Nexus Awakened (An Isekai LitRPG Gender Bender Story)

205. The 6th Apostle

205. The 6th Apostle

The teleporting platform transported them to an unknown floor. They could not tell if they were somewhere higher or lower. The purple and white walls still surrounded them as they found themselves in what appeared to be a chamber for worship.

It was a vacant space where only a pale crystal hovered high above, draped with purple ribbons. Scented candles and chandeliers were the only source of light in this oddly bright place. Frost was told by Res that they were likely going to be meeting with a higher up before she would inevitably be invited to speak to the Apostle.

However, and much to Res’ surprise, they were directly taken to the 6th Apostle’s chamber.

“Were we expected by them?” Frost asked them directly as they were led away from the teleportation platform.

Lines ran through the platform like steaks of lightning, creating an intricate image of a hollow tree, where a golden apple sat within its cavity.

“Under normal circumstances you would be meeting with someone else. Queries take time to resolve. Even a Color will not have priority unless the circumstance calls for it.” One admitted in a roundabout way.

“Ideally, it would be a one-on-one meeting. But the Apostle has specifically requested to meet you all in person. It raises the question of whether your identity is what it seems. A healer that passed the echelons and became a Color is frankly difficult to accept.” The other said. “But there are stranger things brewing. It won’t be long before we’re issued an ultimatum by a higher power.”

He suddenly rambled, causing his companion to clear their throat which instantly shook him lucid and erect.

“They mean Beholder Galia. She’s their higher power. But they don’t have a means of communicating with her until the Hyperlinks are up.” Res said, surprising the duo yet again.

They clearly had no clue who these triplets were or their relationship with their Atelier.

Res then respectfully uttered: “Thank you for your hard work. We’ll wait until the 6th Apostle finishes their ‘prayer’.”

“I see. Shame on us for believing you were nothing more than the Color’s companion.” They apologized. “May you find what you are after in our watchful domain.”

“Thank you.” Frost and the others bid them farewell as they teleported away, leaving behind nothing but the afterglow of the illuminated symbols.

All fell silent in this chamber where nothing but a single crystal floated, and where statues of winged figures were built above the walls like gargoyles. They were in the image of traditional angels, save that they possessed between six to four wings.

They were angels no doubt, but Frost had never heard of a multi-winged angel. As a matter of fact, the Angels of this world did not have wings, proven by Jury’s divine body.

It was either someone had read from a book in the Eternal Library of this version of an Angel, or someone from Earth had a hand in designing them. She pondered on these little details as the group roamed around this bizarre place.

“This crystal is for what exactly?” Jury could not hide her curiosity as she studied the object with wonderous eyes.

“Beats me. And if you’re asking then that means Frost can’t even analyze it. It’s not one of the Hyperlink crystals. That’s for sure.” Cer answered. “No chains. Just drapes of cloth.”

“Then you wouldn’t know what they meant by the Eye in the sky?” Frost also wanted clarity on this, to which Res eagerly answered.

The Eye was the name given to the surveillance system used by Caldera Industries. With the number of floating constructs they had overhead the Nex Megalopolis, it was only natural that they would possess surveillance capabilities.

“But they somehow have no clue what’s going on? I find that hard to believe.” Frost groaned, and much to their surprise –

“An eye will blink every once and a while. She used to call it ‘human error’. Humorous, is it not? When there are only machines above, she still called it a mistake on the living’s part.”

– A male voice spoke as a faint church bell could be heard. The echoes of the bell coated every conceivable sense. From sight to touch, to even taste, they were made aware of a presence unlike mere mortals.

A beautiful being dressed in a coat made from purple feathers near identical to Frost’s emerged as the distant walls twisted open, revealing a secondary chamber where countless masked individuals sat on their knees, prostrating to a crystal as they clutched a smaller one in their palms.


Faithful Inscriptor
< Follower >


Soul Rank: Green | Atelier: Justica Arms

LEVEL : 10


HP : 100

They uttered words of magic to the obelisk, all the while a four-legged monstrosity dressed in pale robes, feathered cloth roamed the room. It was like a supersized version of the daddy long leg spider, with an eye acting as its sole, central body.

How could such a hideous monster appear equally as beautiful?


Fulfilment Seeker
< Principalities, of the 3rd Sphere >


Soul Rank: Blue | Atelier: Justica Arms

LEVEL : 50 ORIGIN: Magicalis

HP : Nil

ATT : 100 MAG ATT : 1,200
ATT DEF : 500 MAG DEF : 2,500

MP : 150,000 

RESIST : 200 AGI : 12

“Justica Arms hires Magicalis too. Those braindead wastes of life.” Cer hissed.

Nav. Magicalis?

“Species native to the neighboring Spiritas Region. Like the Fairies, they are a magical race, docile race that are described to serve only one function. They have a love for purity, but in your terms, they could be described as oversized microbes. There is a saying that the phenomenon of ‘angel hair’ are the younglings of the Magicalis.”

Angel’s hair was the term used even on Earth to describe the strange, pale strands that one would sometimes see floating in the air. The explanations ranged from spider webs to something similar to a snowflake. In the end, while it had many explanations, it was still one of the more popular folklore on Earth.

In Elysia? There were countless answers to the ‘angel hair’ folklore.

One even suggested that they were the shavings of the Nexus itself.

“Waste when used incorrectly. Nurture them, and they’ll nurture you back.” The man spoke, finding humor in Cer’s words.

He was tall, with purple hair reaching down to his waists. Despite his revered status he did not come across as unapproachable, neither did he possess an insufferably thick aura. There was kindness in his purple eyes, but Frost would be none the wiser to believe that friendly façade.

After all, it was exactly one of these Apostles who had betrayed her.

This man was none other than the 6th Apostle.

“Oh, pardon me. Hmhm. Ah… Where are my manners? Black Dove. Moons, and friends – Welcome to the heart of the 6th Branch. I have been anticipating for your arrival for some time now.”


Star of the Nexus
Brightest Star


< The 6th Apostle >

Soul Rank:
Incandescent |Atelier: Justica Arms

LEVEL : 200  ORIGIN : Elf

HP : 45,000

ATT : 4,000 MAG ATT : 4,000
ATT DEF : 2,000 MAG DEF : 2,000

MP : 6,800  

RESIST : 200 AGI : 42

Frost did not smile, nor did she greet him with the same eagerness as his. Whilst the others nodded, she could only cast a deadly gaze upon him. She tried to discern his character, to unravel whatever hidden intentions he possessed.

She expected herself to react with such vitriol. But even so, she managed to conceal her spite as she greeted him nonchalantly.

“I feel honored knowing that we were anticipated by an Apostle. You have no idea how much easier that makes it for us.” She said, taking several steps towards the approaching man.

He heartily laughed, his voice echoing as another bell rang. The walls finally twisted shut, sealing the holy hymns away. For a split-second Frost saw the crystals in their hands turn into tiny, crystal pellets.

Or in other words, bullets.

“Information spreads fast through the branches of our tree. Forgive my manner of speech. I have just come from a lengthy prayer, so I am… elated so to speak.” His tone was higher pitched than the regular man, and his manner of speech was flowery, like he was constantly reciting holy scripture. “6th Apostle. Apostle. Purple bird. Purple, even. Please, address me how you wish. Like how you would with a friend. Jesters~ Pleased to make your acquaintance once again.”

“Frost or Black Dove is fine.” Frost dismissed his overly friendly approach.

Friendly or not, it made her skin crawl being within the proximity of another Apostle, much less one who presented themselves like a purple Iscario. She could not smile even if she tried. A cold façade encased her flaming heart.

“Oh~? But not the Archetype of Amalgamation?” He caught them all by surprise. The one thing that stumped Frost over was dispelled in an instant. But it was also more the reason to remain suspicious if he understood who exactly he was dealing with.

Just as she was about to pry, Res swiftly marched to the front where she waved a hand in front of Frost, urging her to quell her rising emotions.

“Three Moons and a Color doesn’t add up. It’s one of the reasons why people like the Retrofitter knew who you were, regardless if a Herald open their big mouth. Frost… Don’t forget this person has personally met with the Arbiter.” Res laid her train of thought out clearly, desperately trying to bring Frost back as calmly as possible.

“I know an Archetype when I see one. It brings me great pain that you view me as a traitor. But I believe it cannot be helped. Besides, such pain is mandatory to sew fresh wounds.”

He understood Frost’s wariness and kept his distance, all the while smiling with his arms held out like wings.

“The dog’s betrayal has shamed us to Marked one the Arbiter and the elusive Galia have sought to greet. It is a greater tragedy that a mere Apostle such as myself has stolen such an exalted moment.”

His lament was genuine, but Frost had seen one too many lies to truly believe it. Her blood seethed just by him merely being an Apostle. Still, she swallowed her hatred, tucked her ego away and responded accordingly.

Because in the end, she did not want their most likely ally to become an enemy.

“What Iscario did is unforgivable. But right now, Iscario should be the last thing on our mind. Everyone. Please introduce yourselves. Where are our manners?”

“Jury. Pleased to meet an Apostle.”


“Cer. Moon. Don’t care.”

“Ber. Moon. Don’t care either.”

“Res. Moon. Pleasure to meet a familiar face, Bartholo.”

This caused the Apostle, Bartholo, to breathe a sigh of relief as he strolled to the central crystal, wiping his forehead with a purple handkerchief.

“Moon triplets. I’m surprised Galia still trusts you three after the mischief you’ve caused above. But I am equally elated. I would love to hear your tales, but we have certain issues at hand. Time is not a friend, unfortunately.”

“… just you.” Cer jabbed at him, then jabbed Jury’s side with an elbow.

“Shh.” Jury hushed.

“I assume that you are not here merely to claim your promised reward, no? For an Archetype, a Justica Arm is no more than a blowpipe.”

“It more than makes up for it with its ranged capabilities.” Frost quickly replied, adding: “But you’re right. If we were just after the reward, then I don’t think meeting you would have been necessary. For that reason, I’m suspecting that you also want something from us.”

“Sharp~! But… Hmhmhm. It’s a complicated matter. You’ve seen the crowd underneath? Oh Nexus. Oh, most gracious Galia, what am I saying? Aha. Caldera Industries has seen its share of problems related to the ongoing issue in the City of Spades.”

“… does this involve the Scarlet Logic?” Frost became curious of the issue. The Scarlet Logic were her primary target after all. If they were involved with their problems, then it could be a win-win situation.

However, this unfortunately did not seem to be the case.

“Dungeons. Rampant dungeons. We have no knowledge of the matter aside from that there is likely a Hungry Infestation. A plague is also a possibility. The issue lies with…”

“…How many, huh? And that doesn’t tip you off that Scarlet Logic’s linked with them? Letting them fester like that? What, you’re not allowed to stop it?”

“It’s always been like this. It is how they operate, and we cannot trample on their negligent sovereignty. Instead, our personnel gather requests from its inhabitants, and we direct them to the Associations and Offices who fulfil them in our stead. Ever since the last Atelier War.” He slowly spoke, taking coiled cloth into his arms where he began to stroke its soft fabric.

“It ensured that we could never be involved with them again. Cowardice? Fear? Oh Amalgam… Do you believe in a victory that costs countless lives?”

“… I don’t. Pyrrhic victories are painful. But doing nothing is arguably worse.”

Frost recalled the events of Divas Pass. Ignis was the sole survivor of the tragedy and calling that a victory was difficult. It was their victory since they survived, but a tragedy in the grand scheme of things.

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