Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 226: Detention

Chapter 226: Detention

Pulling the cover off he spoke dramatically "Yes , freshly caught Cornish pixies!" he said as revealed the tiny electric blue winged humanoid creatures with sharp faces and shrill voices that sounded like parakeets arguing. When exposed to the light after that cover was removed they all went ballistic and chaotic as they stared at the students. Seamus Finnigan couldn't hold back his laughter any more and Lockhart locked onto him "Yes?" he questioned. "Well they aren't really dangerous at all Right?" Seamus asked thinking this whole thing was a joke. "Don't be so sure of that." Lockhart said with a smirk.-

"Devilish tricky little blighters they can be! Alright then. Lets see what you make of them!" He then said loudly before making the mistake of opening the bird cage and setting the things free. Immediately the pixie's burst out of the cage and immediately began causing chaos around the classroom. Nick casually waved his wand "PROTEGO!" and summoned a shield dome over his classmates but purposefully left Lockhart out of it. It only took a few of the pixies crashing into the shield to realize that the students were safe and turning their malicious gaze exclusively on Lockhart.-

Nick had to give the man credit in that he still tried to get off his bogus pixie removal spell before his wand was thrown out of the window by the creatures and they started tormenting him. A few of his fan girls tried to help him but all that got them was attacked by the pixies when Nick retracted the shield from them specifically. Manipulating the rough shape of a shield charm was a breeze since the wording of the spell made no mention as to it's shape at all but rather only it's function.-

Nick watched with a calm expression as Lock had his hair cut , pulled and burned by the pixies that used a candle on it. They also stuff quills up his nose and pantsed him in front of the whole class showing them his him themed boxers. When the bell rang dismissing them Nick was the first to leave the class since Harry and him had sat at the back of the class near the door. The rest of his classmate hurriedly followed as the shield began to flicker dangerously without Nick fueling it any more.-

The shield lasted right until the door of the classroom closed behind the last person sealing the Pixies in the room with Lockhart and his fangirls. Ron was beaming at Nick "That was bloody brilliant mate! What did you mean about it not happening again though?" he asked curiously. "Hmm? Oh! That was because I was planning to have detention during his class for the rest of the year , haven't figured out which teacher to ask though any suggestions?" Nick answered casually. All of his friends and those listening in were left speechless at what he said as he while most people try to avoid detention he was planning to use it as an excuse to avoid Lockhart.-

"That's a great idea! Why don't we all do that as well?" Tracy suggested eagerly. Nick shook his head at this "The only people here who might get away with this plan is myself and Hermione since we are already more advanced than the rest of our class so we don't strictly speaking need to attend his class." he explained honestly leaving them heartbroken at this truth. "I for one think it's rude to Professor Lockhart and won't be doing that." Hermione said disapprovingly. Nick shrugged "Suit yourself , but do keep in mind the option is always available" he said not minding.-

Nick Continued chatting with his friends for a while as they all settled on Flitwick as the best option for this plan of Nicks. Separating from them to go have this chat with Flitwick Nick went to the third floor past his workshop to the mans office and knocked on the door. The door open on it's own and Nick saw Flitwick sitting at his desk going over papers from his other classes. The half goblin looked up and saw Nick and smiled "Nick it's good to see you. What can I do for you today?" he asked curiously.-

Nick grinned "Now this may sound a bit weird but I need you to give me detention for the rest of the year." he said with a chuckle when Flitwick looked totally confused. "To be more specific a sort of detention in which it just so happens to overlap with Defense against the dark arts." Nick added and Flitwick sighed "Fools already gotten under your skin it seems , well go on tell me what he's done that was so bad." the small Professor said tiredly not even dismissing Nick's idea like he normally would.


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pa /pa treon_loskro

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