Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 225: Foolish Lockhart

Chapter 225: Foolish Lockhart

These reminders helped his classmates greatly in jogging their memories of the subject making them not fail as badly as they would have without them. Ron's performance was night and day with what is was in the book with him having a functional wand this time. He still had trouble of course but no more than anyone else really. Hermione being her normal overachieving self was transfiguring her beetles into different colored buttons of different sizes as well. 'She's going to take it pretty badly in a bit when we have Lockhart's class.' Nick thought with a chuckle.-

He was just going to leave his paper blank in Lockhart's class as he neither cared about the man nor felt the need to add to his ego. If Lockhart tried to call him out for this Nick had no problem at all pointing out that the man's job was to teach them defense against the dark arts and literally nothing more. As a result when he saw that none of the questions were about the subject felt no need to pay it any attention. It was not only a valid answer but also pointed out the mans lack of professionalism , two birds with one stone.-

Things played out a little differently when they went to the mans class after lunch however. "Ah Mr. Ravenclaw just the person I needed to speak with!" Lockhart said with a wide smile when Nick and his friends approached the classroom. Judging from the shifty way his eyes kept going to Dusk on Nick's should Nick doubted this would go very well. "You see I heard about the incident yesterday with your pet here and assumed I would graciously offer to take it off your hands since it requires an exceptional wizard such as my self to tame such a beast." Lockhart said eagerly.-

Before Nick could even say anything however the man had the audacity to actually reach his hand out to try and grab Dusk like he was some common chicken. Dusk wasted no time at all flaring up with his flames causing the pompous blonde the retreat in fear. Nick smiled and stroked Dusk's chest to calm him down before looking at Lockhart. "Your first mistake was assuming that Dusk is a pet and not a companion. The mistake after that was assuming I was the one who gets to dictate where he goes and more importantly with whom."-

"And your final mistake was attempting to lay a single finger on him without his permission which is a big taboo with all immortal birds as I'm sure someone so "accomplished" would know." Nick said condescendingly before walking into the room and sitting next to Harry who high fived him. Nick spoke nothing but the truth about Dusk just now because that was all that was needed. Nick didn't own Dusk and was not in fact in control of him in any regard , the bird was with him of it's own free will and as a result was equally free to leave if it wished.-

More than a few girls were glaring at Nick as though it was his fault that Lockhart made a fool of himself in view of the whole class. 'Ugh , Fucking fangirls are the worst.' he thought disdainfully before choosing to ignore them and split a cookie with Harry as Lockhart made his way to the front of the room. Nick had to give the man credit as he played off that whole incident as a test on his part when it clearly wasn't.-

After that though the class went nearly exactly as he expected with Lockhart passing out that ridiculous test of his and Nick not even putting his name on the paper. After taking all of the papers it became clear to Nick that the man had kept an eye out for his paper. "Mr. Ravenclaw where is your paper?" he asked with a frown after going through the pile twice. "I didn't do it." Nick said casually. "Why not?" Lockhart pressed clearly unhappy. "It didn't have a single question on the class itself nor on any of "your" solutions to magical defense from your books." Nick said evenly.-

"Minus ten points from Gryffindor , Next time I expect you to do whatever work I assign you without any mistaken thoughts on the subject." Lockhart said with barely contained anger. "Not to worry , it won't happen again." Nick said with a mocking smile. Lockhart snorted softly before switching back to his false persona and pulling out a large birdcage covered by a cloth. "Within this cage lies a most terrible creature indeed be warned any movement might set them off." the man said trying to build suspense before pulling off the cloth.


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pa /pa treon_loskro

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