Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 285: Attention

Chapter 285: Attention

"You know it's illegal to create new animals right?" Daphne asked with a small amount of worry. "The law says it's illegal to do it on purpose whereas she was about as accidental as it gets. That reminds me for whatever reason but don't make her mad or she might eat your soul." Nick said casually while all of his friends stiffened. "Why am I not surprised that a creature you made , accidental or not , can eat souls of all things?" Tracy asked with a sigh. "To be fair I'm not a hundred percent certain on that ability since she had it as a ring but as she is now there's no telling what she's capable of." Nick said with a shrug.-

He had long since accepted that his life was going to be strange beyond belief so he was starting to get desensitized to crazy shit happening around him. Clearly his friends were right there next to him as they recovered from the shock of learning that the adorable monster they were cuddling could probably eat souls in a heartbeat. "So basically she looks all cute and stuff but is probably ridiculously dangerous?" Daphne asked for verification purposes.-

"Yeah that about summarizes it nicely. As a plus though she seems too lazy to try and hurt people." Nick said with closed eyes. "You know Hagrid's gonna lose his mind when he sees her. Man thought a dragon was cute even after it set his beard on fire." Ron said exasperated. 'I wonder if I should tell him about Aragog? Nah no need to make him avoid Hagrid over something deep in the forest.' Nick thought to himself with a chuckle. "ZAP!" A loud sound like a small spark of electricity going off filled the air and Nick felt a sudden weight on his lap.-

Opening his eyes he was left speechless as Luna was sitting on his lap with a confused expression with Nazgul in her arms. "What just happened?" Nick asked confused. "She teleported in a bright flash of lightning." Harry said with wide eyes. "Elemental teleportation huh? That's handy." Nick said honestly. Luna slid off of his lap and complained "Why are you so hard?" she said while rubbing her backside. Nick nearly choked on his tongue when she said this as his thoughts immediately went to a lewd place.-

*Cough* "I have a lot of muscle." he said with a bit of a blush. Nazgul wiggled out of Luna's arms and flapped her wings a few times to move through the air and crash into Nick's lap hard. He winced in pain at that but chuckled and scratched her on the top of the head. "Need to work on your landing little one or I'm going to have a lot of bruises." he said with a chuckle. Luna looked heartbroken to be left by Nazgul but chose to grab Steve instead. The hefty niffler was perfectly okay with that too.-

It took awhile but Dusk slowly grew more comfortable with Nazgul after seeing she genuinely had no interest in him. No she was far more interested in taking a nap with Nick on his reclining chair than anything else. Rather than continuing to bother Nick his friends went back to what they were doing when he arrived earlier. For most the sound of crafting and dueling would be loud and impossible to sleep through but for Nick it was a wonderful symphony lulling him to rest. He got shook awake a couple hours later by Harry since it was dinner time.-

Standing up with a yawn Nick moved Nazgul into his left arm and left the workshop for the great hall. Dusk sat on one of his shoulders while the fat Steve stood on the other making Nick look like he had too many creatures. Steve and Dusk were things everyone was used to seeing but Nazgul drew quite a bit of attention. Nick sat her the table in plain view of the entire great hall where she much like the other two magical beasts ravaged the food on the long table. Nick was of course doing his damage to the food as well but the beasts had him beat hands down.-

Hagrid at the professors table looked like he wanted nothing more than to charge over and examine Nazgul in detail while most of the other teachers had exasperated looks. It was bad enough having to deal with a ho-ho and a niffler but now they whatever this thing was as well. Still there was nothing they could do about it as the ho-ho had a bad temper making it untouchable and the niffler was practically adored by the majority of the female population in the castle. This new thing though was apparently familiar bound to Nick so they absolutely couldn't do anything to it. Familiars were sacred things in wizarding culture so acting against them would have the entire community breathing down ones neck.

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