Offer To The CEO

Chapter 313: Hong Kong Tales - Part 1

313 Hong Kong Tales - Part 1

Monday, continued …

On the journey back the ancestral house, Hou YI and Anna simple leant on each other, clasping their hands.It was, despite everything and having staff in the car, just delightful to have some private time together, simply relaxing in each other's company.At one point Hou Yi could not help himself and gave her a short passionate kiss before whispering in Anna's ear "I love you, so much"

Anna's immediate reply was "I love you too."She then leaned over and snuggled into Hou Yi's embrace, which for her felt perfect.

With Anna's few words, Hou Yi realised how tired Anna was.He knew that he needed to ensure that she got to bed as quickly as possible, so that she could rest.The last thing that either of them needed was anything else to happen, particularly to their baby.He quietly let the bodyguard know to call the ancestral home to have Anna's wheelchair inside the door, so Anna could be placed in it when they arrived home.

However, for Hou Yi, Anna's snuggling into his arms was a little slice of heaven and he did not want her to leave them until she had to, so he slightly moved to make it even easier.

When they arrived back at the ancestral home, Hou Yi carefully swept Anna into his arms carrying her inside and placing her in the waiting wheelchair that James and Rosemary had for her.As soon as they realised how tired Anna was, they both went into nurse mode.

Rosemary angrily said "Yi, she is exhausted.You are meant to ensure that she does not overtire herself, kept calm and you are careful.You know that there are more reasons than just her injuries for that."

With that one comment, Anna knew what Rosemary was referring to and placed her hand on her stomach.James, observing that action and combining that with Rosemary's words and his suspicions from last Wednesday when he accompanied Anna to the hospital, reached the conclusion that his sister was pregnant.

James bent down and whispered to Anna "Are you pregnant?" and all Anna could do is nod in response.

Before either Rosemary or James could take over and take Anna to her and Hou Yi's room, out came running the children yelling "Aunty Anna, Uncle Yi, come on we want to tell you about the trip."

Hou Yi, noticed that since he had placed Anna how drained she was, and started to say "Children, Aunty Anna is tired, maybe tomorrow?"

"Uncle Yi…" came a whine from all the children.

"Yi, none of us will have any peace until they tell us their favourite things from the trip.Take me into the lounge area, Yi." Responded Anna in a quiet and tired sounding voice.

"OK, Aunty Anna has spoken, but …"

"No buts Uncle Yi."

Looking at Hou Yi, Rosemary and James realised how out of his depth Hou Yi was and that he was going to struggle to keep the children under control.Looking at each other they realise that the needed to move Anna before the children started to climb all over her, so James grabbed a couple of hands and started pulling them towards the lounge area, an Rosemary pushed the wheelchair.James called out "Come on, we need to go and sit down so you can talk to Aunty Anna and Uncle Yi."

Once they were in the lounge area the children started running around, so James said "Come on sit down.The last thing Aunty Anna needs is for you to knock her leg."

"Uncle James …"

"Everyone, No pleading with me or anyone else.You either sit down, or you cannot tell Aunty Anna and Uncle Yi about your trip."

With that the children ran and sat down on a couple of couches.Anna in the wheelchair was moved to be beside a chair and Hou Yi sat down beside her."OK, tell us about the trip."

"Aunty Anna, Uncle Yi" spoke Hannah "We all talked earlier, and everyone told me I had to tell you what we liked."

"Why Hannah?"queried Anna.

"Well, Aunty Anna …"

"There was so much we all liked" came Pippa.With Pippa's interruption there was a lot of shushing of her, and some of her cousins saying "Be quiet Pippa."

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