Nexus Awakened (An Isekai LitRPG Gender Bender Story)

204. The 6th Branch

204. The 6th Branch

They recognized Frost as the fabled Black Incandescent Color, a title arguably more revered than the Stars and Moons of the Nexus.

There were 13 recognized Colors in Elysia: The White Wing; Black Dove; Violet Key; Red Barron; Blue Chorus; Yellow Pulse; Green Composer; Orange Disruptor; Pink Sublime; Brown Banquet; Teal Tear; Golden Crush and finally; the Grey Lock.

Their whereabouts were largely unknown, with the Orange Disruptor and the Red Barron having been confirmed ‘dead’ after the disaster that was the first ever Zeroed Horizon event. All knowledge was taken with a grain of salt moving forward, for Frost knew the truth.

Her party was immediately escorted into the crowded archways of the 6th Branch. They were designed in the shape of Justica Arm’s insignia, which were a pair of overlapping doves and a single Justica Arm cutting through like a buried stake.

Thousands gathered in a pristine, purple, and white chamber made from reflective marble. The interior was built like a seatless cathedral. A highly gothic-inspired architecture ran through the veins of the 6th Branch. From the pillars that supported the multiple balconies above, to the pointy arcs, the 6th Branch was not just a crystal building.

It was a structural masterpiece.

The sanctum exuded an unquestionable holy air, upheld by the Justica Arms members who stood along the edges of their circular chamber like armored statues. Unlike the stylized military gowns that the normal Justica Arms personnel adorned, those that stood at the rims were suited in massive, bulky purple armor.

They were so large in fact that they towered over Jury at a whopping 2 meters in height, with shoulder guards reaching as high as their heads.

The only exposed section were their faces. Not a single fragment of emotion was shown as they stood with their gargantuan blades pointed downward, used like a walking stick. The pure hunk of pale iron was so large that Frost refused to call it a blade. And running through the center of it like a tube was a giant Justica Arm.

This weapon was called the Justica Reach, these beings, though few, were the 6th Branch’s Justicers.


6th Branch Justicer
< Castigation, of the 2nd Sphere >


Soul Rank: Black | Atelier: Justica Arms

LEVEL : 110 ORIGIN : Human

HP : 7,000

ATT : 2,500 MAG ATT : 2,500
ATT DEF : 2,000  MAG DEF : 2,000

MP : 1,000

RESIST : 150 AGI : 30

“The 2nd Sphere?” Frost asked aloud, surprising the pair of Point Scouts.

They were escorted towards the vacant middle which was illuminated by the sun’s holy rays. A glass mosaic made in the shape of a dove hovered high above.

She felt like she was inside of a purple version of the Central Relay in the Nexus.

Since the Point Scouts refused to answer, Res ended up taking the reins.

“Justica Arms has 3 spheres of power. Think of it as a hierarchy. The 1st Sphere is the highest and where you’ll find people like Galia pulling the strings. In the 2nd Sphere you have Justicers and the Apostles. Augurists and other handy personnel are under the 3rd Sphere. Point Guards and regular Public Defenders are much lower in the hierarchy, but they’re not dispensable like Scarlet Logic fodder.”

The Point Scouts didn’t confirm nor deny this. They only silently carried out their duties with diligence and haste. The central portion acted as a traditional short-ranged teleporter which utilized magical symbols and Justica Arms mages to conduct the ritual. Several hooded personnel began to flock towards its outer rim in preparation.

It was clear that they were expecting Frost, whether through predictive means or were simply anticipating her arrival over the passing month thanks to the 15th Flock she rescued. Teleportation magic was Justica Arms’ specialty, although it came with certain caveats. This was why their Hyperlinks were the preferred method of long-range instant transportation.

In the hierarchy of magic, Teleportation sat as one of the highest and esteemed. Very few could utilize it, and those that did were absorbed into the Justica Arms, like how Healers were taken under the wings of Inflow Direct.

An example of a botched teleportation would have half of a person teleported whilst the other half remained. Or they could find themselves physically meshed into one with a wall. Certain measures were taken to reduce the risks and increase its accuracy, and as a result, teleportation magic was strictly used for short-range travel.

Or in this instance, as an elevator much like the one found within the Nexus.

“So this is what a Justica Arms Branch looks like. They have a humanitarian side to them, huh. I didn’t expect that.” Frost solemnly spoke as she watched their members offer their aid to the bereaved, whether by handing food, water, clothing or lending an ear to listen to their woes.

The chatter of countless confessions surrounded them, as did a mysterious hymn that carried the voices of what felt like thousands. It was deep, and it resonated somewhere within her chest with a powerful thump.

She overheard the harrowing wails of children and parents, the cries of loved ones, and the lament of those that had lost everything. Cer mentioned that they were considerably busier than normal. The Branches were usually silent, and these confessions were often done privately.

This was the first clue of something major brewing in the background. Justica Arms was so overwhelmed that their Branch appeared like an overcrowded bomb shelter. When Frost asked, the Point Scout surprisingly answered.

They were selective in their responses.

“Caldera Industries suffered disaster after disaster. What you’re seeing is the result of their incompetence. Now they’re scrambling to find someone responsible in the Outskirts of the City of Spades.”

“All during the height of a Hungry menace. The Eye in the sky can only see so much with all the mist. A Color like yourself should have no trouble if you plan to travel on foot, aside from your feathered coat. The denizens do not take kindly to us after the last Atelier War.” The other spoke, suddenly curious of Frost. “Is it true that you’re a healer? No less one that cured the Healer’s Dilemma?”

“You’re well informed.” Frost said, amused by this. “It’s all true. I fail to believe that a fellow Justica Arms member would blatantly lie in their reports.”

“We would have our tongues plucked.” One admitted. “Lies will be punished accordingly.”

“There is no sin that will be left unjudged.” The other stated.

Cer and Ber were oddly silent. Snap didn’t follow them into the 6th Branch and instead silently patrolled the outskirts. One could tell that there was much on their mind they wanted to say, but they acted on their best behavior.

Ignis was fascinated by it all despite her begrudging gaze. Divas Pass lacked anything extravagant. Even the best inns were hardly anything more than wooden huts with the occasional jewel. Here, she was allowed to indulge herself in the scenery, as did Jury who wondered if the Nexus was anything similar.

She assured Jury that the Nexus was just as beautiful.

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