I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 198: Blackout

Chapter 198: Blackout

It was an evident fact, that the little boy had managed to handle the governing situation swimmingly. But since such a case wasn't captivating his attention any longer, it was the proper time to think about more perplexing topics.

The first matter was related to just how Osira had gotten these bizarre powers. The information they had gotten about such a topic, was fairly pale. It became confusing the more they thought about it.

Especially after considering that the powers she got; were unique compared to other forms of mutations, or different at least.

An example for such a matter, was that Timmy's siblings had gotten their powers in a different way. Based on the information they had gotten, the hero's siblings were mutated by a crazed version of a blob-fish. Such a fish had required 77 sacrifices, just to be created.

Which led to a prime and yet perplexing thought: it would take a lot of effort to mutate any other fish. Yet this fine grouper lady, had gotten her powers in a way that seemed less tricky. It gave hints that her type of mutation was unique, but at the same time it brought a lot of uncertainties.

Although typically the hero would push such problems and uncertainties to solve for later, this was not the time to do so. Because Osira was the one who got caught as an experiment, between such a bizarre case.

He wanted to make sure that this fine lady, would not face any unwanted difficulties out of this mutation, that she clearly did not ask for. Better yet, they were supposed to eradicate other holy-tar tribes in the reef's middle portions. So it could be the best time to reap information through their mission of slaughter.

Yet it didn't mean that comments about it couldn't be given now; especially since these two had developed a good friendship so far, although its base was no doubt bizarre.

So the hero turned towards the grouper-lady and stated, "This power suits you so much. Have you thought about it until now? You literally have a power that shoots out black-light. You're like an underwater bull now!"

"Again with the bulls? I don't know what a bulldozer is." She answered. And gave in attempts to seem pissed off, but she was surely enjoying such a comment.

Although odd, his intelligence felt challenged by such a reply. So the young boy went through different thoughts, attempts to be more exact; for the pure sake of explaining what the true meaning or his references were.

Yet regardless of attempts, the best he could say was. "Oh basically there are these land things... uh animals, who have these big horns and attack everything with them."

A tad more confused than the boy now, the blacktipped lady asked. "What are horns?"

Forgetting that other fish could not see what he pictured through that little noggin, the best answer he could give was. "They are these long and pointy things, pretty dangerous!"

Remembering that she too had a row of pointy things on her spine, the lady managed to find a way of seeing it as offensive. "You're finding new ways to call me ugly."

"No!" He shouted, and afterwards instantly stated. "I'm calling you a badass!"

Loving how he got worked up over such a pale topic, she felt satisfied enough to allow the boy to dwell in a bit of irritation. "Mmm, sure."

The conversation had ended there. Not because the latter wouldn't put in a load of more work to prove his point, but because their view was captivated by a magnificent sight. Dawn had broken.

Such rays that the sun gave, had a lava-like colour this early in the morning. The illumination it gave, had a colour soft enough to avoid damaging one's eyes.

The beauty it had was fairly outstanding, but it also was a reminder that they have been working their asses off until now. They barely even felt the effect of the night time, all because they were in a rush to solve every problem.

As the train of thought continued at such a pace, the young hero thought. "How has my life become this? Was I destined to chase this dumb sect?"

The boy was aware that he had chosen to handle this massive problem, but by now it began to feel a tad overwhelming. What kept him going now was the memory of Marlo who had been slaughtered by these beasts, and the growing feeling that they are winning against this sect thanks to the aid of brute force.

Osira had synced into similar deep thoughts, but half of hers had to do with the fact that she had gotten powers.

But yet regardless of how deep in thought they were, something had managed to snap them out of it. Specifically, something that was illuminating stronger than the sun's rays.

At first it was confusing to comprehend it. But after a bit of more observation, they noticed that something was reflecting the sun's rays, more than average in comparison to everything else that this reef carried.

After attaining the ability to completely focus on it, along with swimming closer towards this weird sensation, they saw a plate-like item.

It was laying over a sponge and carried a thick-green colour. Odd itself, and yet here it managed to bring back some memories for the young stingray. He had seen the same type of sea sponges before.

And once more he wondered if these marine animals were supposed to be like this. But at least this time, he had a lot more reasons to observe this weird thing.

Osira had noticed the young man's curiosity. Although she could not understand what the reason behind it was, she didn't want to say anything for the sake of not breaking this boy's concentration. Although they were friends, she understood that this boy wasn't the most mentally capable.

But as she got closer towards the boy, she ignored just how close she had reached towards the sponge. And that's when she felt her vision going dark, along with her consciousness fiddling away.

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