Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 216: New abilities

Chapter 216: New abilities

This wasn't an arbitrary decision made in the heat of the moment since Nick has been wanting to reveal his abilities to his friends to a degree anyways. Obviously Luna's inclusion into this matter was unexpected but something told him that she would have learned all of this eventually anyways so it didn't bother him much. He wasn't going to expose his ability to speak and read any language or the exact extent by which his magical senses worked but he had no problem with most of the others. Tracy let out an exasperated sigh when she heard him but Luna just giggled.-

"I knew you were cheating. No one is that good at magic as soon as they get to Hogwarts. So spill it , how does this crazy ability of yours work?" Tracy asked smug in the knowledge that he was merely innately gifted and not just really hard working. Nick shut down that immediately though "It doesn't work like that Tracy so wipe that smug look off your face. Sure it helps but I do STILL have to put in the work to learn magic so it's not all talent but also hard work." he said and she looked stricken.-

Daphne giggled at this since she had expected as much herself but wanted to see Tracy's reaction when she learned it too. "You still cheated though!" Tracy said refusing to just accept that she was wrong. Nick chuckled "Not really my starting point is merely different than all of yours is all. Ignoring that I am quite interested to know what other abilities you all can think of." he said with a curious expression. "Parseltongue?" Daphne asked and Nick shook his head to show that he didn't have it. "What about that weird closeness you have with birds?" Tracy asked having also long noticed it.-

"I suppose that could be considered an ability. I call it avian dominion since all it does is make me the king of all avian creatures which is to say birds mostly." Nick explained honestly. "That sounds nice." Luna said with a smile. "It has it's uses." he agreed. "Well you have that whole lightning thing you did but about about fire or water?" Daphne asked and Nick held out his hand and shaped his magical energy on his palm like water but nothing happened. He then tried it with fire and much like with lightning a small flame immediately sprang to life above his palm yet didn't burn him at all.-

'That makes sense at least since I am pretty sure this ability to summon fire and lightning was inherited from the celestial birds spirit that fused into my soul.' he thought while playing with the small flame curiously. "Ugh! I'm so jealous!" Tracy complained loudly. Nick merely chuckled and retracted his magic back under his skin snuffing out the magical flames above his palm. "You must be sure to only use these abilities to do good." Hermione said as if actually had any idea what she was talking about.-

"I don't exactly plan to go around tossing bolts of lightning at random people for fun you know. Honestly don't understand the appeal to be honest burnt flesh smells terrible." Nick joked and Luna , Daphne and Tracy all laughed while Hermione huffed but didn't argue. "You never did say whether or not you could summon or control the weather." Luna pointed out and Nick looked at the partly cloudy sky out side and while channeling his magic to his entire body he imagined a dark and thunderous sky.-

Nothing happened at first so he thought he was doing it wrong or simply didn't have that ability but then he felt a massive drop in his energy before the wind outside the train began to howl and grey clouds visibly formed. Nick fearfully cut off the supply of energy with a pale expression as his was almost bone dry from that amount of weather manipulation. Taking a few deep breaths to stop himself from panting in exhaustion he fought to keep his eyes open. The girls noticed the change in the weather but also how drained Nick looked from what couldn't have been more than a few seconds of using this ability.-

"I am going to stay away from that one for a long time , by Merlin's saggy beard I'm tired." he said honestly and the girls all agreed that he shouldn't use this ability right now. "Still to think you could actually mess with the weather , are you sure you AREN'T the next Merlin or Dumbledore?" Tracy asked teasingly. "Nah , too much work to be a crowd pleaser like that. I think I'll stick to being barely recognized for my power thank you very much." Nick said half jokingly half very seriously.


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pa /pa treon_loskro

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