Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 179: Mad Eye

Chapter 179: Mad Eye

If that was not enough of a boon he also could read , write and speak elvish that was a magical language like these runes as well. This meant not only could he learn to write standard runes fluently but he also had a runic language exclusively to himself at the moment. No one else in the world had the language save perhaps the few snippets engraved into his rings that translating may as well be impossible with such a small example size. Sure someone could write the words over and over before sending magic through them to figure out a set ability of each word but the full potential of the language was his exclusively.-

Knowing all this Nick focused his mind to learning the runic alphabet provided in this book which was elder futhark in this case. The symbols were headache inducingly strange to look at for any real period of time much less the entire hour Nick spent staring at them. He of course didn't just look at the alphabet this entire time but also read the uses that the book said they had , most of which he knew already.-

It was common stuff like how engraving the runes correctly could produce enchantments or wards. There was even a section that talked about how getting runic phrases tattooed allowed for wandless casting of whatever effect they held. The part that really caught Nick's attention however was that runes were used in veritology in order to amplify the ability to focus a wizards magical energy for more efficient spell casting. There were many different rune combinations for wands but the most used according to the book are the words "power" , "focus" and "spirit". 'So that's why wands seem to affect souls with their bond.' Nick thought interested in the idea.-

The use of runes in rituals was also stated but the author seemed to disdain the topic as they barely covered it. Nick could only shrug at this since everyone had their own bias's and he was in no place to judge in this regard as most known rituals tended to be dark things as far as the world was concerned. To someone so obviously enthusiastic about runes seeing them used in such a manner likely left them with a foul mood. Nick himself would be quite upset to see someone using one of his works used in a dark manner like that as well.-

Unfortunately Nick didn't get to go much further into the book as Olivander showed up at the doorway with a curios expression. "You have a visitor in the lobby , a most curious one at that." he said and Nick looked confused but got up and put his shoes on none the less. Walking out into the lobby of the wand shop he saw a gnarled looking man with thin wiry grey hair a face covered in scars and a peg leg while one of his eyes was an enchanted thing that flitted about the room constantly looking for danger.-

"Alastor Moody. They certainly move fast don't they? I assume you are here in regards to a certain rat correct?" Nick asked with an amused expression. Moody's enchanted eye flicked it's gaze between each of the places Nick held an enchanted item before focusing on Nick himself in a scrutinizing manner. "Constant vigilance I believe it was." Nick said while motioning towards the various protective artifacts on his person. Moody seemed to appreciate the humor of the situation as he relaxed ever so slightly. "Quite so! As for your question I am indeed here about this rodent problem of ours." Moody said gruffly while catching on immediately to not share any details with Olivander.-

IT wasn't that Nick didn't trust the old man but rather that he simply had nothing to do with the matter and Nick didn't want to implicate him. "Looks like I'm heading out again Mr. Olivander." Nick told the old man who nodded and wished him off. Once out of the store Moody roughly grabbed ahold of nick ad apparated away. Nick shook his head and stumbled about from the violent method of transportation once he hit the ground again.-

Looking around he could see that they were in the middle of field with short cut grass for as far as the eye could see. "Couldn't risk anyone over hearing us in that place. Now speak up boy , tell me how you learned about the illegal Animagus status of Black and his friends." Moody barked out gruffly. Nick took a moment to settle his stomach before he spoke "They were rather arrogant while in school and left behind clues for those who could find them. Such as the names used in the artifact known as the marauders map , Moony , padfoot , prongs and wormtail." he explained calmly.


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pa /pa treon_loskro

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