Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 286: Red tape

Chapter 286: Red tape

Nick spent the next few days dealing with the bureaucratic nightmare that was registering a new species , verifying his familiar status with Nazgul , having interviews with several over eager magi zoology papers , receiving hundreds of letter requesting the privilege to study Nazgul from various different wizards globally and then all his schoolwork as well. Needless to say he was mentally exhausted by the time the weekend came again. He had discovered a few new things about Nazgul's magical abilities over the last week as well as she occasionally showed off something new. The first thing he verified was that she does still eat souls though the energy doesn't get passed to him afterwards.-

Instead she stores it within her body to fuel both her growth and another magical ability. Nick had been steadily feeding her the souls of insects , fish , toads and rats to help her stock up on energy since he discovered this. Obviously those souls didn't give a lot of energy but it was better than nothing in his opinion. Still all that energy let her grow considerably so Nazgul is currently the size of a medium size dog breed like a Shiba.-

Nick had also discovered that she had an innate ability to freely manipulate spiritual energy in a manner nearly identical to the way he himself does. The biggest difference was that she was leagues better at it than he was with a one hundred percent efficiency compared to his roughly seventy three percent efficiency. Nick was more than a little jealous to say the least but chose to swallow his jealousy. She also had an ability that he identified it's source immediately due to it's uniqueness. She could kill or petrify with a single look if she wanted to as Nick had learned when she killed a feral rat with the ability.-

The ability was thankfully active instead of passive like in the case of the basilisk so she had full control over it. The most valuable magical ability though in Nick's opinion was a type of fire she could create using her stores of spiritual energy. According to the system it was known as purgatory fire and was one of the only three spiritual flames in existence besides hell fire and holy fire. The system shop had a seed of the stuff listed at a staggering fifty billion points making it stupid expensive.-

Despite that however he couldn't cheat and feed a seed to the system for a bunch of points as the system refused to take it. Still he wasn't too upset about it since he could simply add it to his furnace and use it for his forging , which he did. Other than that he hadn't seen any other magical abilities from Nazgul other than that. Peeves on the other hand learned the hard way that pranking her was a bad idea and was now terrified of her. Despite being amortal and thus unkillable via most methods Nazgul directly attacked his ghostly body and tore his essence apart.-

He regenerated after a couple days but the memory of the pain it brought him was enough to make the poltergeist give Nick's group a VERY wide berth. Nick hadn't forgotten the previous attack on Dusk but had been far too busy to focus on Peeves so this worked out great. There was no point in killing the poltergeist anyways as another would be created by the end of the year due to the chaotic energy of the student population. Waking up on saturday after sleeping in a bit Nick got dressed and woke up Nazgul as well.-

She yawned and stretched out on the bed that she insisted she sleep in before walking next to Nick as he left the dorm. Today was the opening match of the quidditch season at Hogwarts between Gryffindor and Slytherin so Nick and his friends were going to cheer Harry on. "You slept in rather late today it seems." Hermione noted as he walked into the common room. "It's been an exhausting week and I needed the sleep." Nick said with a shrug. "Just remember not to get lazy like the Ron or Harry." she said sternly.-

*YAWN!* "We aren't lazy classes are just boring is all." Ron said with a tired yawn as he and Harry came down from the boys dorm stairway. "He's not wrong you know , I mean look at how much effort he puts into wood working. He's quickly catching up to me and I was taught by Olivander himself." Nick said taking Ron's side. Hermione huffed but didn't argue since Nick was right about how much progress Ron was making. The only real trouble Ron was having at the moment was getting the runes and wand opening charm down.

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