Offer To The CEO

Chapter 310: The Press Conference Regarding Du XuXu - part 6

310 The Press Conference Regarding Du XuXu - part 6

Monday, continued …

"Subsequent to last week's press conference, Doctor Du arranged for the fetus to be exhumed with further supervised samples for DNA testing taken from the remains.Those samples have been re-run against another sample from my husband, samples preserved from the original samples and compared to the original tests."

"The local laboratories have process this quickly with the original results being confirmed.the overseas laboratories results should be back within three weeks that confirm the same point.My husband is not the father of the child Du XuXu miscarried."

"Before anyone asks, the fetus was buried in a family plot, by a funeral director, who assisted with the exhumation.He confirmed the location and depth of the burial, and the existence of three specific items that were buried with the fetus.These items were located with the burial.There was also no signs of any disturbance of the burial site, which would be the case as no one had been buried in the family plot since the fetus was buried."

"In our view the information given and the supporting documentation that will be emailed to each of you is sufficient to disprove the claims that was made by Du XuXu.More importantly we are calling on the press and public's help to locate her as quickly as possible so that she can get the help that she needs.The Sanitarium and the psychiatrist are very clear that she does need this ongoing treatment at this time."

"Most importantly, all this information will prove that my husband is not the person you have been making him out as for a week.You have effectively stated that he is a as a philander, without a care for any s*xual partner, which is clearly not the case.The allegations are false."

"Now do we have any questions?"

Anna by now was exhausted and pulled the microphone from its stand and sat down on the chair.Hou Yi came forward as he could see what Anna was doing and helped her to sit down, giving her a brief kiss on the forehead before standing behind Anna.

As they looked over the press, there were a number of people yelling out and with their hands up.Anna randomly pointed to one reporter.

"Madam Hou, why did you do this, rather than your husband, your in-laws or their extended family members?You have no role in this and should not be speaking."

"Gentleman, firstly I offered to do this.Of everyone here on the stage I am the person most removed from the situation and can be more dispassionate than everyone else.Plus, presenting information to be understood by the public and the press is something I have done in Australia for over five years for a living."

"Madam Hou, you did not answer the question?"

"I did, it was a joint decision, that someone needed to speak for everyone, and as I said I offered.Everyone else is here that can answer questions if necessary."

"Madam Hou …"

Anna pointed to another reporter realising that otherwise it would be a back and forth going nowhere.Over the next thirty minutes, there were a number of questions for everyone that they all answered without question.Hou Yi decided after answering a question directed to him "Members of the press, we will be ending this conference after this next question.By the time that you return to your offices the emails with the relevant data should have arrived."

With that Hou Yi paused and pointed to one reported "Madam Hou, no one has asked a simple question.How do you feel about all this?"

"As I clearly said last week, my husband has been clear to be about his past, as I have to him about m past.I understand his reasons for not telling me specifically about the situation with Du XuXu, but understand why he did not do so.Mental Health issues, regardless of what anyone says still tend to be looked down on as a problem.He wanted to protect Du XuXu, so she could have a future."

"That is also the impression that I have from her family, as to why they did not speak about it.The only concern, and it has come to my attention that there are rumours that a visit to the Sanatorium where Du XuXu was receiving treatment sparked her leaving it.I hope that this is not the case, as it has denied her the ongoing treatment that she needs.…"

Before Anna could continue, there was a loud bang, and as everyone turned and looked to where the noise was from, stood Du XuXu with a gun pointed at Anna.

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