I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 199: Whack it

Chapter 199: Whack it

Although one of these good friends had been knocked out cold, the other was rather well and quite observant. Which in exchange had given one of them the opportunity to witness just what the hell was going on. Although, he did not understand how it got to this point.

That green... item, whatever that darn thing was. It had leaped off the sea-sponge and clung on the good lady's face. It was difficult to understand how this alone had managed to knock Osira out, but one thing remained somewhat certain; this situation was turning dire.

Although he had synced in a wave of panic and craved a solution, it was still difficult to think of any idea in terms of handling this situation. So the best option was to direct all attention towards the system, for the sake of reaping out knowledge.

Flaming in aggravation thanks to this situation, he questioned. "What can I do?! Why is this thing attacking my friend!"

Although shouting like a maniac, it was easy to tell apart that concern had grown in his tone. A crack between the sentence had emerged even, as he didn't know how to feel about this.

The system did not answer right away, which itself had managed to build up even more pressure. Yet the young one had no other option but to rely on this lady that was in his head, so patience had to be his best friend right now.

[I don't have the faintest idea what this thing is, but you could try a few methods to latch it off her face]

"Tell me how!" Timmy shouted once more, urging to get rid of this problem asap.

As if sarcastic, the system answered. [Hit the thing with your thing]

Such a sentence was awfully misunderstood in an instance, so the hero had no choice but to ask. "What the fuck?"

[Hit the weird green item with your tail] the system added, as if with a sigh.

She had expected that the guest would understand the recommendation in the very beginning, but yet she somehow forgot that this little stingray wasn't even brighter than a carrot.

While the other end of the stick, thought the complete opposite. He did not understand how a super intelligent and well informed system's first idea, was to whack the shit out of this weird item.

But he most definitely wasn't one to judge once considering desperation. So the plan was put into motion after figuring out just how to do this. The hero was used to slicing enemies, but to literally smack one of them was quite different, as he had to disclude the tip of the barb and any effect it could bring along.

After a little while, he decided to do a front flip. Typically it would be a tad difficult, but with the aid of level 2 body-strength, it felt easy.

He synced into a front flip and allowed for that marvelous tail, to bash right against the enemy's body. It didn't exactly feel effective, but he could swear that this item had somehow flinched.

Sensing that it will go wrong, but still having faith: he continued to use this method of problem solving, and once more whacked this weird thing right across it's middle body.

Surprisingly, it was enough to bash it away from his friend. But now came the matter of understanding it, just what the hell could this plate-like item be? Because before it attacked, it seemed rather solid. But through the actual attack, it had curled its form for the sake of covering the grouper's entire face.

He gave a few more peeks at this odd item, and then decided to swim away from it for the sake of checking up on his friend.

That's when the system had recommended, [You had touched the item, but it didn't hurt you in any way]

Feeling that this was an odd time to state such thoughts, he asked. "So?"

[Bite it]

"What?" He instantly asked, noticing that it was a bizarre idea.

[You need to bite this item, we might be able to reap information out of it]

Sensing that such a new recommendation was putting pressure over him, especially since he aimed to solely look over Osira and put in an attempt to wake the girl up.

Anxiety had spiked up at the moment, and right now he firmly decided to swim over his friend. He didn't have any hands so it was difficult to shake the lady awake. Yet it didn't stop the well-intended boy from trying, as he began headbudding the lady for the same purpose.

Just now had Timothy noticed that this girl's colour was obtaining a shade of green, by the passing moment. Her natural colour had mostly a thick shade of orange, so to see this girl turn green: well, it was very alarming.

His heart sunk down to the tail and a few words wanted to slip through the boy's jaws, but it felt impossible to speak.

Before the sea-pancake could do anything more, he managed to see a few senses of life from the lady. What started off as a light nudge of the lips, continued with a burst of energy.

The blacktipped grouper charged forward, and smashed against a bit of coral but it didn't seem like it damaged the lady. Instead she continued to charge against other portions of coral, and it didn't seem like her energy had any signs of slowing down.

It seemed a bit hazardous when this good lady began charging straight upwards, which could only lead to the sea's surface.

Although happy that she was alive, now another concern grew stronger. As it was difficult to understand just how all of this was happening. He didn't want to allow this lady to be lost while under the influence of such weird effects, so following her was the best option: although his speed was pale in comparison, perhaps a fourth to what the lady could achieve.

They continued to head for the surface, and it took no time to reach it because they both were seemingly at full speed.

That's when it was easier to notice that a big figure was floating across the surface. What it was, didn't exactly carry any importance.

But what swiftly became shocking, was this same figure being attacked by Osira the furious. It was difficult to make up what she had hit with her black-light, but a greater hint was obtained when a few loud splashes against the water were heard.

Upon further observation, he could notice that these splashes had been caused by humans. As a bunch of them were floating across the waters right now, and half of them had familiar weaponry on their hands.

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