Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 293: Arda Milme

Chapter 293: Arda Milme

Nick saw that he was once again in the workshop and that Flitwick was looking over him worriedly. "Ugh , how long was I out?" he asked as he sat up. He had a headache but wasn't all that surprised about it considering he was fairly certain he had just witnessed the birth of a world. "About six hours or so." The small professor said and relaxed as he noticed that Nick was fine. Nick was better than fine in fact as he was not only fully restored in terms of energy but also felt a strange pressure on his mind.-

Examining this pressure he quickly found himself once again standing in the void but unlike in his previous "dream" the elements were in chaos and clashed violently against each other. Nick pulled back his examination of the pressure and stumbled for a moment in disorientation. "No need to worry , that was my doing." he reassured Flitwick with a smile. Helena had apparently been keeping the enchantment on the ring unstable this whole time and was clearly struggling with it. Nick picked his hammer up from the ground next to the anvil and didn't glow even though he channeled his energy.-

He then fell into a trance as he started to sing a primal and wordless song that sent shivers down Flitwick and Helena's spines. As he sang his hammer rose and fell on the unfinished ring sending an invisible magical shockwave from his body that every wizard in the world past the third threshold of power felt. They didn't know what it was but the rhythm seemed to strike at their very souls and brought tears to their eyes though they knew not why. Grindelwald wept freely with a wide smile and an unmistakable expression of joy.-

"So you have finally taken that step it seems , I can't wait to see the world you build for myself." he spoke cryptically much to the confusion of his subordinates nearby. Dumbledore also wept but had a confused but calm expression. He knew what was causing this phenomenon but didn't know how the person responsible was doing it. The Flammels also shed tears but both had joyous expressions as for the briefest moment that the rhythm lasted they had felt the birth of a mythical craftsman. Still as the song of creation circled the globe it sent quite a few wizards into a panic since they did not know what they were experiencing and the fear of the unknown crept up on them.-

The only powerful wizard who did not feel this rhythm was Voldemort in the forest's of Albania. His incomplete soul and lack of a magical core since he had no body meant that the rhythm passed through him unseen and unfelt. The biggest phenomena however was that for this brief instant every single magical beast on the planet was silent. They dared not make any noise as the song of creation resonated with each and every one of them.-

Soon Nick sang the final note of his song and strike the ring on the anvil one final time before he fell out of his trance. He didn't know why but he instinctively knew that he needed to place Greed on this new ring which he did without hesitation. Greed sank into the large shifting ring alongside all of it's contents and the ring glowed a bright rainbow light before solidifying into a strange glowing glass like form. Nick spoke one last time to complete this forging session and the ring "Arda Milme"(Realm of avarice).-

[Ring: Arda Milme


Abilities: Autosizing , Formless , Devouring Counterattack , Fear transformation , Storage(three cubic meters) , bound(Nicholas Ravenclaw) , false world , growth

MYTHICAL ABILITY: Realm: A small pocket dimension capable of supporting life that can grow infinitely so long as it is fed enough materials.

Description: A monstrous creation that was created to be a hellish defender of it's owners belongings stored within. Much like a boggart the ring doesn't have a set form and is deceptively plain until provoked. This ring contains a false realm dimension bound to it's creator that can grow infinitely.

System appraisal: A complex and powerful creation that deserves a place within myth created by an established ring smith]

Nick's eyes bugged out when reading the system appraisal of the ring sitting on his anvil as it was far more powerful than he had even thought. He also had a sneaking suspicion that the only reason the ring wasn't legendary grade was because it lacked a second transcendent ability and that it's current realm was only three meters large. "Is it done?" Flitwick asked while looking at the strange glass like ring on the anvil. Nick nodded and handed the half goblin the ring which shrank down to normal size the moment he touched it.

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