Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 227: Detention(2)

Chapter 227: Detention(2)

Nick helped himself to the chair across from Flitwick and spoke "So I take it all the teachers are also aware of the mans foolishness then?" Nick asked curiously. The small man scoffed "Of course we know about how unqualified the man is for the position , most of us were the ones who taught him! We are helpless in this matter however as that blasted curse makes sure we can't keep a teacher in the position for more than a year. The people willing to take the position is honestly miniscule as a result. " He said with irritation.-

"If that curse were removed and a truly suitable candidate found could Lockhart be sacked for incompetence and endangering students?" Nick asked with a devious plan forming in his head. Flitwick didn't dismiss Nick question since he had long learned that he operated on a totally different spectrum from normal wizards after witnessing the way his enchantment method worked last year. "In theory the fool would need to do something truly dangerous involving his students but yes I could see Albus doing so if it were possible." Flitwick answered honestly. Nick grinned in a cheshire manner hearing that and Flitwick knew the crazy boy had a plan.-

"Don't keep me suspense lad what have you got rolling around in that head of yours at the moment." Flitwick asked eagerly. "It just so happens that when I visited Gringotts to handle my families account I learned a rather interesting secret about the founders. See they may have been willing to relinquish all legal ownership of the castle but they left backdoors for their descendants to have more authority of the castle than any other student in the form of a blood imprint. The curse on the school is the result of he who must not be named correct?" Nick asked and Flitwick nodded liking where this was going.-

"As it turns out one of that man's claims was that he was a descendant of Salazar Slytherin which if true poised him perfectly to leave a curse in a way that only the descendant of another founder could remove. I as it so happens fit that category quite handily." Nick finished speaking and Flitwick was grinning ear to ear. "Marvelous , truly fantastic! So when do you plan to rid us of this irritating curse and how can I help?" the man asked eagerly.-

"My plan involved waiting for Lockhart to be replaced before working together with the Headmaster to isolate and expunge the curse since I am admittedly unable to tell where it is since it was already a part of the wards when I first arrived. Dumbledore however is quite likely to have seen the changes made personally and as such is uniquely set to remove the curse once it was isolated." Nick said clearly uneasy that he even needed to include Dumbledore in this matter. "I can understand your dislike of Albus but I assure you that he had the best of intentions." Flitwick said trying to ease some of the animosity Nick had for his long time colleague.-

Nick looked the short man in the eyes sternly "I am aware of his intentions which is the only reason I have left him mostly alone past the necessary payback for his actions." he said seriously and Flitwick believed him too. The boy had shown that if pushed he was more than willing to attack in extremely efficient and humiliating ways. Mean streak aside he was otherwise fairly easy to approach and tended to joke around most of the time.-

"Enough about that though , lets talk about replacement for the idiot likely still getting torn apart by the Cornish pixies he released in the class earlier." Nick said smirking as he imagined the horrible treatment Lockhart must be going through. Flitwick blinked in disbelief as if he couldn't believe what he had heard. "Could you explain what you mean exactly?" he asked and Nick was more than happy to narrate the events of his previous class as well as the way he had left Lockhart. Flitwick shuddered at the thought of the sort of increasingly twisted and terrible things that the pixies may have subjected the man to just because he antagonized Nick.-

As a master at charms and dueling Flitwick was intimately aware of the fact that including Lockhart behind the shield charm Nick used would have barely been more than a twitch in effort but Nick hadn't wanted to bother. "I suppose I can agree to your detention idea until Lockhart gets replaced but this needs to be brought to Albus first to continue this discussion." Flitwick said while sighing as he got up to go save Lockhart.


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pa /pa treon_loskro

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