Nexus Awakened (An Isekai LitRPG Gender Bender Story)

206. The Gift, and the Beginning of an Inevitable War

206. The Gift, and the Beginning of an Inevitable War

“It’s a legitimate fear. And I’m thinking that what I’m about to do will begin a chain of disaster. Iscario. The dungeon monsters. Scarlet Logic. I have every reason to believe they’re all working against the Nexus, and actively seeking the Piece of the Fallen Star. If they’re festering, then it’s all the more reason to strike them down before it suddenly becomes your problem.” Frost said.

“The issue herein lays in that statement. Until it becomes our problem. Retaliation is how we operate. But do you believe such a manner of life is a flaw? It depicts the sides of right and wrong, the good and bad in a crystal-clear light.” The Apostle replied.

His explanation was utter nonsense to her, but she understood that their hands were tied. They had similar restriction placed upon them like Carpalis ever since the last Atelier War. However, Frost could not care less for sanctions when it meant the lives of countless more.

Her rage could be felt. Her emotions were quickly heightening. The simplest method would be to beeline straight to the City of Spades and wreak havoc on the Scarlet Logic, but that approach would inevitably lead to a war.

But so would waiting.

“… Amalgam. I am not refuting, I am agreeing. The issue lays with locating the Hungry Hearts. Number, size, and potency. Cleansing them thoroughly will be an issue. But the strange thing is that no one has found any evidence, yet the testimonies of their existence are true. Caldera will keep losing their trains that pass through the City of Spades and beyond. ImpulseWorks will lose their Retrofitters. Healers will continue to disappear. Exalted will continue to betray the Golden Index. But what about Act X and the Scarlet Logic?”

“All I’m hearing is that you’re banking on us dealing with it. At this rate I’m tempted to just let it fucking fester and leave you to deal with it. The Scarlet Logic are our priority. Whether you like it or not, you need to make a choice on whether you’re with us, the Golden Index and ImpulseWorks, or with them.” Frost was instantly apprehended by the triplets, who desperately clutched at her waist in anticipation of a confrontation.

But she was not so stupid to do anything drastic. She was merely venting her frustrations on their ineptitude. For an Atelier that prided themselves on bestowing justice, they were insufferably passive.

“Frost! Calm down! I know I’m the last to be saying this but even I know better!” Cer exclaimed.

“DON’T FIGHT!” Ber shouted.

“The moment you lift a finger is the moment all hell breaks loose! We don’t need more enemies!” Res begged her.

“Frost… you know why they can’t do it. I understand why you’re angry, but we should still hear them out!” Jury suddenly held her head from behind, instantly calming her down.

“… As I said, I am not refuting. When the time comes, we will take up our arms and bestow their rightful judgement. We simply need a reason. A truth. A link between Scarlet Logic and the recent disasters.” The Apostle spoke in a somber voice. He did not judge Frost. Rather, he truly understood where her anger was derived from. In fact, he too was frustrated that there was little to do but wait.

However, there was an alternative method. A single condition that would allow Justica Arms to levy the full strength of an entire Branch. The trick was in plain sight. Their code of conduct. It suddenly clicked in Frost’s mind. The evidence they required was as simple as a confession, or a proven Scarlet Logic attack on one of their personnel.

If they were struck first, only then could they retaliate with appropriate force to enact their judgement.

The Apostle had given her the keys. It was just a matter of finding a matching lock. This stumped her. She did not expect the Apostle to have a change of heart, but in truth he never did deny anything.

He merely made it clear what they could and could not do. Then, he showed her the only extenuating circumstance that would allow them to act. He did not doubt her in the slightest. He knew better that Frost, much like the Arbiter who had introduced the Risk Classification System, knew far more than he could possibly imagine.

It was comforting.

Frost was so blinded by rage that she didn’t realize this. Just like with L.S, she had rabidly jumped to conclusions. For this, she immediately apologized, only to have the Apostle smile.

“Your self-awareness is more than enough. Mind you, people will perish as a result.”

“I know.” Frost admitted, knowing well that a confrontation with the Scarlet Logic, whether covertly or overtly would result in the loss of innocent lives.

Perhaps even within Scarlet Logic itself. People like Cara and the Usa had good hearts, but bodies that did not belong to them. Their missions were absolute.

Her shoulders drooped, and she swayed in their grip before falling backwards into Jury’s arms. Even Justica Arms had their flaws, but it seemed that they did at least have good-natured people.

“I am not condoning your plan. I am merely making hypothetical suggestions. I of course cannot be held accountable. My ideas will not hold me liable.” The Apostle sneaked in. “Suggestions, suggestions… It will be interesting, nonetheless. A traitor in the midst, and an Atelier turning its back to the Nexus is quite the reach. But alas, who am I to question an Archetype? It is funny. The Director visited the other day and mentioned to avoid stepping on your toes.”

“He was pulling more strings than we thought, huh. That aligns our goals then. The Hearts are the easy part. Finding them not so much.” Frost deeply sighed, before suddenly erecting herself in a presentable manner. “Really, the only thing I was looking for was confirmation that you were on our side. But it became something much more than I would have wanted. We have a lead heading into the City of Spades now.”

“A little bird told me that S4 hides a direct route to the City of Spades. I have personnel sent there to gather requests, which will be sent out to our Association friends. There is trouble brewing in S3, S4 and S5. Namely by Syndicate activity and the aforementioned Hungry.”

“You don’t think those Syndicates might actually be the Dungeon monsters?” Jury speculated.

“There is suspicion, but there is no telling if a man with a book for a head is a Page or merely a man with book on their head.” The Apostle stated, suddenly drawing a magnificent, pale Justica Arm from the cloth.

But this was no Justica Arm. It was a Justica Longarm, which excelled in long-range attacks.


Justica Longarm
Justica Arms


Type: Weapon

  Damage: Projectile
ATT : 1,500

MAG ATT : 1,500

RANGE: 200m

< Crafted by the hymns of the devoted. Molded by the faith of the bereaved. The reach of justice must further extend past our outstretched hands. Justice must strike whether near or afar >

< EFFECT: Cannot be used against targets identified as Innocent. Cannot be used unless user is retaliating >


Their philosophy even extends to their weapons.

“Indeed. It prevents the death of the innocent. But I can envision it being a paperweight in certain scenarios. Namely for hostages.”

“Acting directly or engaging in combat will spark a major conflict. That’s why we delegate to our Association friends. We merely gather requests. Therefore, let’s say there were unaffiliated Moons and a Color… I’m sure you understand. I can offer information. In exchange, I merely wish for one thing.” The Apostle approached them, holding the Justica Longarm in both hands.

He kindly offered the gift to Frost, which she gladly received with a small grin.

“The safety of my missing personnel. They disappeared just days before they were due to retire. The 15th, 16th, and 17th Peace Flock embarked on one last endeavor and never returned. Love is a tragic thing.” Frost immediately knew who he was referring to.

The Captain and the Vice Captain of the 15th Peace Flock. The engaged duo she had helped resuscitate with Ber as her living defibrillator. There was no reason to turn this offer down. Surely, they’d find them somewhere in the City of Spades, and thankfully, the Apostle knew roughly where they were.

S4, one of two notorious criminal dumping grounds of the City of Spades.

“We’ll find them. That much we can do. And destroy whatever they have planned there. And… Thank you. Really. Thank you. I’ve always wanted to get my hands on of these.” She was a sucker for guns. As a man at heart, she adored firearms, although, she hadn’t ever used one if her memory served her right.

Yet in spite of this – She assumed a firing posture like it was second nature, much like how her Hired Arm moved with its false Justica Arm.

“What the –? Don’t tell me you were some marksman as well.” Despite Cer’s words, she was proud to see that Frost was capable of much more than just punches and bites. “When you start getting those memories back I wanna be the first to hear them. I bet there’s all kinds of epics waiting to be rediscovered!”

“I thought you were a noorse. Narse? Nirse? Healer?” Ber could not pronounce ‘nurse’ for the life of her, and just defaulted to healer.

“… Your body still remembers, but you mind doesn’t. I can’t say that makes a lot of sense. Maybe you were always that hot-heated as well.” Res jabbed but was relieved to see that she was back to normal again.

“I sincerely hope not.” Frost sighed. “By the way, how do I use it?”

“Atelier magic operates them. But I have tinkered with it slightly for your use. Invoke it with a focused thought. Believe in its power, and it shall function as intended. As for the crystal bullets, you should have more than enough to last in their suspended chassis. Oh – but please do refrain from shooing it here. We are not as replaceable as the Site Workers.” The Apostle urged. “Hmhmhm. Ah… I wonder how Beholder Carpalis feels about this. If you directly mentioned the Golden Index, then you must also know her sentiments.”

“It’s unfortunately an inevitability.” Res answered. “Bartholo. How are the repairs going?”

“Smoothly. We are only waiting for the Chained Theocracy to replace these banners with their chains. If we’re lucky, we might see this Relay Site active within the week.” His confession surprised them.

“Not even a month?” Frost was ecstatic to hear this news.

“It’s common knowledge that our Branch would be the first to see it functioning. It’ll be rudimentary but functioning nonetheless.”

“Do they also know?” Jury asked the single most important question in the room.

Bartholo turned his gaze towards the crystal, holding his hands together as in a prayer as he truthfully answered.

“I don’t know myself. A star of my height should have all the answers, but the truth is, I am more of an administrative Apostle. I have endured many lashes throughout my life and made a martyr for my beliefs time and time again. In a week the Nexus will see limited accessibility.”

“Meaning there’s not much time left. Fucking hell. S4 sounds like the place to head to first. From there, it’s just a matter of figuring things out. If worst comes to worst, then we’ll barrel straight into the City of Spades. What makes them so hard to fight is their replication technology. Remove that, and all they’ll have are numbers.” Frost pointed out. “I wonder if removing will change their mind. It’s not like Beholder Marduk is there to stop us dead in our tracks. But again, finding it will be the problem.”

“It all springboards off here. Finally. From here on out things are going to get messy.” Cer announced.

“And I’m all for it!” Ber cracked her knuckles, eager to begin their last mission before the Nexus reopened.

“The evidence we gather will help convince the other Ateliers. At least that way it won’t look like we decided to obliterate them for no good reason. The Anti-healing crystals and all the abnormalities in the Nex Megalopolis is likely a ploy for them to set the stage.” Res understood the future implications if they succeed.

“It all reverts to violence in the end.” Jury lamented, echoing Frost’s woes.

Such was the reality of their world. An Atelier that thrived on nothing but wrath could only speak that language, and in extension, the denizens of the City of Spades also didn’t know any better. Because at the end of the day, words were not going to help one survive in a world where rulers were crowned for their violence.

No matter where Frost looked the notion of Civilization was bastardized.

It wasn’t something that could be simply fixed.

“That’s the story so far.” Frost vented with a long sigh. “Bartholo. That’s your name, right? A part of me still doesn’t trust you. But at the end of the day, our goals are mutual. Thank you. We’ll be departing immediately. But – I want you to watch the skies. Moving back to give you some kind of evidence will be a waste of time. Instead, if you see a giant blue diamond in the sky, then start arming yourself.”

Reaching the Second State would undoubtedly mark a sudden shift, and at that point Frost didn’t know if her emotions would cloud her judgement. Either way, it did not change the plan. The Impuritas were going to perish. Scarlet Logic were destined to fall. She vowed to become the cleansing flame that would rid them from the Nex Megaloplis.

Then, hopefully all Elysia moving forward.

And most of all –

– They could not let them get their hands on the Piece of the Fallen Star.


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