Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 284: Settling matters

Chapter 284: Settling matters

"You can both relax , she isn't likely to harm either of you." Nick said both to Dumbledore and Fawkes. The headmaster chose to trust Nick on this and relaxed visibly while the phoenix looked much less like it believed him though it did calm down considerably. Lord of birds or not he was holding what may as well be the grim reaper in his arms so caution was well warranted. Nick took a seat across from Dumbledore and rested Nazgul on his lap which she immediately sprawled out on leisurely which made her seem totally innocent and peaceful.-

"I'm going to be blunt here I have almost no idea what she is despite being familiar bound to her. I know what she was and how she was born , but I am at a loss as to what she is now beside terrifying." Nick said without sugar coating any thing at all. He then lifted up the end of Nazgul's tail to show the headmaster the ring at the end of it. For the first time Nick had ever seen Dumbledore's eyes widened and his mouth gaped open in shock. Nick couldn't exactly blame the man considering he basically just said he totally created a brand new lifeform.-

Nick decided to break down the process by which Nazgul turned into her current form from the beginning until now without revealing the fact he had been feeding her soul pieces and most recently whole souls. Instead he said she was merely accumulating more and more energy until she got enough to turn into her current form which wasn't wrong. Dumbledore had a very serious expression by the end of Nick's explanation while Fawkes seemed to have calmed down mostly. "I believe you , however this is a very serious matter as it is very illegal to attempt to create new creatures." he said sternly.-

"With that said it is clear that you had never intended for this outcome and are thus not going to get punished after this gets reported to the ministry." Nick sighed in relief since he really didn't want to go on the run due to Nazgul's accidental birth. "The matter of it being familiar bonded to you complicates matters a bit but I am sure that after a small probationary period you will have no trouble keeping it with you." Dumbledore laid it out seriously but kindly.-

"She." Nick corrected and Dumbledore chuckled "She it is then. You wouldn't happen to know any abilities she may have that might be good to know for the report do you?" he asked and Nick shook his head. "Honestly speaking I have an idea but I can't definitively say weather or not they are true." he said helplessly. It was true too since until Nazgul showed off any abilities she might have he honestly wouldn't know. Even the ability to eat souls might have changed in some manner , he had no idea. System appraisal also didn't work on animals so that idea was out.-

Dumbledore didn't seem surprised to hear this at all since it was not unusual for new species to have unknown abilities. "If that's all I expect you aught to go introduce the little one to your friends." the old man said and sent Nick out of the office. looking over to Fawkes he sighed "You couldn't by chance tell me what was so dangerous about that little thing could you?" he asked and the reply he got back was a single concept an idea if you would , Death.-

Nick on the other hand was once again walking through the halls with Nazgul in his arms comfortably. It didn't take long for him to get to the workshop that was unlocked and occupied by his little group. Luna immediately lit up and rushed over forcefully interrupting her duel with Harry the moment she saw Nazgul. Dusk was also in the room but was hiding behind the furnace nervously. "Hello aren't you just the cutest thing ever , yes you are!" Luna said while snatching Nazgul out of Nick's hands and giving her a spinning hug. I only took the other girls a heartbeat after that to follow suit and shower the newborn with affection.-

Nick looked at Steve "Looks like you aren't the cutest thing around me anymore mate." he said with a chuckle and Steve just looked confused. "Anyone one else going to notice out that the angry bird looks terrified of whatever that is." Ron pointed out how freaked out Dusk was of Nazgul. That got everyone's attention as they looked and indeed Dusk was cowering away from the newborn fearfully. "Now that you mention it what even is this anyways?" Tracy asked confused. "She is Nazgul and she is my familiar , as for species it doesn't have a name since she is the first of her kind." Nick said while taking a seat to relax.

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