I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 197: Swift decisions

Chapter 197: Swift decisions

It was a real problem that those egotistic and tradition-led shrimp, didn't allow their old ladies to be a part of this little competition, but now was not the time to be worried about it.

This governing situation is planned to be fixed in a rush. As although the king showed interest, he couldn't care less about these shrimp and their community. Although harsh, the use of these shrimp here was to behave like a barricade against the reef's death.

There are thousands of other critters who are doing the same job, so paying too much attention to one particular side could be only labelled as a waste of time.

So now, he just wanted to handle the situation swiftly and hunt for any other holy-tar tribes that he could massacre. It was even more motivating to rush this procedure, after thinking about his siblings; who most likely weren't resting, all for the sake of completing the overall hunt-down mission.

So after thinking it a bit through, he decided that this little competition could be cut short, by asking the same question to these various fish. "What would you do, if you got an important job in this community?"

It was a tricky question. Although it couldn't help to entirely understand a shrimp's goals, the character perks they would give upon answering such a question, would be enough to pick which ones deserve a good position.

Various answers were heard from the crowd of 36 shrimp, but only a few of them stood out. Most of these elders forced every topic towards the community's honour and tradition. Although it was somewhat moving, it proved that they were unfit to have a good position.

The one with the best answer, was an elder who had just entered the old age that every species would experience. His name was Bolt, and he carried a warmer smile compared to the rest.

What he had stated, was thought provoking. "I would make sure that everyone would be safer and organized. My goal would be to set everyone straight and make them understand, that a lot of things aren't worthy enough to die over. And that enough work can help the whole community live easier."

After thinking it over, Timmy questioned. "Okay. Now tell me what the best position would be for any shrimp here? Under the king of course."

The geezer had lived in this community through all of his life, so it was easy to answer. "That would be the grand president."

"Okay. Then you are the grand president from now on." The little stingray stated, behaving as if such a title wasn't a big deal.

Shocking everyone around, but not caring so much about that; he asked for the next shrimp to crawl forward. After a while, he found another shrimp who had a decent answer.

She was a fairly old lady, and one would think that death might reach her the other day, but that wasn't a barricade for a good position.

This lady had recited, "I would command all the families to be calmer, and less angry towards their own kin. A lot of them waste too much time with dumb hate-games. I would make hate like that, illegal."

Although a bit rough and dictator-like, this lady was on the right path in terms of leading. But the king was clueless, so he had to ask a bit more about ranks.

Therefore he questioned, "What position is the best, under the grand president?"

A bit confused regarding why anyone would ask such a question, the good-lady answered. "A president is less important than a grand president."

Wanting to get it over with faster, the king declared. "Okay then you are the president now. I think it's enough commanding power to make other shrimp, behave nicer."

A smile grew on her face as she slightly jumped in excitement, "Thank you!"

What caught the boy's attention next, was another old man. The goals in the midst of these elders continued to grow dumber, but some of them were good enough to own a lower position.

This old man had answered the question with a hint of ego, "I would make these pests have a bit more manners. They behave like clownfish in the reef, too violent. Guards would be assigned to make sure that shrimps don't start any petty fights. Even if they have to be beaten all the way to getting manners."

Although the young king was a bit shocked by such an answer, he could find reasons to think that this geezer had good ideas.

Therefore, he asked. "Okay so what rank is less powerful than a president?"

"A mayor." The latter answered truthfully, feeling confident that he will get the title. "A mayor has a good command over the guards and their captains."

"Okay then you are a mayor from now on." The little boy assured, and wanted to move on towards the other shrimps.

The last couple of shrimp he took an interest on, were apparently twin sisters and they insisted on sharing the same title after the king announced that one of them got it. Their title wasn't really important, so the little boy made an exception.

From now on they will be grand tribe leaders. Meaning if there was a dispute between the small or big tribes in this white-legged shrimp community, these sisters have the responsibility to settle down those disputes with minimalistic losses.

Their claim originated around order, and their way of expression was misplaced but their hearts were in the right place. So Timothy felt comfortable to give them the position.

He didn't care how many shrimps would be angry about these decisions, so he excused everyone and allowed them to get back to their everyday life or their new duties.

The king was also aware that other shrimp had carried positions before, but their titles have been stripped away now as these elders were assigned with them.

It was certain that the blue-dotted boy did not care if those shrimp would get mad. And if they really wanted to change these new ways, they could always try a battle against the king.

Evidently, it felt that the governing situation in this community had been tamed a bit. So he turned towards Osira and spoke, "Let's go. We have a lot of enemies to hunt."

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