Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 215: Accidentally discovered ability

Chapter 215: Accidentally discovered ability

The girls easily accepted this answer since Ron and Harry were sort of giving Nick the cold shoulder last they knew. Soon enough the food trolley came by and Nick treated everyone to some chocolate bars , apple juice and sandwiches while also buying up several boxes of every flavored beans so they could play blind man's luck. Luna needed to be taught the rules but once she was she turned out to be a menace to play against as her ability to somehow sense the future made her nigh unbeatable. Her divination talent came as no surprise to Nick since it was pretty heavily implied in the books.-

It was never actually explained how but in the books she always seemed to know what was going on at any given moment even without an explanation and while some of that could be attributed to her reading the emotions of others the rest was clearly something else. Innate divination abilities was the closest possible magical ability he could find to describe how she did this. Perhaps it wasn't so pronounced to the degree Grindelwalds own ability was where he could literally see into the future but she was certainly gifted in the field extraordinarily.-

Luna seemed to use this future sense of her to predict what color the beans were as well as which bean was foul tasting. Honestly speaking this was pretty much as close to cheating at the game as you could get but he couldn't oust her due to lacking any real tangible evidence. That didn't mean he had to play the game against her however and as such was always the bystander when she played. The other girls warmed up to Luna pretty easily once they got past the weird talks about magical creatures that had no evidence to exist and whatever the hell nargles were.-

Nick found it almost cute how Luna kept trying to get him to show her his magical energy in various ways. The best one in his opinion , though that might be his pride at fault , was when she talked about how it was the prettiest color she had ever seen and that she really wanted to see it again. He messed with her after that by very precisely controlling his magical energy to form minute shapes on his skin such as a snake slithering around him or a when he tried to make it appear like lightning flashing across his body.-

That last one caused an actually physical manifestation of that exact element however startling everyone including himself. "That's new." Nick said awkwardly while he was stared at by everyone in the compartment. "You just live to make the rest of us feel small don't you." Tracy complained in envy. Even Daphne couldn't help but nod her head in agreement at this since nick was frankly speaking already an insane existence and now he seemed to have yet another new magical ability besides whatever the hell that creepy sixth sense of his was.-

She was completely choosing to ignore the frightening command of birds he also had and never tried to hide. Daphne had seen birds drop out of the sky to greet Nick before he dismissed them and the only thing even remotely similar she knew about was parseltongue but that was snakes and many levels worse than whatever this ability was. "So lighting huh? That's a pretty cool ability if you can like summon and control storms and stuff." Luna said and Nick stiffened for a moment. He had actually somehow forgotten that thunderbirds could control weather until now and as such never actually tried to do that until technically just a few moments ago.-

Until now the only lightning he had used was that of the spell he accidentally discovered quite awhile ago. "Please tell me you can't actually summon storms and control them." Tracy whined almost begging him to say that was ridiculous. She was going to be disappointed however "I .... don't think so .... probably." He said not actually sure if he could or not. Tracy seemed to lose all hope and devolved into muttering about how unfair the world was. -

"Can you make a rainbow?" Luna asked while looking at Nick with her best puppy dog eyes. Nick felt his heart skip a beat due to the sheer cuteness overload. "Have a cookie!" He said stressed out while handing her a cookie from Greed which seemed to be enough to placate the girl. "Okay so I'm going to be totally honest with you all , I don't actually know what all abilities I do or do not possess save a couple. I'm willing to take suggestions if you can think of any ideas." Nick said with a sigh since he was sort of coming clean about him having more than one ability.


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pa /pa treon_loskro

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