Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 295: Visit

Chapter 295: Visit

"What do you mean?" Flitwick asked curiously. "The resources I need to expand the space available in this ring is space itself and the material that makes up our own world. Basically the only way to increase the size of this realm is to feed it parts of our own which is as you know is in rather limited quantities." Nick explained helplessly. "Would conjured material work?" Helena asked while casting a spell that summoned a boulder from thin air. When she released it the boulder evaporated and yet no change occurred in the realm save a tiny uptick in mana concentration in the air.-

"Nevermind." she said awkwardly after seeing the lack of reaction the realm had to her conjuration. "I'm sure you can grow this place plenty without worrying about the earth , just don't go sacrificing whole mountains and I'm sure no one will even notice." Flitwick said reassuringly. Nick nodded before bringing them out of the realm and back into the workshop. Unlocking the door to the workshop Nick was surprised to find Dumbledore waiting outside it. "TEMPUS!" Nick checked the time but found that it was only 5:27 pm.-

"Good evening professor , is there something you need?" Nick asked a little confused why the man was here at all. "Yes actually , could you perhaps explain the phenomena that swept the globe earlier?" Dumbledore asked with an amused expression while Nick went six shades paler in an instant. "Did you say the globe?" Nick asked for confirmation and the old wizard nodded while letting himself into the workshop. "Oh yes it caused quite the stir from what my sources tell me , the ministries around the globe think it's a precursor to something else but I know differently." the headmaster said casually.-

Nick looked confused "A precursor to what? Grindelwalds insanity?" he questioned out loud. "I can assure you that Gellert is anything but insane , though I am curious as to why you seem aware of what he plans to do." Dumbledore said with a look of interest as he sat down in one of the chairs Nick had moved into the workshop for his friends. "I may have read a tome or two on the topic of rituals in my free time and the sacrifices didn't make much sense if that was how he restored his youth. Add on his binding oath and it's pretty clear he has something really big planned that is probably not a good thing." Nick said honestly.-

Dumbledore chuckled "yes that is a fairly good deduction of the situation thought I am certain I had all the tomes on rituals within the library moved the forbidden section." he said with an amused look. "There are more sources of information than just the library at my finger tips you know." Nick said dodging that verbal pitfall easily. "I suppose that is true , we've gotten a bit off topic however." The old goat said not pressuring Nick at all on the topic of his forbidden knowledge. Nick shrugged "I don't remember that particular timeframe unfortunately but these two can probably explain it a little better than I could since they do." he explained while pointing at Flitwick and Helena.-

Dumbledore seemed surprised but after listening to the others account of the situation had an understanding look on his face. "A magical epiphany , quite the rare event even for master crafters but one valuable enough that many would be willing to sacrifice much to experience it themselves. I am a bit envious to be honest as I myself have only experienced such a thing three times in all my experiences." the old man said with a smile.-

"Why have I never heard of something like that until now?" Nick asked with a frown. "In this case I'm afraid you are a victim of your own success. Should you have learned crafting in the traditional manner you would likely be well aware of this information as it is an open secret amongst crafters like us. By creating your own methods however you lack the knowledge of the traditional crafters and as such weren't aware of such a thing until now." Dumbledore explained helpfully and Nick grimaced since the old goat was probably right.-

His knowledge of crafting was based on the information within Celebrimbor's inheritance and as such only included what he deemed important to the craft. The fact the elf himself had also not mentioned this topic at least once meant he was probably unfamiliar with it as well. 'Perhaps it is a phenomena unique to this worlds magical energy?' Nick wondered to himself. "With that answered I find myself curious as to what you created during that event." Dumbledore said with a curious gaze at the glowing glass like ring on Nick's hand.

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