Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 294: Realm problems

Chapter 294: Realm problems

The professor turned the ring over several times but frowned as he he couldn't tell anything about the enchantment at all. It was almost like he was looking at a normal piece of scenery and not a complex enchanted item. With a helpless sigh he could only give up on his examinations since he clearly wasn't going to learn anything about it this way. "It's the oddest thing to know that something is a powerful artefact yet unable to tell. Out of curiosity what was that song of yours anyways , I've never heard anything like it before?" he asked curiously.-

"Song?" Nick asked confused about what he was talking about since he fell into a trance during that period and thus didn't remember what happened. "You sang a song while swinging your hammer don't you remember?" Helena asked with a look of confusion. Nick shook his head "The only thing I remember was stepping up the the anvil and then naming the ring to finish the forging , are you saying I sang during that time?" he sought verification and both of them nodded. He frowned at that before Celebrimbor filled him in on what exactly had happened.-

"You sang the song of creation , the music of the Ainur that birthed my world so very long ago. It is truly an honor to bear witness to such a thing." the elf said with the most reverent tone Nick had ever heard from him. "I don't remember any of that I'm afraid." Nick said honestly causing both Flitwick and Helena to look disappointed. They truly wanted to know what exactly that song had been but if Nick himself didn't know there was nothing to be done about it. "It is not a thing to be remembered but felt as it is the harmony of concepts rather than something physical." Celebrimbor explained.-

Nick finally chose to turn in the mission he had gotten after the system updated now that he felt he wasn't cheating the system. This resulted in one item ticket , five hundred galleons and a crafting method ticket popping up in the new realm. It was weird as Nick could FEEL the whole realm as well as everything in it as though it were a part of himself. 'No wonder they all got so angry when Morgoth corrupted the realm. It's like someone pissing on your hand.' he thought seriously.-

Nick didn't hold back on any questions Helena or Flitwick asked him about his new ring that sat comfortably on the ring that previously held Greed. They were mostly just curious about what it did as well as what sort of benefits it had. To answer these he directly brought them into the rings realm. "My goodness! A livable expanded space that feels just like standing outside , how wonderful!" Flitwick squeaked in excitement as he waved his hand s creating a small breeze that rotated around the tiny planet. "So long as I continuously feed it resources it will also grow larger as well." Nick explained proudly.-

"Is there a limit to how large this space can get?" Helena asked curiously while picking up a book that was just sitting on the ground. When greed had been integrated into this new ring all of it's contents had been haphazardly thrown about and Nick hadn't had the time to organize them again. "No in theory if I feed the ring enough resources I can expand this realm infinitely." Nick answered honestly. "Incredible! This is truly a masterwork deserving of praise without any doubt!" Flitwick said with a massive smile.-

"I could not have done it without both of your help. Honestly speaking this realm only has a single issue that makes it less than perfect." Nick said with a sigh. "What might that be?" Flitwick asked confused since as far as he was concerned this realm was perfect. "It is bound to myself so no one other than me can ever own it even if i wanted to pass it to another." Nick said honestly. Flitwick was startled by this but after thinking about it couldn't help but remember the drop of shining blood Nick had used to bring the ring under control during the enchanting process.-

"Think nothing of it my boy , this just means you now have something that everyone else can only be envious of." the professor said with a smile. Nick nodded "That's true I suppose , but now I have the headache of trying to figure out how to grow this realm without sacrificing huge chunks of our planet to it." he said helplessly. As the owner of the realm Nick was innately aware of what was needed to expand the realm. It was a simple process really as he first needed to add space somehow then fill the extra space with air , stone and water to expand the tiny planet.

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