she did not know.

In those few seconds of observing both of them Anna could see that both of them had realised their hopes for their daughter's recovery had come crashing down.The one thing was that they seemed to have no idea about who was really behind what had happened.If they knew that the Lu's were responsible for the situation, they would seek to confront them, and that would not be a good thing.

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