Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 214: Out numbered

Chapter 214: Out numbered

"Is that right? And who might I ask would spread such clearly exaggerated rumors?" Nick asked playing innocent. "The papers were quite clear that that whole affair was Minister Fudges doing and I wasn't even mentioned in the paper." he said with a grin. "It was Ron , he and Harry wrote to us about it afterwards along with talking about some actions of yours that left us rather hurt." Daphne said calmly. Nick sighed "While I regret a lot of the circumstances surrounding that event there was no other way to do it."-

"The only person in our group who should have had to bear the weight of those actions was myself alone and if it was needed I would do so again." he said with a determined look that none of the girls could bring themselves to argue in the face of. "But enough of that nonsense do tell all about what you've all done this summer since my summer was pretty boring." he said changing the subject easily. "Tracy and I most just finished our homework and relaxed all summer so not really a whole lot to tell. Also weren't you learning how to make wands from Garrick Olivander of all people? How was your summer boring , is he that bad of a teacher?" Daphne asked curiously.-

Nick laughed "Not at all , he is a fantastic teacher. I even got my veritology license." Nick said showing them his recently updated license that now had three golden stars on it each with a large O in them. Daphne and Tracy both looked dumbfounded but Hermione only looked impressed but not like she understood the meaning of the stars or letters in them. "I swear that it's like you aren't even human sometimes , like how in Merlin's name are you already as good as a person with three or fours years experience in only so many months!?" Tracy asked in exasperation and Daphne was nodding in agreement.-

"Speaking of which do you want me to let you all in on a juicy bit of gossip in regards to this?" Nick asked with a cheshire grin that told them volumes of his amusement at the information. They all nodded expectantly "Ron's only sister came in to get matched with her wand and would you like to guess what sort of wand she got?" he said making them start spewing out guesses.-

"All wrong answers I'm afraid , good tries though. No the wand Ron's sister got was in fact none other than one that I made." Nick said and drank in the sight of all of their dumbfounded expressions with a content smile. There was honestly few things more satisfying to see than ones friends in awe of ones self. "Oh you should have seen the look on Ron's face when he found out , it was simply priceless." Nick said with a laugh. It was at this point in time that the door opened again and in walked one Luna Lovegood.-

Nick immediately retracted his magic to below his skin and out of her perception when he saw her but otherwise didn't react much to her appearance. "I would like to sit here." Luna said looking at the spot next to Nick on the seat. "Feel free the help yourself miss Lovegood I'm sure my friends won't mind all that much." he said and his friends each cocked their heads slightly to the side in confusion since they had no clue who Luna was and yet Nick did. "I helped her match with her current wand last month." he explained and they all finally got it and agreed to let Luna join them.-

It was only after Luna sat down that he realized he was literally surrounded by girls with the only other male in the compartment being Steve who was currently getting pampered by Daphne with a content expression. 'Traitor' Nick thought with a slight twitch in his eyebrow at the nifflers willingness to submit to the tender mercies of softhearted girls. Still despite this Nick was mostly unbothered by it since each of the girls were far too young to interest him in a romantic or sexual manner.-

If this situation were to occur say three or four years in the future and that may be very different since anyone with eyes could tell each of these girls would grow into true beauties. "Luna Lovegood." Luna introduced herself in her normal dreamy tone that clearly caught the others off guard much to Nick's amusement. The others introduced themselves and Nick's friends began to familiarize themselves with Luna until the train began to leave the station at which point they realized that Harry and Ron never showed up. "Perhaps they are in another car avoiding me." nick suggested which sounded reasonable despite him meaning something totally different.


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pa /pa treon_loskro

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